Nov 2012

Avoiding the Flu

It’s that time of year again when the flu starts popping up and tries to get the better of you.  It is my opinion that the flu or other types of sickness can be avoided completely if you follow one simple premiss- Don’t let 3 of these 4 scenarios present themselves at any one given time (especially if you are around people who are already sick) and you should stay in the clear.

1) Not enough sleep – lack of sleep means lack of recovery, not just recovery of your tired muscles, but all of your other bodily systems including your immune system.

2) Your diet sucks – eating poor food choices or not eating enough of the good stuff is a great way to inhibit the production of “super hero cells” which help fight and destroy infections.  Also, lots of good sources of food have anti microbal compounds to them which help stave off the flu.  Vitamins and minerals  found in fruits and veggies as well as lean meats and fish  play a giant role in obtaining all the necessary nutrients to keep your body in balance.  Don’t forget pre and pro-biotics found in fermented foods which help your digestive tract (one of your bodies biggest immune organs) do it’s job better.

3) You workout TO MUCH – Overtraining sends your body into a tail spin.  All of your resources that are needed to fight the flu that is lingering around are to busy fixing your over worked body.

4) Stress –  Another great way to  lower your immune system!

Amy getting vertical!

November 15, 2012 WOD


Overhead squat 7×3 (heaviest possible)


In 12 minutes, climb the rep ladder 2-4-6-8-10,etc…as high as you can performing:

Power clean

Wall ball

Kb swing

Rx – 135/95, 20/14, 52/36

Lv2 – 95/65, 14/12, 44/25

Lv1 – 75/35, 12/8, 36/20