It’s the new year, a time when everyone feels they have a renewed lease on life…or at least they think they do! Just because it is a new year, a new month, a new day, doesn’t mean we can hit the reset button and start all over.  All of those missed workouts, the fast foods, the alcohol, late nights, and periods of high stress have taken their toll.  And NO,

  How young are you? 38 Where were you born and where did you grow up? Born at the good old south shore hospital! Grew up in Hull,Ma If you could have any super powers, what would it allow you to do?  Freeze time. I never realized how precious time was until I had children. In high school and college and after, you are always rushing to get to the

Meet Stacia Graham, a 5 year CFM veteran, who is steadily bettering herself in all aspects of fitness with each and every class she takes! How young are you? 47 (coming up on 48 shortly) Where were you born and where did you grow up? I grew up in Bristol, RI. If you could have any super powers, what would it allow you to do? Teleport myself (and others) to

  How young are you? 48 Where were you born and where did you grow up? I was born in Paterson, NJ and grew up in Hawthorne NJ. If you could have any super powers, what would it allow you to do? X-ray vision – I’m blind as a bat so that would be pretty cool What is/are your favorite movement(s) to perform?  I’m starting to enjoy double unders, I

  How young are you? I am 46 ☺ Where were you born and where did you grow up? I was born in Medford and proud to say I grew up in Rockland. If you could have any super powers, what would it allow you to do? I would love the ability to control time: to slow it down when things are going really well like in the summer and when my

  1. How young are you? 52 2. Where were you born and where did you grow up? Born in Weymouth and grew up in Hingham. 3. If you could have any super powers, what would it allow you to do? Create a cure for cancer. 4. What is/are your favorite movement(s) to perform? I guess it would be the one I hate the most, the Thruster. 5. If you

Body Composition Coach Chris   Today I’d like to talk about something we all have, and for a lot of us, something we would like to change for the better – our body composition.   I like to view body compositon in two parts – Fat mass, and fat free mass.   Fat mass is something we all tend to worry about, know matter how much we actually have.  Tipping

    Strong, determined, and awesome with CrossFit’s technical movements, Anna B is a great example of a small town girl with big ambitions! How young are you? 40 Where were you born and where did you grow up?  Born in Springfield, MA – but grew up in a very small town in Minnesota.(one square mile and maybe 300 people – but 4 bars) If you could have any super powers,

  Long time member Kristin H. is another one of CFM’s hardest workers.  Don’t let her big smile and easy going nature about her fool you into thinking she’s not capable of crushing the most challenging WODs, because she does, and on a regular basis! Age: 40 Occupation: Nurse Practitioner How long have you been a member at CFM? August 2013 (I think) How often do you CrossFit? 4-6 days

  The following content has been taken from, the designers of the ski erg.  Give it a read to educate yourself on some of the ski ergs most basic functions.  To learn even more, visit The Concept2 SkiErg makes the sport of Nordic skiing available to everyone. Long recognized as delivering one of the toughest workouts around, Nordic skiing develops both strength and endurance and exercises the legs

  Member name: Danielle Smith Age: 40 Occupation: Victim Witness Advocate How long have you been a member at CFM? 4 years How often do you CrossFit? 3-4 times per week Do you remember your first WOD? Looking back, how did it go?  I have know idea what the WOD was but I remember thinking “what have I gotten myself into?” What is/are your favorite movement(s) to perform? Push Press and

  We all love a little soy sauce every now and then with an Asian inspired dish, but what if you are like myself, and stay far far away from any soy products, but still want to enjoy the addition of this flavorful addition?   Before we get into this tasty alternative, a little bit about soy products… First off, all soy is not created equally.  The tradional raw soy

    Member name:  Gary Bednarz Age: 33 Occupation: Emergency Nurse @ Brigham and Womens Hospital & Nursing instructor @ UMass Boston How long have you been a member at CFM? 2+years CFM (4 years of crossfit) How often do you CrossFit? About 4 times a week Do you remember your first WOD? Looking back, how did it go?  I believe my first WOD consisted of pushups, pullups, and air

