I just want to say farewell to all of our college students home on break.  We all enjoy your presence when you’re around, so don’t think twice to get back in here once school is out for the summer!

On a different note, I want to speak to all of our newest members.  I’m sure you are all finding out for yourselves how awesome and contagious CrossFit is.  With that said, it will be very prudent of you to listen very closely to what your body is telling you in the first few months.  The new exposure to all of the exercises we perform and the intensity at which we perform them can have varying effects to the body, both physically and mentally.   Trying to do to much to soon is a common fault I see amongst most newbies.  It is my opinion that when starting out you should do so with out a set schedule in mind.  Rather, take it day by day, class by class, and only come in for your next WOD when you feel ready to do so.  It takes time to build your bodies capacity to handle the load and volume of each workout, and while everyone will react differently, only you will know when your ready.  Our job as coaches is to provide you with a stimulus that is just right.  So when your coach has you scale down the volume and load for the first month or so, just know they are only looking out for your best interest.  During this break in period, try to take in and absorb everything you are taught, don’t let your ego get the better of you, and most of all, try to have fun!



Why can’t this be the model Starbucks?

January 11, 2012 WOD


Hang muscle snatch 4×6 DEMO


For time:

25 burpee

50 jumping pull up

25 burpee

50 jumping pull up

Run 800m