Super job to all our competitors in the CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.2!  This one had everyone breathing fire!  Can’t wait to see whats on tap for 13.3.  Regardless of what comes our way, we shall be ready as we prepare daily for the unknown and unknowable….

On another note, we had lots of members who ran the Marshfield St. Patty Day 5k over the weekend, most notably, Carolyn G. who won her age division for the 3rd year in a row!  Way to go GF!!!

WLC contestants, it’s not over yet! As we are now officially over the half way point, don’t let  your guard down.  Just remember, the leader board is just one aspect of this challenge.  We are picking winners from a host of categories, including most improved WOD time, most inches lost, spirit of the challenge award, plus we will be holding a special drawing for a cool prize just for making it to the end.   Keep earning those points and we’ll see you at the finish line!


March 18, 2013 WOD


Push press 3×5@75%, 3×3 @85%


5 rounds for time of:

10 toes to bar

10 hang muscle snatch


Rx – 75/55

Lv2 – 55/35

Lv1 – 35/15