Nov 2012
Just a reminder, we will be CLOSED Thanksgiving Day. We look forward to helping you regain momentum right afterwards! November 21, 2012 WOD Strength 1 press + 1 push press + 1 push jerk (heaviest possible) 7×1 Notes: One set equals 1 press, push press, and push jerk without dropping the bar. Conditioning: “Filthy Fifty” For time: 50 box jump 50 jumping pull ups 50 kb swings 50 walking lunges
Nov 2012
***No Open Gym today*** I wanted to post the results of the top 8 challengers of the Whole Life Challenge. This was a very close race to the finish and to be honest with you, the scoring system used to grade this challenge was a little skewed. What I mean is that if you did not have a lot to lose from the start (strictly speaking to the measurement portion),
Nov 2012
And the top 3 winners of the Whole Life Challenge are………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1st: Lori Sangster 2nd: Janet Kaladranis 3rd: Janet Palmeiri Terrific job to everyone in the challenge, especially those who stuck it out to the end (Pat yourself on the back if you haven’t already). Not coming up on top in no way mean that you didn’t win. If you are doing just ONE thing different in a more positive fashion
Nov 2012
It’s Friday so pizza’s on the menu tonight right? Oh yeah, we like to keep it as clean as possible as much as possible. Well heres a great paleo pizza recipe that will help you do just that and satisfy a craving at the same time. Courtesy of Paleo pizza! November 16, 2012 WOD Strength 1a) Pull ups – weighted 5×5 rest 60 seconds, then 1b) Single arm single
Nov 2012
It’s that time of year again when the flu starts popping up and tries to get the better of you. It is my opinion that the flu or other types of sickness can be avoided completely if you follow one simple premiss- Don’t let 3 of these 4 scenarios present themselves at any one given time (especially if you are around people who are already sick) and you should stay
Nov 2012
ThanksGiving Schedule Update: Wednesday November 21 – 5:30 am CrossFit, 9:00am CrossFit, No Open Gym, 5:30pm CrossFit Thursday November 22 – No Classes Friday November 23 – Regular Classes except 5:30am Saturday November 24 – 7:30 Spin, 9:00 CrossFit class Sunday November 25 – 8:00 Tabata, No open gym November 14, 2012 Strength Every minute for 7 minutes perform 2 Dead lifts @ 75% then, In 3 minutes, ME push
Nov 2012
Here is a great video of Coach Glassman explaining the finer nuances of the Sumo dead lift high pull. This video does a terrific job of showing what to do and what not to do when performing this movement. The kids having fun after they had fun!!! November 13, 2012 WOD Skill Handstand push up Strength Close grip bench 3-3-3-3-3 Conditioning Complete sets of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 for time of: Burpee
Nov 2012
***NO open gym today*** Big hats off to competitors Michele, Michelle, Caitlin, and Mark for laying it all on the table this weekend at the Garage Games put on by CrossFit Southie! It was a big learning opportunity for the athletes as well as myself as we all got a better understanding of competition rules and protocol. For anyone interested in trying out for our very own affiliate team for
Nov 2012
Today after the 8:00am, we are heading over to CrossFit Southie to watch and cheer on our very own Caitlin, Mark, Michele, Michelle, Travis and Kevin in the garage games. Festivities start at 9:00! Directions to CrossFit Southie are as follows: Crossfit Southie 385 Dorchester Ave. Suite #100 Boston, MA 02127 (617) 269-0003 See you all there! November 10, 2012 WOD Strength Pendlay row 5×5 (heaviest possible) Conditioning With
Nov 2012
Coach Caitlin was ravin about this recipe so I had to share it with you. I apologize in advance if your a vegan! Enjoy. Bacon Wrapped Filet – Courtesy of Don’t forget these are the final days before the Whole Life Challenge comes to an end. If you have a surplus of bonus points don’t forget to use em’ or lose em’. We will be declaring our winners
Nov 2012
CrossFit is the sport of fitness. It is not just any sport, it is a full contact sport. Training at your full potential, regardless of how careful you may be, there is always a risk of injury. Don’t worry though, It happens to the best of. The most important part about getting injured is how you deal with it. You will for certain go through certain phases of any injury:
Nov 2012
CrossFit Kids first class was an absolute success! The kids had a blast and can’t wait to come back. This will be a permanent class on the schedule from here on out. If you have not had a chance to sign your kids up it is never to late. Send an email to if you have any questions regarding CrossFit kids classes. On another note, I just wanted to
Nov 2012
