If you ever find yourself in the position to raise your own chickens…Do it!  Not only do they provide you with, in my opinion, one of the best protein sources on planet earth, they are also hysterical little creatures that are fun to have around the homestead.  More and more people, in both rural and urban places, are finding out that the benefits of producing your own eggs (and meat

Back in 2005, Founder Greg Glassman wrote an excellent article on the overhead squat.  This article along with thousands of other priceless articles can be found in the CrossFit Journal.  If you are not a subscriber of the CrossFit Journal, you are missing out on some of the most informative instruction on Fitness you can find on the web or anywhere else.  Here is a direct quote from Coaches article on the

The following article on hand rips is courtesy of the CrossFit Journal.  Definitely take notes on this one… Hand Rips Causes, Treatments, and Prevention CrossFit Journal Issue 68 April 2008 by Phil Savage Rips of the skin and calluses on the hands are an annoying and painful part of any physical exercise that uses the hands intensively. Anyone can get them, and there’s no getting around that fact. You can


Mar 2013


Eating healthy organic foods has its benefits.  But there are certain organic foods known as “super foods” that are especially beneficial for you, especially if you make them part of your every day diet.  Check out this article courtesy of Naturalnews.com to find out which ones. Organic Superfoods! March 19, 2013 WOD BB acrobatics Hang clean (squat) 5×2 (heaviest possible) Conditioning In 9 minutes, complete AMRAP of: 5 lateral burpees

Super job to all our competitors in the CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.2!  This one had everyone breathing fire!  Can’t wait to see whats on tap for 13.3.  Regardless of what comes our way, we shall be ready as we prepare daily for the unknown and unknowable…. On another note, we had lots of members who ran the Marshfield St. Patty Day 5k over the weekend, most notably, Carolyn G.

Good luck to everyone running the St. Patricks day 5k today!  We have a few members of CFM with their eye on a victory! Also, Sunday around 10:30 we will be hosting the CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.2 for all registered athletes.  Come in and help fire this place up!  We’ll see you here… March 16, 2013 WOD Skill: Spend 20 minutes slaying a goat. Conditioning: In 20 minutes, ascend

Here are a couple efficiency tips for hand stand push ups from the man himself – Chris Spealler.  If you have never heard of Chris, he is a stellar athlete who has made it to the CrossFit games every year since its origin.  Although he uses a competitors slant in his approach to teach these methods, they all can prove as useful tools in obtaining a hspu.     March 15, 2013


Mar 2013

The Fuzz

Have you ever noticed how being restricted or “tight” in a certain area really limits your ability to perform certain movement patterns?  Have you ever wondered where some of this tightness comes from?  There is this little fuzzy stuff called fascia, and although its purpose and place in the human body is absolutely necessary, it can be a nuisance if you let it.  Check out this video where Gil Hedley explains (using

We have officially 31 days left in the Whole Life Challenge and one of our very own – Tiffany T. – is currently tied for 1st place WorldWide!  That is pretty damn awesome if you ask me! Don’t forget to stop by tonight as we are hosting the WLC Potluck starting at 6:00pm.  Try not to come with a full belly as there will be lots of delicious recipes to


Mar 2013

WLC Potluck

A reminder – tomorrow night we will be hosting the WLC Potluck!  This food tasting/sharing of ideas event is for everyone in the CrossFit Magnitude community so get your butt over to the box at 6:00 to get in on all the goodness!  The more people are exposed to great food and great recipes, the better chances are they will change their habits and reap the rewards of a healthy


Mar 2013

To Endure

I just want to point out how very cool this weekend was with the Open 13.1 going on.  Everyone showed up with their game face on and gave all they had! Nothing beats the feeling you get when you overcome something so challenging and have friends and family around you to witness it.  Like everyone else, I wait  patiently for 13.2…                  


Mar 2013


***UPDATE*** The 6:00pm Friday night class has been CANCELED due to the storm in progress. CrossFit is a thing of beauty and elegance.  Speaking of elegance, here is a great article courtesy of the CrossFit Journal authored by Pat Sherwood talking about CrossFit, the genius of its founder – Greg Glassman – and his rather simplistic approach to the greatest fitness program in the world. Read on… On Elegance   March

Today, our featured Spotlight Athlete is Ryan H.  I must say if there was a contest based on making the most drastic improvements in such a short span of time, Ryan would definitely be a top contender. Name:  Ryan H. Hometown:  NY, NY Age:  n/a Occupation:  n/a When did you first start CrossFitting?  End of July 2012 When did you first start training at CFM?  August 2012 Favorite WOD:  Murph


Mar 2013

Here We Go!

