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After a great weekend of finalizing the WLC, it was amazing to see what 8 weeks of dedication and determination will do for anyone.  Here are just a few notable numbers out of the bunch:

Charles D. – Tied 1st overall place in challenge, lost 29 pounds and had the most improved WOD time with a 1min15 sec faster 2k Row.

Kevin J. – Tied for 1st place overall in challenge, lost a combined total of 8 inches.

Tracey P.  – Came in 2nd place overall in the challenge, and with a 15 second improvement on the row, she now takes over 2nd place on the CFM Wall of Fame  Leaderboard.

Tiffany T – Took 3rd place overall with solid improvements across the board while also being one of the most accountable in the challenge.

Rebecca S. – Was close behind at 4th losing a total of 7 inches of body mass.

Prizes are being awarded to the top 5 finishers.  Be sure to stop in and claim your prize today!

Remember, stay accountable for everything you do…You just saw what eating good, working out daily, mobilizing, and supplementing can do for you in 8 short weeks….imagine what it can do after an entire year!

Seth taking a moment...

Seth taking a moment…

April 15, 2013 WOD


High bar back squat 3×10 (heaviest possible)


In 2 minutes, max effort KB swings

then, no rest

5 minutes AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of:

20m burpee broad jump

20 wall ball

then, no rest

2 minutes, max effort KB swing


Rx – 71/53, 20/14

Lv2 – 53/36, 14/10

Lv1 – 36/20, 12/8