Feb 2013
Hey guys and gals! Wouldn’t you like to know more about other people you CrossFit with? We sure would…so we created an Athlete profile…it is a questionnaire that can be filled out completely (or not) as you want. If you’re willing to share yourself with the rest of us, click this link CFM Athlete Spotlight Questionnaire. It will take you to the questionnaire. We’ll do our best at getting it up
Feb 2013
I am not going to lie, mobilizing has to be one of my least favorite things to do on my quest towards elite fitness. I mean, wouldn’t it be great if we were all blessed with an adequate range of motion so that all the exercises we did were restriction free? Things would just be that much easier. But its not, and will never be that way, so forget I
Feb 2013
Hey Iphone and Ipad users, great news for you…they have an app on itunes now that makes signing up for class fast and easy. You can find it under ‘Zenplanner’ or click HERE! This is an iphone version however it also works on the ipad. An actual ipad version is coming out later this week. Remember to mark your calendars for this upcoming Saturday at 11:00 am for the kick
Feb 2013
I read a rather inspiring action-adventure tale today in Outside Magazine that made me take a moment. This fella Eruc circumnavigated the earth (his route was a total of 37,472 miles) by means of bike and rowboat, powered solely by his own muscle, heart, and will. This guy decided that along the way passing through 6 continents that he would bag the largest peaks on each, including soloing Everest with
Jan 2013
The Whole Life Chalenge Spring Throw Down 2013 Kicks off in a little over 2 weeks. This means we need to have our pre-game huddle as well as our preliminary WOD. This is going to take place Saturday, February 9, at 11:00 am. SHARP! We will be going over all the rules and regulations, fielding all your questions, taking measurements, and completing a short WOD. If you absolutely cannot make this date,
Jan 2013
I’m not saying much today in hope that you will read this article in full. For those of you who are currently in the ‘CrossFit Cult’, you will find peace and satisfaction that this article represents you and your emotions each and every time you step inside the ‘Box’. For all of you looking in from the outside, just know that what we do is very real, very inspiring, very
Jan 2013
Do you already have a good understanding of the importance of diet and how it relates to performance, disease, weight gain/loss, etc? Understanding your diets role in all of these areas will not only help you improve upon these things, it will help you thrive! Get ready, because next month we will be starting a series of seminars aimed at going into vast detail about diet, its role in health
Jan 2013
Here is the link you’ve all been waiting for – Whole Life Challenge Sign up Link. This link is only valid until February 16, so don’t procrastinate! Any questions signing up, contact us immediately at info@crossfitmagnitude.com. January 29, 2013 WOD Plyometric Establish a 2 rm Box jump (Take no longer than 5 seconds between both efforts) Conditioning Complete sets of 21-15-9 for time of: Dead lift Lateral box jump KB swing
Jan 2013
I got bored this afternoon and decided to make, as Greg Glassman once put it, “one of the coolest pieces of exercise equipment ever developed”. We call this coolness the parallette. In CrossFit, we cover three main domains of fitness – Gymnastics, Weight lifting, and Metabolic conditioning. Gymnastics are not only fun to perform, give you great body awareness, they also provide something so much more important – neurological training
Jan 2013
If you are new to CrossFit, a seasoned vet, or somewhere in between, you probably still have some basic questions about it. Who it is best suited for? How often should I be doing it? What should I eat? What about aerobics? What is the best way to start? etc… I hope all of these questions have been answered for you by a coach when asked, but if you have
Jan 2013
For everyone thinking about running in the Marshfield St. Patricks day 5k race, we officially have formed a team (courtesy of Chris F.) that you can join when signing up using this LINK. We are giving away Green CrossFit Magnitude shirts for the those of you who sign up first as our supply is limited. So sign up and come see a coach for your shirt. Hurry as supply is going
Jan 2013
So far during your journey here at CrossFit Magnitude, you have been exposed to a lot of squatting. We have performed front squats, overhead squats and back squats (high bar version). For those of you who don’t know, there is another version of squatting we like to call the “low bar” back squat. With out me going into a 30 minute rant about the mechanics, utility, and which will serve
Jan 2013