Today, to begin the quest of finding the “Fittest on Earth”, CrossFit HQ will release the first WOD of the CrossFit Games Open.  If you didn’t already know,  CrossFit is both a methodology employed to harness a superior level of fitness and also a sport – “the sport of fitness”.  Like most sports, it’s always fun, challenging, inspiring, competitive, and lets not forget, theres lots of camaraderie.  Who wouldn’t want to

For the next few weeks of the WLC, part of your challenge is to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night.  If you suffer from one of the many sleep insomnia type ailments and need to find a way to get the sleep required to keep you healthy, then read this great article filled with simple home remedies to help you put an end to those restless nights.

As most of you are well aware, the CrossFit Games Open is finally here.  If you are planning on competing in the open here at CFM we will be posting a schedule at the box of times when official scoring/judging will take place.  Please contact us at info@crossfitmagnitude.com with any questions regarding this event. Also, we want to invite you all to our WLC Potluck this upcoming weekend on Saturday


Mar 2013

Dig in!

Here is a stellar article written by the one and only Bill Starr, courtesy of the CrossFit Journal and CrossFit.com.  Bill does an excellent job going into detail about the importance of staying connected to the floor at all cost.  Read on… Feet First March 1, 2013 WOD Strength Good Morning 5×5 (heaviest possible) Conditioning Complete for time sets of 45-30-15 of: Kb swing Ring push ups Rx – 55/36

We are excited to announce that we will be hosting our first ever CrossFit  contest here at CrossFit Magnitude on May 11&12, 2013.  Come test your mettle in this 2-day contest featuring 96 Athletes from all over the south shore and beyond.  There will be 2 divisions, both Rx and Scaled with no age limits! We will be giving away cash prizes along with select gear for all our top

If you buy organic foods, and they come from China, or you want to understand the standards of labeling something organic and why buying products from certain locations around the globe may not be in your best interest….Read on! Organic food from China -courtesy of Mike Adams, the Health Ranger of Naturalnews.com February 27, 2013 WOD 1) Clean – 1st pull 3×5 2) in 10 minutes, establish a near max power

Hats off to everyone who set a new PR today in the back squat.  We had members increase their squat up to 40 pounds heavier than their previously set record only 5 short weeks ago. We will be starting a new strength wave starting next week, so if you missed out on the last one, be sure to take part in this great opportunity to turn a potential weakness into

Try this one out…Super good and super fast! Buffalo shrimp over spaghetti squash February 25, 2013 WOD Strength In 20 minutes, establish a 1rm back squat Conditioning In 2 minutes complete AMRAP of: 1 back squat + 1 behind neck push press then, no rest: In 5 minutes, complete AMRAP of: 10 kb swing 10 box jump then, no rest: In 2 minutes, complete AMRAP of: 1 back squat +


Feb 2013

February 23, 2013 WOD Skill Kipping pull up Conditioning 4 rounds of 3- 90 second stations of: Row – calories Push jerk Squat clean Rest 60 seconds between each round. Rx – 135/95 Lv2 – 95/65 Lv1 – 65/35  


Feb 2013


I just want to say how proud I am of everyone and all the progress that is being made here at CFM.  Every day someone is either setting a new PR,  perfecting a new movement or skill, making what was once impossible the possible, or talking about how life has been so much more enjoyable now that they CrossFit.   Speaking for all the coaches,  a big thanks to each

The CrossFit Games are almost under way.  Every year, thousands of people like yourselves test their mettle through a battery of WOD’s to see where they stand amongst the fittest in the world.  The first part of the contest – The Open is exactly that, open to all around the entire world.  After registering at The CrossFit Games Website, you can fill out an athlete profile to showcase your latest feats

There is no movement in all of lifting that requires as much balance, coordination, power, speed, finess, and above all athleticism than the Snatch.  Obtaining the ability to perform a  perfectly executed snatch is a huge milestone to reach and speaks volumes to your abilities as an athlete and as a human being. Watch this video for a more in depth look at the snatch.     February 20, 2013 WOD BB