Nov 2012

Pizza time!

It’s Friday so pizza’s on the menu tonight right?  Oh yeah, we like to keep it as clean as possible as much as possible.  Well heres a great paleo pizza recipe that will help you do just that and satisfy  a craving at the same time.  Courtesy of everydaypaleo.com

Paleo pizza!

Luis stretching it out!

November 16, 2012 WOD


1a) Pull ups – weighted 5×5

rest 60 seconds, then

1b) Single arm single leg dead lift (opposing) 5×5/side

rest 60 seconds, repeat


3 rounds moving from each of 5 stations after a minute.  Score is the total reps accomplished throughout.

Row for calories

Med ball clean

Box jump


Abmat sit up

Rx – 20/14#, 36/24″

Lv2 – 14/12#, 24/20″

Lv1 – 12/8#, 20/12″