Apr 2013
A few reminders… Yoga debut’s today at 10:45 am – Come on in and help your body ease some of that tension. This is an all levels class with a primary focus on recovery and movement restoration. Anyone will benefit from this class! Tonight we will be meeting up at the Cask & Flagon for some food and beverages. Stop on by after 6:30pm, we’d love to see you there!
Apr 2013
Guest post by: Melanie Bowen – Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance awareness advocate for natural health and cancer cure initiatives Fitness for Self-Care in Cancer Patients Self-care is important for the health and wellbeing of everyone. Cancer patients and survivors certainly do rely on the help and expertise of others, but some aspects of health and fitness remain a personal responsibility. Physical fitness is one of the primary points of self-care that must not
Apr 2013
CrossFit is like any other sport, and to perform at your best, while also keeping things safe, proper equipment is recommended. When you place yourself under a heavy object (bar) while standing on a solid surface (the floor), it is of the upmost importance to minimize the “softness” in-between the two. The easiest place to start is with your feet. Read this quick article from Breakingmuscle.com on the importance of olympic lifting
Apr 2013
If coconuts didn’t offer us enough already, there is one more benefit recently added to its list that might be of use to a certain population – those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Read on to find out how not just those suffering from Alzheimer’s, but anyone in general can benefit from one of natures greatest super foods. Article is courtesy of Naturalnews.com Another benefit of Coconut oil Just a reminder, we
Apr 2013
If you’re a desk jockey, drive a lot, or do anything else that requires the excessive use of hands, then have a look at this simple sequence you can do anytime and anywhere for quick relief when you need it most. This video is courtesy of Breakingmuscle.com and April 18, 2013 WOD Strength Pendlay row 5×5 (heaviest possible) Conditioning 5 rounds for time of: 10 sumo dead lift high
Apr 2013
In the name of getting everyone on track with healthy eating practices, we will be holding our first Nutrition Seminar – Saturday – June 1, 2013 @ 10:00am. The focus of this seminar will be “The Zone Diet” which is a concept developed by Dr. Barry Sears. In CrossFit, many people are practicing what some call the Zone-Paleo diet, which is nothing more than eating healthy foods in balanced and
Apr 2013
After a great weekend of finalizing the WLC, it was amazing to see what 8 weeks of dedication and determination will do for anyone. Here are just a few notable numbers out of the bunch: Charles D. – Tied 1st overall place in challenge, lost 29 pounds and had the most improved WOD time with a 1min15 sec faster 2k Row. Kevin J. – Tied for 1st place overall in
Apr 2013
Heres another reason to add black beans to your diet. Not only can they help you ward off cancer and are well known for their many other health benefits to humans, they can also be used to make amazing gluten-free brownies…Check out this article and recipe courtesy of Naturalnews.com and Author Eric L. Zielinski and let me know what you think (and how they taste). Black Beans April 13, 2013 WOD
Apr 2013
Just a reminder to everyone in the Whole Life Challenge – We will be meeting at 10:45 this Saturday to conduct final measurements, complete the final WOD and hand out prizes to the victors. Regardless if you come out on top, you are all winners by every standard. Challenges are not meant to be easy, especially ones that go on for 60 days or more. I guarantee that everyone who put their
Apr 2013
Getting inverted – or performing a handstand is fun to do all while testing your ability to control, coordinate, stabilize and support your entire body using your arms and shoulders. While anyone can sling themselves against a wall, and then undoubtedly start to crumble under their own forces, it requires a certain understanding of the basics elements that go into efficiently controlling yourself upside-down while seeing the world from a different view. Here is a
Apr 2013
The coconut provides a nutritious source of meat, juice, milk, and oil that has fed and nourished populations around the world for generations. On many islands coconut is staple in the diet and provides the majority of the food eaten. Nearly one third of the world’s population depends on coconut to some degree for their food and their economy. Coconut is highly nutritious and rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Apr 2013
Great job to everyone who competed in this years CrossFit Games Open. It was super fun, competitive and very challenging taking on each of the Open WOD’s with everyone! Hopefully this was a great opportunity for everyone involved to learn a little bit more about yourself, your strengths and your weaknesses. Note where you had short comings and set goals for the near future with these in mind. Also,
Apr 2013
