Jul 2016
Whether you are new to CrossFit or not, there will come a time when you will have to question your integrity. It is human nature to want to be better than your peers and finish first. The real question is – did you really out do everyone – or just make everyone believe you did. Here is a great article I came across that gives some great differences between the
Jun 2016
Gatorade, PowerAde, Red Bull, electrolyte pumped-up sports drinks…they’re good for you, right? You see athletes chugging down bottles of the neon-colored liquid in every ad and real life, surely they do something, and they do. They help you maintain your body’s balance of electrolytes during or after periods of heavier exercise. But when you look closer, you’re really just paying an outrageous price for glorified, brightly colored, sugar water. The
Mar 2016
Have you been the victim of a callous, torn hand, a cut up shin, or suffered any wrist strain while CrossFitting? While training hard in CrossFit, some of these things are hard to avoid while others are not. Preparing yourself with the proper gear is just as essential as any other element of your CrossFit training. One way to help minimize these negative effects is by taking necessary precautions. Below are
The 2016 Winter Whole Life Challenge has just ended and the results seen across the board were nothing short of amazing! Below are responses from our top 3 winners of the challenge when asked about the challenge and how it affected them. Whether you have done this challenge in the past or not, there is definitely something in this challenge for everyone. Congrats to everyone who took part in the
By Jon Gilson Nutrition, Cooking, and Recipes0 Comments The only thing that sabotages a great nutrition plan faster than the twin temptations of sugar and bread: a lack of the right foods, close at hand. Let’s prevent that. Below, seven tasks you can perform in the next seven days to ensure you’ll always have compliant, healthy food ready to go (while facing as little temptation as possible). Go through the
Dec 2015
Most athletes don’t take their recovery seriously enough. Recovery starts the second the WOD is over! Everything you do from that moment will contribute towards your recuperation allowing you to realize a greater level of health and fitness as well as prepare you for your next WOD. Let’s spend a few minutes to talk about it. < …PS you don’t have to look like this guy at first… 1. Post
Nov 2015
I know I have discussed this topic before, but it is worth mentioning again – Learn how to squat, and learn how to do it good! “Regardless of what the problem is, the answer is to squat.” Those are the words of CrossFit founder Greg Glassman. “People who do not know how to squat do not have normal hip function, they don’t have normal leg function,” “They can’t jump, run,
Oct 2015
I came across this short little video that does a great job of exposing advertisers and their scams to push unhealthy food products into your home as healthy. I know a lot of you are smart enough not to go near any of this stuff, but for those who are still figuring things out, this should hopefully serve as a good wake up call. As a rule of thumb, if
Here at CrossFit Magnitude, we like to keep things constantly varied. In the name of achieving a high level of fitness and general physical preparedness, we must train using numerous protocols, movements, skills, metabolic pathways, etc… This calls for constantly changing the parameters in which we train, being as varied as possible. Also, you should not dwell on the workout performed today hoping you may see it again sometime soon,
Aug 2015
Have you ever considered kicking your coffee habit…? Me either!!! Coffee has been a morning, and sometimes throughout the day, ritual of mine going on 15+ years now. I am not sure if it is the taste, consistency, comfort it provides, or the pick-me-up that keeps me coming back for more, day after day. It has supposed health benefits to it that are highly touted throughout the health and wellness
Jul 2015
Given the extreme heat and humidity of the past few weeks and that which is sure to follow us for a little while longer into the summer, I wanted to talk about the connection between high intensity exercise – think CrossFit – and hydration. When we exercise, especially at high levels of intensity, being in a hydrated state before you start is essential. The blood in circulation should be thin
Jun 2015
By Coach Chris CrossFit has and always will be a “Core Strength and Conditioning Program”, and when implemented properly, an increased level of fitness can be achieved by anyone. For those of you in question about the type of work we perform on a day to day basis at CrossFit Magnitude, and often wonder why we do what we do, the following is a basic overview of the fundamentals our
