I spent my afternoon session today taking on the snatch.  I took many falls, nearly crushing myself with a loaded bar.  I ran over my @#%& (insert private part) which felt similar to doing a belly flop onto a frozen lake from 4 stories high.  I spent 1o minutes arguing with myself that there had to be a better way, but realized the cold hard truth that, in all actuality, there wasn’t.  Suck it it, I told myself!  Stay focused, don’t think to much, and move swiftly, I kept saying over and over.  In truth, the snatch is a bitch!  But oh does she pay off when you finally get it and start get really good at it.

Fast forward 8 hours…I just read an article in the CrossFit Journal titled “The Snatch is a Bitch”.  Here is an elite level Olympic lifter expressing the same feelings I had just hours before, and he does this for a living (probably 4 times a day).  Sometimes it feels good to know your not alone in this great fight.  Enough of this ramble though…Take a minute and read this short article courtesy of the CrossFit Journal and author Donny Shankle.  He does a great job explaining what the snatch is and what it isn’t.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

The Snatch is a Bitch

January 23, 2013 WOD


Snatch grip press (strict) 3-3-3-3-3


Spend 10 minutes developing or improving your kipping pull up


Row 500m x4

Rx – Rest 1:1 ratio

Lv2 – Rest 1:2 ratio

Lv1 – Rest 1:3 ratio

Work @ 80-90% ME