If you ever find yourself in the position to raise your own chickens…Do it!  Not only do they provide you with, in my opinion, one of the best protein sources on planet earth, they are also hysterical little creatures that are fun to have around the homestead.  More and more people, in both rural and urban places, are finding out that the benefits of producing your own eggs (and meat if you choose to) is far superior to buying eggs from a grocery store.   You really don’t know what the bird has been fed and therefore you really don’t know what you’re feeding yourself.  Plus, nothing beats going out in your own back yard to get your breakfast ingredients, fresh off the shelf (or should I say under the hen).   If you ever have the not so crazy thought of becoming a little more self reliant and want your own flock of birds feel free to shoot me a line as I would be more than happy to help get you started!

Stole these from under-neath the hen this morning!

Stole these from underneath the hen this morning!

March 22, 2013 WOD


Establish a 1rm box jump



For time, complete the following:

40 kb swings

25 double unders

10 abmat situps

30 kb swings

25 double unders

20 abmat situps

20 kb swings

25 double unders

30 abmat situps

10 kb swings

25 double unders

40 abmat situps


Rx – 55/36

Lv2 – 44/25

Lv1 – 36/20