I came across this short little video that does a great job of exposing advertisers and their scams to push unhealthy food products into your home as healthy.  I know a lot of you are smart enough not to go  near any of this stuff, but for those who are still figuring things out, this should hopefully serve as a good wake up call.  As a rule of thumb, if what you’re eating has a list of ingredients on it, it is not considered a food source, or at least a healthy one.  If it does have a list of ingredients, make sure you know what they are, and at the very least, you are able to pronounce them.  You need to treat food like it is the most powerful drug in the world.  Why?  Because it is!  What else to you take at least 3x a day, 7 days a week, every week of your life? Thats right – Food!  Nothing else on earth has the ability to affect your hormonal balance (hormones control everything in your body and will ultimately determine if you get cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc..) like food does. Be smart -Eat Smart – Live long!