Coming up this March 16, 2013 the 3rd Annual Marshfield 5k Road race will be taking place.  This event is taking place to benefit the Marshfield Education Foundation.  To find out more details about this event such as registration, race times, and location, click HERE to go to their main site.



Here is a pic depicting why the community at CrossFit Magnitude is so AWESOME!  After Jessica had finished her daily butt whooping, she did not even hesitate to get down alongside fellow CrossFitter Lindsay M to motivate her to knock out her last 20 push ups!  Talk about encouragement!


January 19, 2013 WOD


Rope climb


In teams of two, complete the following:

Run 800m – then,

Squat jump ladder 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,

then (with no rest),

KB swing ladder 3,6,9,12,15,18,21

then (with no rest),

Run 800m

Rx – 45/35, 1.5 pood/1 pood

Lv2 – 35/25, 44/25

Lv1 – 35/15, 1.5 pood/20