I just revisited an old article in the CrossFit Journal dating back to September 2003. It is CrossFits debut of the benchmark WOD’s. Coach Glassman speaks to the intent and purpose of these WOD’s and how they are crucial to the understanding of our progress. Read on to learn more about the “Ladies” and why they are the heart and soul of CrossFit. Article courtesy of CrossFit.com and the
Apr 2013
I would like to welcome Chuck J. to the CrossFit Magnitude Coaching staff. After CrossFitting with us for the better part of the year, working hard through our Instructor Training Program, and passing the CrossFit Level 1 Cert, Chuck has proven himself worthy of being one of our very own fearless leaders. Chuck is also a 1st lieutenant in the US Army, an Infantryman (such as myself), who leads other soldiers in
Hello all- I just wanted to help spread the word that our very own, Jenn Richardson, is having a Marathon Fundraiser Happy Hour this Friday night, April 5th. As you may know, Jenn is part of the ‘Fab5’ who is a group of friends training together to run the Boston Marathon to benefit the Michael Carter Lisnow Respite Center. You can find out more about the Fab5 and help them
Apr 2013
It’s official – today marks the day one year ago when our great community started taking shape. Nothing has made us as coaches more happy than to have witnessed all the transformations that have taken place during that time. You see, we are in the business of making people better….not just at fitness….but at life. Think back a year ago…would you want to go back? Or do you
Mar 2013
Here is an article for all of you supplement takers out there who just assume that if it comes from Whole Foods or a health store, then it has to be healthy. Mike Adams lays it all on the table in this great article talking about some of the most overlooked supplements and ingredients within those supplements and how they can be anything but good for you. Read on
Mar 2013
A couple reminders for the rest of the week… We will be hosting the CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.4 this Friday night at 6:00pm. There will not be a 6:00pm CrossFit class as a result of this. We will be CLOSED on Easter Sunday. On Saturday, we will only be holding only one CrossFit class at 8:30 am. Open gym will be closed today (Thursday) from 1-4pm. March 28, 2013
Mar 2013
Here is a great recipe (which was intended to get kids to eat something more nutritional for breakfast instead of cocoa puffs) that I’d like to share with you. Its quick, simple, and packs a powerful nutritional punch. Try these out the next time you hard pressed for ideas on how to start your day off right. Recipe courtesy of the CrossFit Journal found at www.crossfit.com. Breakfast Cupcakes March
Mar 2013
Todays feature spotlight athlete is Kira L. In the short time Kira has been with us she has made her presence known by dominating the CFM leaderboard across a broad range of categories. Kira has also obtained her CrossFit L1 certification. Once Kira returns from her summer job she will be resuming her spot in the CFM Instructor training program with her eye set on coaching in the fall. Name:
Mar 2013
Great job once again to all of our athletes who competed in this weeks CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.3. Don’t be surprised if you’re walking a little funny after that one! As we will be closed next Sunday for Easter, we will be holding the Open WOD 13.4 Friday night starting at 6:00pm. There will be no 6:00 pm class as a result of this. March 25, 2013 WOD
Mar 2013
We will be hosting the CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.3 on Sunday at 10:30. Come on in and watch all the excitement and have a nice cold brew with us afterwards! Schedule update for Easter Sunday weekend – There will be only 1 CrossFit class – 8:30 a.m on Saturday along with SpinFit at 7:30a.m We will be closed on Sunday. March 23, 2013 WOD Skill: Kipping pull
Mar 2013
If you ever find yourself in the position to raise your own chickens…Do it! Not only do they provide you with, in my opinion, one of the best protein sources on planet earth, they are also hysterical little creatures that are fun to have around the homestead. More and more people, in both rural and urban places, are finding out that the benefits of producing your own eggs (and meat
Mar 2013
Back in 2005, Founder Greg Glassman wrote an excellent article on the overhead squat. This article along with thousands of other priceless articles can be found in the CrossFit Journal. If you are not a subscriber of the CrossFit Journal, you are missing out on some of the most informative instruction on Fitness you can find on the web or anywhere else. Here is a direct quote from Coaches article on the
Mar 2013
The following article on hand rips is courtesy of the CrossFit Journal. Definitely take notes on this one… Hand Rips Causes, Treatments, and Prevention CrossFit Journal Issue 68 April 2008 by Phil Savage Rips of the skin and calluses on the hands are an annoying and painful part of any physical exercise that uses the hands intensively. Anyone can get them, and there’s no getting around that fact. You can