The CrossFit Games are almost under way.  Every year, thousands of people like yourselves test their mettle through a battery of WOD’s to see where they stand amongst the fittest in the world.  The first part of the contest – The Open is exactly that, open to all around the entire world.  After registering at The CrossFit Games Website, you can fill out an athlete profile to showcase your latest feats as well as view yourself on a world wide leader board.  Starting March 6, over a 5 week period, you will be tasked with one WOD per week competing against not only yourself and everyone else at CFM, but all participating athletes from around the globe.  Just think of it as an ordinary WOD (which it is) on an ordinary day, giving it your 110% like you already do, and leave your mark for the world to see.  If your lucky enough (ie…fit as f@*!) you will be moving on to regionals…and I will be by your side each and every step of the way!

Click HERE to register now!


February 21, 2013 WOD


Pendlay row 5×5 (heaviest possible)


Complete 5 rounds for a total time of:

20 UB KB swings

15 Push ups

10 DB walking lunges

Rest 1 minute between each round.

Rx – 55/36, 30/20

Lv2 – 44/25, 25/15

Lv1 – 36/20, 20/10