Sep 2012
Today during your WOD, make sure to honor the 343 firefighters who lost their lives braving one of the most horrific events in our recent history, doing what they so bravely do for a living – putting their asses on the line for the rest of us! GOD BLESS each and every one of them. For everyone in the Whole Life Challenge, this coming Saturday at 11:00am we will be
Sep 2012
After just watching over 2+ hours of video on mobilizing to get more out of our selves, it became very apparent to me that we all need to do it…and a lot more of it. I came up with a saying the other day (i’m pretty sure I didn’t coin it) giving a cue to an overly tight individual trying to PR on a lift. I told him ” You
Sep 2012
Each week of the WLCWW will introduce a new “Weekly Challenge” for all participants. The idea of these challenges is to draw in other types healthy and productive daily practices that enhance health and well-being… and to add some week-by-week variety and fun to the game. To make them a relevant part of the Challenge, each successfully completed Weekly Challenge is worth 2 bonus points toward your overall lifestyle score.
Sep 2012
The Whole Life Challenge starts a week from Saturday… are you ready? One of the things that will earn you a point each day of the Challenge is mobilizing (a fancy way of saying “streching”) for 10 minutes. I want to emphasize here that CONSISTENCY is the name of the game. You, I’m sure, have heard of the K.I.S.S. Principle – “Keep It Simple, Stupid”. Well it definitely applies here.
Sep 2012
If you have ever wondered why we swing a kettle bell overhead in CrossFit, Greg Glassman wrote a great article in the CrossFit Journal years back explaining his reasoning for the inclusion of this staple movement into the CrossFit programming. Its always good to know why your doing what your doing, isn’t it? If so, then read on HERE! This video is courtesy of In my opinion, she has a
Sep 2012
In the past 5 months I have had the opportunity to work with many different people from all walks of life. Short people, tall people. Skinny people, over weight people. Supple ones, and those as stiff as a board. Those who sit all day and those who remain on their feet. I could go on and on about the vast amount of differences we all have as individuals, but there
Sep 2012
We are going to start this week off with giving some attention to one of CrossFits more demanding exercises – the front squat. The front squat is an essential movement to life which is why it is a staple here at CrossFit Magnitude. This is a great exercise for a number of reasons. 1) It challenges the spine/pelvic relationship that must be maintained in order to safely and effectively accomplish
Aug 2012
Heres another great article for you talking this time about EFA’s or essential fatty acids. They are essential because our body cannot make them, yet we cant live without them. Your best place to find it is in foods high in omega’s 3 & 6. To find out more on the many benefits of EFA’s and to become aware of the dangers associated with trans fatty acids click HERE! September 1, 2012
Aug 2012
Why I need the Whole Life Challenge more than I think: Because I haven’t set a PR on anything in a while. Because I am asking myself “what’s a PR?” Because Mocha Frappuccino’s have made their way back into my daily routine. Because I can “pinch an inch” (or much more) on my waistline. Because I’ve been half-assing it. Because I’ve been watching someone else give it 110%, and I’ve
Aug 2012
The start of the WLCWW is just a little more than 2 weeks away. We know how daunting preparing for something like this can be, since it touches and effects so many different parts of your life. To help you in this process, we’ve created a preparation checklist that will help you cover all the areas you need to cover before September 15th. The list is in no particular order.
