Strong, determined, and awesome with CrossFit’s technical movements, Anna B is a great example of a small town girl with big ambitions!

How young are you? 40

Where were you born and where did you grow up?  Born in Springfield, MA – but grew up in a very small town in Minnesota.(one square mile and maybe 300 people – but 4 bars)

If you could have any super powers, what would it allow you to do?  To eat what I want and not gain any weight.

What is/are your favorite movement(s) to perform?  Power Cleans, box jumps, rowing and wall balls.

If you won a million dollars, what’s your first purchase?  I’d get a personal chef followed closely by a maid.  Food cooked and a clean house and I’m a happy girl.

What sort of changes to your body, health & fitness have you seen since starting CrossFit?   Stronger for sure – a better mindset on what I can do and push myself to do especially in the middle of a workout.

Now that you’ve been CrossFitting for some time, are there any misconceptions you may have initially had coming into CrossFit that you now disagree with?  I’d hear people say Crossfit will make you “big”. Um no – eating like crap and not exercising will do that.  

Any advice to new members getting started?  Show up and try.  Be ok with failing and know that when you hit a PR that everyone will be as excited as you are.

What are you up to when you’re not at CFM?  Running when I can which lately hasn’t been a lot. I’m a seasonal tax accountant – which explains my sever lack of sleep lately. I’m also a mom to 2 kids who are busy with swimming, horse lessons, hockey and homework and have a husband who travels a lot for work.

Tell us something most people do not know about you?  I don’t eat hamburgers or cheeseburgers.  Haven’t had one since I was about 10 years old.