As a healthy human being, we all need to be somewhat insulin sensitive.   This means that when we eat carbohydrates, which we all do, whether it be fruit, or veggies, or anything else that raises our blood sugar, we need to have cells in our body, preferably muscle cells, that are sensitive (welcoming) of the goods being delivered via insulin.  If we are insulin resistant, we lose our ability to uptake the nutrients into our cells with our bodies own delivery methods and require an external source to help aid in the process.  When this state is reached, you are now diabetic!  Also, when we are insulin resistant, fat storage goes into overdrive. Some people who, in attempt to heighten their insulin sensitivity, cut out carbs, some people more than necessary.  A few have suggested that this in itself can lead to insulin resistance, the opposite of what they are trying to achieve.  Here is a good article from Marks Daily Apple that delves deeper into this notion and should relieve any concerns about going low carb.  Click HERE to find out more.

August 28, 2012 WOD


Super squats 1×20 (heaviest possible)

Notes: Warm up with as many sets as necessary to a heavy set of 10, then perform 20.  These are also      known as breathing squats, so it may take some resting and deep breathing at the top of the movement to get past the hardest reps (15-20).

complete 5 rounds for total reps of:

In 90 seconds, Run 200 meters then with the remaining time perform as many reps as possible of:

Sumo dead lift high pull

Rest 90 seconds between each round

Rx – 115/95

Lv2 – 95/75

Lv1 – 75/55