Hey crew, Whether you are a new to fitness or a seasoned vet, it is always good to have goals to reach for, along with a set of standards to help align yourself with. Below is a list of some basic strength standards that will allow you to see where you rank among the novice through the elite weightlifters and powerlifters. Check it out, see where you currently stand, and
Here is a great read by one of our very own – Coach Hunter – who is now a contributing author for Wellness Fx. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did! It is not new news that exercise is an important factor of a healthy lifestyle. If you’re in some sort of physical practice, be it CrossFit, yoga, or endurance training, and are looking to upgrade your
May 2015
The CrossFit Hero WOD “Murph” is named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed gave his life in battle for his brothers in arms and for his Country, in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. Lt Murphy was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor after his death. The WOD we now recognize as “Murph” was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it ‘Body Armor.’ It first appeared on the CrossFit.com
Apr 2015
CrossFit Magnitude is proud to announce our partnership with Game Plan Nutrition! Hey crew, Coach Chris here with some great news for you! All of our coaches are currently working with the Game Plan team to gain more education on nutrition and supplements that can then be passed off to you guys, so PLEASE make sure you ask your coaches what products you should be using to get the most
Feb 2015
You get to the box, and the white board reads: WOD Find your 1rm Snatch Conditioning 5 rounds for time of: 20 pull ups 10 HSPU 400m run Relief sets in as you quickly perform the math in your head and realize that this WOD was meant for you, everything is in your wheel house. And then you start to think safety and efficacy… How will I get through this
Jan 2015
Alright crew, you have been asking for it and it is finally here. CrossFit Magnitude will be holding a yoga class on Sundays at 8:30am. It will count as one of your weekly classes, so sign up the same way you would any other class. If you are not on an unlimited membership, we will be offering it via a punch card. So Why Yoga… CrossFit and Yoga? Entirely opposites
Jan 2015
We were all raised on PB&J sandwiches and spaghetti & meatballs. So when we tell you to stop eating bread and pasta, we know how you feel. However with a little targeted effort and discipline, you would be surprised just how easy it is to skip the grains. Try it for a week and you would be amazed how your health could change. Are you still thinking, “what’s the point?” Check
Dec 2014
As CrossFitters, we bring it. We put our body through the ringer on a regular basis and come out on the other end as stronger, faster, and healthier humans. However if you are like anyone else who lifts weights and performs lots of pullups (or ring rows) you most likely know what it feels like to be sore. It doesn’t feel all that good. Although feeling a little sore is part
As CrossFitters we tend have a strong will power when it comes to exercise. We tend to give 100% effort in the gym. We have come to love the “drop to the floor” feeling after we finish a conditioning WOD or nail a max effort lift. That is a good thing. However when it comes to training movements (muscle up, handstand, pistol, etc) that are not as simple as say
Sep 2014
Turmeric May just be one of the most powerful spices on the planet. Many current studies show that this powerhouse root (like ginger) has a multitude of benefits for your body and brain. Not to mention it has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for 1000’s of years. Here are three ways Turmeric could help you recover faster, get stronger, and think better…really though, it’s true. 1. Turmeric is a
Sep 2014
Well, it’s happened. September has come, School busses are on the roads, kids are in School and we begin the switch over. So although (thank Mother Nature) the weather and temps seem to be holding on strong we are starting to think about Fall and whats to come, hopefully the Summer was amazing and we all got to do and travel and be the active beings we are. Hopefully as
Aug 2014
True Human Performance Can Only Be Measured Through Feel Hello CFM. Happy Weekend to you all. May it be a good one full of fun activities now that the summer is coming to an end….you can sense it in the air. Speaking of sense, lets talk about that. Last week we talked about Free+Style and what that meant in terms of our movement practice. We brought up the point
Aug 2014
What Is Free+Style? First off, what is freestyle? In the context that we will be discussing today, Freestyle is a strength and conditioning approach in which you cross over and practice other movement disciplines in order to develop a foundation of skills. Sound familiar right? Do we not already do this? Name us a gym in which you simultaneously perform high speed Olympic lifting movements next to long distance running, next