Everyday you are faced with a plethora of tasks, some more physically demanding than others.  A lot of the time you know what you are in store for and can take on the task alone, grab a helping hand, or delegate it to someone more fit for the job.  There are other times when you are faced with an unknown, something you were totally unprepared to take on.  You don’t

    Member name – Chris Marden Age – 28 Occupation – Public Safety Commander / Military Officer Candidate How long have you been a member at CFM? – 1 Year How often do you CrossFit? – 2-3 times per week Do you remember your first WOD? Looking back, how did it go? I don’t particularly remember my first WOD but I remember the feeling of defeat. Something that quickly

  1. Member name: Melissa Mamary 2. Age: 35 3. Occupation: Chief Domestic Engineer 4. How long have you been a member at CFM? A little over 8 months. 5. How often do you CrossFit? 4 days a week, sometimes 5 if I can. 6. Do you remember your first WOD? Looking back, how did it go? I vaguely remember the WOD itself, but I definitely remember being so nervous

Spotlight Athlete of the Month 1. Member name: Patrick Kelliher or just PK 2. Age: 37 3. Occupation: union carpenter 4. How long have you been a member at CFM? Just about 10 months now. 5. How often do you CrossFit? It started with only about 3 times a week, but recently I’ve been coming 5-6 days a week. 6. Do you remember your first WOD? Looking back, how did

        Member name: John Troy Age: 43 Occupation: Elementary School technology teacher How long have you been a member at CFM?  4 years How often do you CrossFit?  2-3 times a week Do you remember your first WOD? Looking back, how did it go?  I’m not 100% sure, but I’m thinking it involved deadlifts and box jumps. I remember it kicked my butt though. When it was over I felt

    Name-  Mandy Butler Age-  41 Occupation–  Stay at home mom to two little girls.  Hensley-7 and Delaney-5 How long have you been a member at CFM? It will be coming up on a year.  I was acquired during the 545 split.  I was there for 3 years. How often do you CrossFit? I CrossFit Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Do you remember your first WOD? Looking back, how

Our spotlight athlete of the month for December is Amy Kandravy.   Amy, another one of our founding members, has shown all of us that know matter what fitness background you come from and no matter what your goals are, CrossFit can always help!  As a strict cardio enthusiast (runner) prior to starting CrossFit, Amy has now become much more well rounded, and is currently our strongest female athlete at the box!

  1. Member name: Bryan Fecteau 2. Age: 40 3. Occupation Attorney (Estate Planning, Real Estate, Business Law) 4. How long have you been a member at CFM? 4.5 years (Started on Opening Week-2012)) 5. How often do you CrossFit? 3-4 days a week 6. Do you remember your first WOD? Looking back, how did it go? A strength protocol involving overhead squats. The movement seemed so “dangerous”-compared to the


Oct 2016

Don’t Go Nuts!

I know that a lot of you new to the CrossFit experience are also hopping on board the Paleo express as well.  This is a very good thing!  As you know nutrition drives everything you do.  What you have to realize is that even if you are eating a ‘Paleo’ style diet, with wholesome fresh foods, this in no way gives you a free pass to eat as much of

     Member name:  Hilary Newcomb   Age: 34   Occupation: Medical Aesthetician   How long have you been a member at CFM? 2012   How often do you CrossFit? 5/week   Do you remember your first WOD? Looking back, how did it go? I don’t remember exactly what my first wod was, I was too busy trying not to die.   What is/are your favorite movement(s) to perform? Give

There is a lot of fact and fiction out there when it comes to your health and fitness.   Everyone is a so-called “expert” in their respective field of study, and everyone seems to formulate their own theories regarding what is best, and what is bust. I recently came across an article that talks about 3 common myths, or as they put it – Lies – that have been perpetuated throughout

During the Summer months, the first word that usually comes to mind is “relaxation”, but in many of our worlds, that is hardly the case.  Yard work, house work, road trips, camping, boating, beach trips, golf games, tennis, jogging, hikes, chasing the little ones around, etc…all of which take their toll on our physical wellbeing.  Whatever it may be, any given Summer day can certainly expose how ready or not