Hey guys and gals!  Wouldn’t you like to know more about other people you CrossFit with?  We sure would…so we created an Athlete profile…it is a questionnaire that can be filled out completely (or not) as you want.  If you’re willing to share yourself with the rest of us, click this link CFM Athlete Spotlight Questionnaire.  It will take you to the questionnaire.  We’ll do our best at getting it up on the site as soon as possible!


February 6, 2013 WOD


Push press 5×5 (heaviest possible) – Rest 60 seconds.


Complete sets of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 for time of:

Dead lift



Rx – BW

Lv2 – 3/4 BW

Lv1 – 1/2 BW