Jul 2014
Q1: What is your first name and last initial? Doug P Q2: What is your age? 37 Q3: How long have you been CrossFitting for? 1 year Q4: What is your favorite WOD or movement? Deadlift and cleans Q5: What is your least favorite WOD or movement? Double unders or pull ups Q6: Take us back to your first WOD…What was it, and how did it feel? Not sure what it was but I
Jul 2014
Here is a great quote from my friend and 2x NE Regional Champ: “Sometimes I think we forget about training our brain. We spend all of our time training our body but we forget about the brain. If you can train the brain, your body will go so much further than you think it can.” –Dani Horan on ‘Brain Training’ Really good information in this article pertaining to how we
Jul 2014
Doing the common uncommonly well, thats what we call Virtuosity. It’s as simple as mastering the basics. Doing every movement to standard, taking pride not just in your numbers but in your movements first. All your squats, be them Air or Overhead are to depth, hips always come through on the lifts, elbows always lock overhead, heels, head, knees always where they should be. Mastering your range of motion is
Jun 2014
Happy Thursday Crew! We hope ya’ll are killin’ your workouts this week and reaping the benefits. With that said, if you are feeling soar, or like you are running on a quarter tank (metaphorically speaking), then perhaps you might choose to take the next few days off, or scale your WODs back. There is no harm in that. In fact that is the smarter option! It is important to train
Jun 2014
Being stagnant. Urgh, what a horrible thing, all this life around us and when we become “adults” we fall into routine. It’s weird how the average adult will tend to stop learning new things by way of activities and sports. Kids, houses, work, time, life just gets in the way. We’ve all been there, we see it in public all around us adults know what they know, do what they
Jun 2014
We here at CFM are very interested in fitness and learning about the human body, and how we can make ours work at it’s best for us. With that said, we are even more interested in teaching (and learning from) you along the way. The more you know the more empowered you are at taking care of yourself. Knowledge is power! Today we would like to talk about energy…and how
Jun 2014
Everyone knows Olympic weightlifting is hard, and many people do not look forward to snatch and clean day….at least not at first ;-D. But rest assured that with time, you will get better, and what felt like a set of awkward movements your coach yells at you, will become second-nature. There are three things that you need to focus on if you want to become a better weightlifter. The three factors coaches
Jun 2014
Double Unders… To some those two words send shivers up the spine and reminders of stinging red zebra stripes across the legs and arms. But it doesn’t have to be that way forever. If you look here, the Double Under works numerous muscle groups, they increases metabolic capacity, and certainly hone our coordination and agility. This is why we do them, they are not a torture mechanism for Coaches, honestly.
Jun 2014
Let’s deconstruct squatting shall we. Why? Well, for one we do it quite often here at CF Magnitude, and you know what else, come to think of it, we do it every single day outside the gym! Every time you get up out of a chair, or sit down on the “thrown”, you are squatting Every time you drop your keys, you must squat down to get them
May 2014
1: Hollandaise Sauce Now, we know what some of you may be thinking. “Really guys, you are telling me that dousing my lean chicken breast with gobs of butter and egg yolk is good for me….you are full of s*$t…I am going back to planet fitness”. Well hear us out on this one. It turns out some of the fats that we grew up being told where dangerous are in fact
May 2014
The Pullup. Probably one of the most basic pulling functions we perform in the gym, yet it is one most athletes have trouble with. In fact, if you remember back to when you first stepped into the box, you most likely could not even perform one basic pullup. If you are new to the gym or still not able to get your chin over the bar with out a little
May 2014
Get The Real Energy, Not The “Fake” Stuff. We live in a very fast paced society, and in a world where there are Dunkin’ Donuts at every corner and 5-hour energy shots in every gas station, it is easy to fall prey to the “quick fixes” when you need a boost. Even if you are looking to upgrade your energy naturally, there is a bunch of misinformation and confusion
May 2014
Hey gang, We got a shoutout to shoutout. Actually, we got three shoutouts to shoutout! This month we want to give honorable mention to Jenn, Michele, and Christine. All three of them have been consistently kicking butt in the box, and all three just recently took on the Boston Marathon! All 26 miles and 385 yards! daaayyum! If you get a chance to catch them in the gym, make sure
May 2014
Hey Challengers, I hope your wellness journey is going…um…well. We have been enjoying all of the awesome recipes and tips posted on the facebook page. Please keep it up, Regardless of how many “likes” you get, it is sure to be helpful to everyone tuning in Anywho, Dispatch 2 is freshly pressed. Click here for access.
Apr 2014
The Jerk, The Clean, And The Snatch. These are movements we do in the box quite often these days, and for good reason. Olympic lifts, as they’re called, have no equal for developing speed, flexibility, and coordinated, total-body strength and muscle. Every single muscle in your body will be worked to lift more weight than you would otherwise be able to, in a much quicker fashion. Also, because you’re doing
Apr 2014
Hey CFMM Challengers! We are excited to be sharing something we put together with you. It is an online magazine that we think will help you kick ass over the duration of this challenge. Over the next 30 days, we will periodically be putting out publications on everything from Paleo Tips, Mobility tricks, and ways to hack your sleep. We hope you can get something out of this. In Dispatch
Apr 2014
Hello CFM challengers! This post goes out to you. We first just want to congratulate you on making the decision to take on this challenge. The first step is always the hardest, and if you were wondering if this is the right time to do this then consider this… …The right moment is now. You might be waiting for things to settle down. For the kids to be old enough,
Apr 2014
The muscle-up is one of the most coveted CrossFit exercises that takes a ton of strength and practice to master. In concept, a perfectly executed muscle-up may not look all that difficult to master, but the grip and the movements often prove a bit unnatural for anyone trying for the first time. Basically, a muscle-up is transitioning your body from pull-up to dip in one fluid movement. There are a
Apr 2014
If you have been doing CrossFit for a while now, you recognize that our program excels due to the high intensity component. With that being said, one thing we have to keep in mind is that we can’t sustain that high intensity every single day; otherwise our body ends up breaking down. So this begs the question of how often should someone take a rest day? CrossFit.com follows a 3
Apr 2014
NEA- It stands for Non Exercise Activity, and it is becoming more and more talked about among researchers in the health and fitness world. According to the new buzz on the topic, what you do when you are not swinging kettlebells or doing burpees is just as important to controlling and optimizing your health and wellness. And when we say that, we are really talking about longevity– feeling better and
Apr 2014
You all have heard us coaches preach about form and foundation before complexity, and it is true. It is important to have the basics down before moving onto more complex skills and movements. So this week, we are going back to the basics and breaking down the hollow body position, a basic gymnastics position that translates over into many of the movements we do in and out of the gym.
Apr 2012
Whether you are new to CrossFit or not, there will come a time when you will have to question your integrity. It is human nature to want to be better than your peers and finish first. The real question is – did you really out do everyone – or just make everyone believe you did. Here is a great article I came across that gives some great differences between the