If you  read yesterdays article, one of the things covered was injuries.  Guess what – it happens to the best of us.  It is an inevitable occurrence.   As human beings, we like to push ourselves – sometimes past our own limitations.  But maybe you don’t.  Maybe you are the type who stops just at the right time,  at your exact limit.  Will this keep you from getting injured?  Maybe.  That is considering you don’t let any of these five things get in your way as well:

1) RSI – also known as repetitive strain injury.   This happens when the rate of tissue breakdown exceeds the rate of tissue repair, i.e.,your are doing to much, to often, without letting yourself heal properly.

2) Inflexibility – You do not possess the proper range of motion required to perform the movement you are attempting.

3) Poor movement mechanics –  You don’t know what your doing.

4) Improper loading – The weight you are using far exceeds your own limitations to maintain proper form.

5) Muscular imbalance – The musculature on one side of the joint is not equally balanced with its opposing side, e.g., you do not squat deep enough creating an imbalance between your quads and your hamstrings.

So if you want the best chance of staying on top of your game with out having to ride the bench, make sure you address  all of the above while also staying within your known limitations.  This, however, is not an excuse to not push yourself.  Just be smart when you do!

 August 9, 2012 WOD


Close grip bench press -5×5 (heaviest possible)


in 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

10 pistols

10 pull ups