CLASS SCHEDULE UPDATE: Due to this weekends upcoming competition at CrossFit Southie, we will be holding only 1 class this Saturday at 8:00 am. Also, Sunday is the day we will be finalizing the Whole Life Challenge with final measurements and the baseline WOD everyone did at the beginning of the challenge. If you are still in it to win it, do not miss out! November 6, 2012 WOD Strength
Nov 2012
I just want to extend our thoughts and prayers from CrossFit Magnitude and the Community to all of those still suffering from the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy. This is a reminder to everyone that when nature wants to have Her way with us, She will and all we can do is be prepared – mentally, physically, and spiritually. God bless all those who are on a mission to
Nov 2012
The Whole Life Challenge is not over until we declare a winner. In order for this to happen, we need to take final measurements, as well as perform the baseline WOD that you took at the beginning. The date for this will be Sunday, November 11 at 9:00am. If you can not attend during this time, please coordinate with a coach a time to make this up. November 2, 2012
Oct 2012
For those of you in the Whole Life Challenge still staying strong, we have less than 2 weeks to go until it is celebration time! I hope you have given it your best shot and are already reaping the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. If only one new habit sticks as a result of your efforts over the 2 month period it was a success. Remember, progress does not come
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! October 31, 2012 WOD Strength Press 3-3-3-3-3 (increase weight with each set) Conditioning “Living and the Dead” Wod courtesy of CrossFit UTE In this workout you can choose to be the Living or a Zombie (the Dead). OOOOoooAAAHHAAAHHAA If you are alive you will start the workout with the first group. If you are a Zombie you will start the WOD exactly 3 minutes after the living people
Oct 2012
I apologize for the untimely presentation of this great survival checklist one should be able to easily check off in the event of a hurricane or other natural or man made disaster. Hopefully you didn’t have to rely on any of these items this time around but who is to say next time you wont. Great stuff as always by Mike Adams and Hurricane Sandy “monster storm” survival checklist
Oct 2012
October 29, 2012 Looking out for the safety of our community, we will be closed for WOD’n Monday due to the the impending beating we are all about to withstand from Sandy. Be Safe and stay off the roads (or watch out for falling wires and branches if you have to be out and about)! We were all waiting for CrossFit Kids to start this Monday, but will unfortunately
Oct 2012
A BIG Happy 60th to Brad W and Mike D!!! They both are true CrossFit success stories! I don’t have to tell you what just 6 months of CrossFit will do to you, just ask them. CrossFit will reinforce your life regardless of your age. It’s weird, for me the more I do it, the better I feel and the easier life becomes. We all really have just two choices,
Oct 2012
If your part of the Whole Life Challenge right now, your probably either settled in nicely riding on cruise control or your ready to lose control. If it’s the latter, it would be very wise to start chipping away at some of those bonus points you’ve earned so hard. You can’t take them with you when its over, and they DO NOT count towards your point total at the end.
Oct 2012
Anyone can hop on a rowing erg and start pulling towards greater fitness, but to really get the most out of it (being efficient) you must have some of the key fundamentals figured out. I pulled this video from the CrossFit vault courtesy of Check it out for a better understanding of proper rowing technique so you can start making noticeable improvements on all your rowing efforts. Rowing Video October 24, 2012
Oct 2012
I am sure most of you have experimented with foam rollers at one point or another, but do you have a full understanding of why your rolling out, how to do it, and how often? Foam rolling is a form of SMR or Self Myo-fascial Release. In other words, it is the process of breaking up scar tissue, knots, and a host of other junk built up within the layers
Oct 2012
CrossFit is awesome! Can anyone argue that point? I mean, it doesn’t matter who you are, what prior or current shape your in, how old or how young you are. It can help us all, and in a multitude of ways. Speaking of the young, we feel it would not be fair if we just offer CrossFit to all us older folk. And instead of having a 2 month
Oct 2012
Come try out Inov 8’s latest footwear during class this Saturday morning! If your sneakers resemble walking on marshmallows then this experience may be the opportunity to take your commitment to the next level. See for yourself what proper foot wear will do for you. I guarantee you will see the difference! October 20, 2012 WOD Strength Work up to a 3rm Power clean. Then perform 1 rep every 30 seconds for