I am still noticing a lot of bent backs during our daily strength sessions.   This is telling me a few things.   People are still not ‘FEELING’  the movement.  The weight being used is to ‘HEAVY’ for you.  You are still ‘UNSURE’ how to do the lift.  The first and the last go hand in hand.  If you are having trouble feeling the lift or are still unsure about your technique, I beg of you to ask for help and oversight as these things can all be fixed by doing a few simple drills.  Remember, it is much harder to unlearn something than to learn it from scratch the right way.  I have noticed most of you who are using to much weight don’t even realize it.  This can be a problem.  And this is also where ‘FEELING’ the movement comes into play.   Here are a few examples of people either not ‘FEELING’ the movement or are just using a load to heavy to maintain any sort of core stability.  Are they wrong for looking like this – Absolutely not!  They just have a little improving to do, and thats why it is our job as coaches, to give you on the minute feedback and make necessary corrections to ensure your safety.  When in doubt – Ask for help!!!

June 8, 2012 WOD


Thruster  5-3-3-2-1


in 15 minutes,  complete as many rounds as possible of:

200m run

10 kb sumo dead lift high pulls

10 kb front squats

10 kb overhead swings

Use 1.5/1 pood kb