Aug 2012
If you read yesterdays article, one of the things covered was injuries. Guess what – it happens to the best of us. It is an inevitable occurrence. As human beings, we like to push ourselves – sometimes past our own limitations. But maybe you don’t. Maybe you are the type who stops just at the right time, at your exact limit. Will this keep you from getting injured? Maybe. That
Aug 2012
I am constantly scanning the net, magazines, books, and journals to get some perspective on what others are doing, what their different approaches are to the same thing, as well as their logic for do so. I came across an article tonight which speaks to ‘new weightlifters’. When I speak of weightlifting (one word) as this article does, I/we are speaking of people engaging in Olympic lifting. Do not take
Aug 2012
I want to give a big thanks to Bay Side Runner and INOV8 for coming out tonight to let us get down and dirty with their awesome footwear! I had to throw a pair on myself and WOD it up with everyone so I could give my honest feedback as a potential consumer as well as a coach. I must say that these are a one up from my latest
Aug 2012
Ok, so heres the deal -over the last few months we have been open, I have been programming a few different ways in order to get a feel of what works and what doesn’t. This is a natural phase any new business will usually go through when attempting a format untested before. In this short time I have discovered many ups and downs to all of the approaches used thus
Aug 2012
So I ran into this girl the other day at the health food store ( I hope she is reading this) who asked me about the whole Paleo thing after noticing the word printed on the back of my shirt. For some apparent reason, she thought it was some crazy diet based on the latest breakthroughs in science. I reassured her that in fact there was no crazy science involved
I want to start by saying ” Way to go Steve Mulligan!!!” He killed it today setting a new box record in the 500m Row with a time of 1:23! That is a huge milestone for Steve. It also raises the bar super high for everyone seeking that #1 spot on our ‘Wall of Fame’. A few things to look forward to in the next few weeks: 1) The Whole
Jul 2012
I just want to touch on spotting at our box for a brief second. Don’t do it! The weights we are using are meant to be dropped and based on some of the things I have laid witness to already, I think it is safe to say that we will all be far better off if we just stand clear while someone is lifting a really heavy weight. I am
Jul 2012
How many of you know what weight you left off with in the last few weeks in the squat, press, deadlift, etc…If your scratching your head right now, chances are, you have no idea. Training the CrossFit way, or any way in general, we are constantly striving to make improvements in one way or another. One of the ways we measure improvements, especially in strength, is to gauge our increases
Jul 2012
If you did not know already, protein is a key building block essential to all forms of life. With out protein, all of the major systems in our bodies would fail us. Now add CrossFit to the mix. A rigorous training regimen by design, CrossFit produces great amounts of stress on the body which in turn, must be met with proper nutrition, rest and recovery. One of the most important
Jul 2012
I don’t know if it is just me, but is anyone else full of energy and rearing to do even more work (run, bike, etc…) after a daily WOD? I’m being sarcastic if you didn’t pick up on that. I have been noticing a few of you – not mentioning any names – that feel the need somehow, to do even more work after the workout of the day
Jun 2012
June 15, 2012 WOD Over the past few months I have been keeping an eye out for trending patterns concerning members ratio of work:rest days. Guess what, there really has been no pattern. Everyone is taking a different approach. But is there really a best approach? In my opinion, the best approach is listening to yourself. Just like we do not set a routine of – Chest and tri’s on
Jun 2012
Many of you new to CrossFit are also new to some of the unusual things we do to ourselves daily in an attempt to keep progressing. One the things we like to do, before and after training, is foam rolling. This serves a multitude of purposes: 1) Restores muscle sliding surfaces, giving you greater application of power 2) Helps alleviate trigger points, thus (refer to next) 3) Leads to better
Jun 2012
I am still noticing a lot of bent backs during our daily strength sessions. This is telling me a few things. People are still not ‘FEELING’ the movement. The weight being used is to ‘HEAVY’ for you. You are still ‘UNSURE’ how to do the lift. The first and the last go hand in hand. If you are having trouble feeling the lift or are still unsure about
May 2012
Have you been wondering, “where are the flat benches”? Many of you up until this point in your training careers have spent numerous hours on your backs and asses doing the bench press in an attempt to gain some sort of superior level of fitness. From what I have seen in many of you who have used bench press as a prime movement in your routine, there is a large