For everyone thinking about running in the Marshfield St. Patricks day 5k race, we officially have formed a team (courtesy of Chris F.) that you can join when signing up using this LINK.  We are giving away Green CrossFit Magnitude shirts for the those of you who sign up first as our supply is limited.  So sign up and come see a coach for your shirt.  Hurry as supply is going fast.

Also, I want to thank everyone who responded to our request for more input regarding what else you would like to see on the horizon at CrossFit Magnitude.  It seems that everyone would like to see yoga on the schedule.  The hard part now is to decide when the best time(s) would be for this newest addition to the schedule.  Email us at with what would be the best time for you to attend such a class.

Now thats a rainbow (or two?)

Now thats a rainbow (or two?)

January 25, 2013 WOD


Front squat 3×10 (heaviest possible)

Notes: Perform sets as quick as possible. Do not pause at top for more than 2 seconds.

In 15 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:


6 pistols

9 burpees