Aug 2012
Shooting the breeze after class, an incredible food source that I’ve heard about in the past but never quite looked into, was brought to my attention. Like any curious fellow, I went home and did some online research (googling) to learn up on this magnificent natural wonder. It is called the Chia Seed. Many of you have heard or tried this out before. For all of you who have never
Aug 2012
As a healthy human being, we all need to be somewhat insulin sensitive. This means that when we eat carbohydrates, which we all do, whether it be fruit, or veggies, or anything else that raises our blood sugar, we need to have cells in our body, preferably muscle cells, that are sensitive (welcoming) of the goods being delivered via insulin. If we are insulin resistant, we lose our ability
Just a quick reminder for those who are signed up already for the Whole Life Challenge, there is a profile page for you to enter some basic information about yourself, a profile pic if you’d like, as well as any non-challenge required health metrics you would like to track over the course of the challenge. You can also post a link on facebook to your profile page and invite
Aug 2012
In the next week or so, we will be announcing a new speciality course concentrating on Strength & Power. It will be headed up by Shawn Diprete – Professional BMX racer who, in his age group, is the guy to beat in these here United States. Shawn has a lengthy background is strength/power training as this has been a big key to his success racing. This course will cover lots of non-traditional
Aug 2012
I stumbled upon a great quote today that was hanging on the wall over a urinal I was using in a public restroom (and I thought these smelly cesspools were good for only one thing). It read “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyways” -John Wayne. I’m sure you all had a little hesitation upon saddling up and heading into CrossFit Magnitude, maybe a little bird on your
Aug 2012
I have noticed some of you are having some concerns over what the proper technique is for breathing while lifting heavy objects. Regardless of the weight being lifted, there are a few techniques to keep in mind that will not only keep things safe, but will also help you lift heavier. For starters, take a huge breath of air before any lift. No just any kind of breath, but one
Aug 2012
August 20, 2012 WOD Strength 7×3 Box squat (heavy, but fast) Conditioning: Complete sets of 21-15-9 for time of: BB Squat clean Pull ups Rx – 135/95 Lv2 – DB squat cleans Lv3 – Med ball cleans
Aug 2012
Whole Life Challenge Worldwide The Whole Life Challenge began with the notion that regular training for your lifestyle in the world is as valuable as regular training for your body in the gym. It grew into a game in which your world is the field, your choices are the movements, and your life is the prize.The Whole Life Challenge is not something you win in the way you are used to winning something. The Whole Life
Aug 2012
In families across the country, it is common behavior for brothers and sisters to clash like titans at the homestead. The funny thing is, when they enter a CrossFit box all differences can be settled in a more productive way! Last night was officially the largest class size we have had since our opening in April. We do have a class limitation of 12 people, however, how could I have
Aug 2012
If you are a new member to CrossFit Magnitude or a seasoned (however short it has been so far) vet, chances are, you have probably been grilled at some point about your movement pattern standards, your eagerness to move forward when there is a great need to stay where you currently are, or for your lack of acknowledging a cue by a coach because you believe you have a it
Aug 2012
Do not forget to signup today for the Whole Life Challenge Worldwide. This challenge is, by design, a tool to help you gain a better understanding of your overall pursuit of health and fitness. At the end of this 8 week challenge, everyone should have a much better idea of what their strengths and weaknesses are in some of the most important areas including – mobility, exercise, nutrition and accountability.
Aug 2012
I just want to say that I am more impressed each and every day with the progress EVERYONE is making. People are hitting PR’s left and right. I am starting to see noticeable changes in your appearance. Confidence levels are raising to new limits every day. If you haven’t noticed by now, this stuff really does work! Hats off to everyone who hit a new PR today in the dead
Aug 2012
There have been whispers. There have been rumors. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here to tell you — they’re all true! The Whole Life Challenge is finally here!, The WLC started at CrossFit LA a year and a half ago, and has now morphed into this worldwide challenge . To throw a number at you, you’ll be playing with 10,000-20,000 people form affiliates around the world! Your hard work and commitment
Aug 2012
* The class schedule for the days we will be short staffed (8/15-8/21) has been set. Make sure to check the schedule and note the new (temporary) changes. I know this summer is still upon us, but I wanted to give a heads up to all of the spinners out there that we will be running a special for the month of September. Our prices for spin cards will be:
Aug 2012
For the past… oh as long as I can recall, we have all been lead to believe that when we injure some part of our body or have created some kind of inflammation that the proper thing to do is take some sort of anti-inflammatory and ICE. In the world of sports medicine we have actually been told to do R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). I have always had a funny