I spent my afternoon session today taking on the snatch. I took many falls, nearly crushing myself with a loaded bar. I ran over my @#%& (insert private part) which felt similar to doing a belly flop onto a frozen lake from 4 stories high. I spent 1o minutes arguing with myself that there had to be a better way, but realized the cold hard truth that, in all actuality, there
Jan 2013
Keeping your body in a slight alkaline state has been proven to keep you in a disease free state. Given that a lot of the foods we eat, even those found in a so-called healthy diet such as one made up of strict paleo foods, can still promote an acidic state, if not balanced properly. Here is a great article from Naturalnews.com that covers numerous ways to keep you in
Jan 2013
I am happy to announce the Whole Life Challenge Worldwide Spring Throw Down 2013! If you did not get a chance to take place in this great multi part Fitness/Nutrition challenge well heres your chance… If you have taken part in this challenge before, then you already know how beneficial this will be for you… To Keep the game exciting, there will be lots of opportunities to win prizes in
Jan 2013
Coming up this March 16, 2013 the 3rd Annual Marshfield 5k Road race will be taking place. This event is taking place to benefit the Marshfield Education Foundation. To find out more details about this event such as registration, race times, and location, click HERE to go to their main site. Here is a pic depicting why the community at CrossFit Magnitude is so AWESOME! After Jessica had finished her daily
Jan 2013
Not to take away from all the success and improvement that the guys have been making, but oh my God ladies, you’re all on fire! Here is Amanda M rubbing it in – I mean showing the rest of us – who was top dog today for the conditioning portion of our WOD. Amanda is showing insane increases across the board in both Strength & Conditioning and has no plans
Jan 2013
A big congrats to Amy K. for getting her first double under today!!! Amy has been pushing herself tirelessly since last April. She has made huge gains in her strength and conditioning, lost more inches than I can count on both hands and feet, and has dialed in some of our most technical movements. Amy will tell you that these things did not come easy, but with commitment, dedication, and
Jan 2013
I think I have come in contact with more people that are sick in the last month than ever before in my entire life. The cold and flu season is in full force and it is certainly taking its toll on everyone. With that said, if you are sick or feel something coming on (which is the most contagious stage) stay home and get better! Coming to the box and
Jan 2013
I wanted to give everyone a heads up about a challenge coming our way this June. It is called the ‘Super Hero Scramble’. The Super Hero Scramble is a 4 mile elite obstacle course challenge that is going to put you to the test! You can get more info by going to their site superheroscramble.com. The price right now is $50 per contestant, however, the longer you procrastinate the
Jan 2013
Today we will be establishing our CrossFit Total. By doing so, we will be accomplishing a few important things. First off, finding out your total will help you obtain a starting point moving forward. Down the road when we re-test, you will have something to refer back to in order to determine whether or not you are making positive gains. For those of you who have already established a
Jan 2013
I just want to say farewell to all of our college students home on break. We all enjoy your presence when you’re around, so don’t think twice to get back in here once school is out for the summer! On a different note, I want to speak to all of our newest members. I’m sure you are all finding out for yourselves how awesome and contagious CrossFit is. With that
Jan 2013
Here is a great video courtesy of Gymansticswod.com featuring Coach Carl Paoli giving some tips on the kipping handstand push up. January 10, 2012 WOD Skill Kipping handstand push up Strength Pendlay Row 7×3 (heaviest possible) Conditioning Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes, complete the following: 15 kb swing 25 double unders Rx – 1.5 pood/1 pood Lv2 – 44/25 Lv1 – 36/20 Scaled WOD Every 90 seconds for 9
Jan 2013
Here is another great article for you pointing out 5 great immune boosters to get you through the holidays and beyond. Natural remedies courtesy of Mother Nature are always a safer bet when compared to their counterpart – Man made pharmaceuticals (toxins). If you are on a prescription(s) from a Doctor, make sure to enlitghten him/her with any changes you are considering making to your diet as they could have
Jan 2013
How many of you at this very moment do not possess and utilize a training journal? I’ll let you in on a little secret – If you want to see results quicker than ever before, start writing everything down (in good format too!). To keep getting stronger and fitter, you must be provided with a stimulus greater than anything prior or what we exercise geeks like to call utilizing the