Keeping your body in a slight alkaline state has been proven to keep you in a disease free state.  Given that a lot of the foods we eat, even those found in a so-called healthy diet  such as one made up of strict paleo foods, can still promote an acidic state, if not balanced properly.  Here is a great article from that covers numerous ways to keep you in the right balance.  Enjoy…

12 easy ways to remove acid build-up from your body, alkalize your pH and beat disease

Elise’s last trip up the rope until her return this summer.  We will all miss you!


January 22, 2013 WOD

BB Acrobatics

Clean & jerk – 3×3@70%, 2×2@75%, 3×1@80%


Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes, complete the following:

2 power snatch

5 box jump

Rx – 135/95, 24/20″

Lv2- 95/65, 20/16″

Lv1 – 65/35, 16/12″