Monday 140512 WOD Weightlifting In 15 minutes, establish a 1RM Power snatch   Gymnastic Tabata arch to hollow on pull up bar 8x 15/work 10/rest   Conditioning 7 rounds for time of: 200m Run 7/10 push up 7/10 V-up   Tuesday 140513 WOD Strength In 20 minutes, establish a 1RM Front squat   Conditioning In 10 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 5 power clean  5 front squat

Monday 140505 WOD Weightlifting 3 hang squat clean + 1 jerk, In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy complex for the day.   Midline Hollow rock -8×20 sec/on 20 sec/off   Conditioning For time, complete the following: 30 chest to bar pull up 100 double under 30 ground to overhead 115/85, 95//65, 75/45 100 double under     Tuesday 140506 WOD Strength Front squat – In 15 minutes, work

Monday 140428 WOD Weightlifting Power clean – In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy 5 for the day. Note: These are NOT touch and go reps.  Drop and reset between every rep.   Midline 1) 3×20 sec Arch hold Rest 20 seconds between each hold. 2) 3×20 Hollow hold Rest 20 seconds between each hold.   Conditioning “Helen” 3 rounds for time of: 400m Run 21 KB swing 53/36,

Strength Dead lift – In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy triple for the day.   Midline Accumulate 90 seconds in an L-sit using the parallettes.   Conditioning “Flight Simulator”  (mini version) For time 5 double unders 10 double unders 15 double unders 20 double unders 25 double unders 30 double unders 25 double unders 20 double unders 15 double unders 10 double unders 5 double unders   Notes: All

Strength Snatch balance – In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy single for the day Notes: Keep movement fast and precise.     Conditioning 5 rounds for time of: 10 overhead squat 115/85, 95/65, 75/45 4 rope climb 200m run

Strength In 12 minutes, work up to a  heavy turkish get-up (any lifting apparatus) for the day.   Power In 12 minutes, establish a 1RM box jump   Conditioning 2 minutes ME Wall ball – 20/14, 14/12, 10/8 Rest 60 seconds 2 minutes ME KB swing – 70/53, 53/44, 44/36 Rest 60 seconds 2 minutes ME  Double unders Rest 60 seconds 2 minutes ME Row (calories)  

Strength Press 5-5-3-3-2-1 – heaviest possible across all sets.   Conditioning For time, complete sets of 21-15-9 of: Shoulder to overhead – 135/95, 105/75, 85/55 Bar facing burpee

Strength 1) Back squat –  1 attempt to establish a 20RM (use 90% of weight from last week). Rest 2 minutes 2) Front squat – Max reps at 100% of #1   Conditioning “Nicole” In 20 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of: 400m Run Pull ups – max unbroken reps   Score equals total rounds and reps

Weightlifting 1 Power clean + 2 front squat + 1 split jerk – in 15 minutes, work up to a heavy complex for the day.   Conditioning In 11 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:   7 power clean – 155/115, 135/95, 95/65 5 HSPU

Weightlifting Snatch – In 20 minutes, establish a 1RM    Conditioning Run 800m, then: 3 rounds of – 10 overhead squat 10 bar facing burpee then,  Run 800m

Strength Bench press – In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy triple for the day   Conditioning For time. complete the following: 50 pull up 50 push up 50 kb swing – 70/53, 53/44, 44/36 50 thruster – 45/35, 35/25, 25/15  

Strength Pendlay row 5×5 – heaviest possible across all sets   Conditioning “Christine” 3 rounds for time of: 500m row 15 body weight dead lift 21 box jump – 24/20, 20/16, 16/12″   *** This is the baseline WOD for those of you participating in the CFM Methodology Challenge – Record your scores***


Apr 2014

140416 WOD

April 16, 2014 WOD Weightlifting Muscle snatch – In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy triple for the day.   Conditioning In 11 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:   10 power snatch  – 115/85, 95/65, 75/45 200m run        


Apr 2014

140415 WOD

April 15, 2014 WOD Strength 1) Back squat – 1 attempt to establish a 20RM.  Add 5-10# more than last week.  Try to get as close to maximal as possible.     Rest 2 minutes before #2   2) Front squat – Max reps at 100% of #1   Conditioning 3 rounds for time of: 40 kb swing –  53/44, 44/36, 36/25 30 wall ball – 20/14, 14/12, 10/8 20


Apr 2014

140414 WOD

April 14, 2014 WOD Strength 3 muscle clean  + 3 push press – In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy complex for the day.   Conditioning 5 rounds for time of: 10 burpees 30 double under 10 pull up    


Apr 2014

140411 WOD

April 11, 2014 WOD Strength Clean pull 5×3 – Absolute heaviest possible.  This typically should be heavier than your 1RM clean of any type.   Conditioning   Tabata pull up Rest 1 minute Tabata push up Rest 1 minute Tabata kb swing Rest 1 minute Tabata burpee   Score equals total of combined lowest round for each exercise.


Apr 2014

14 0410

April 10, 2014 WOD Strength Snatch grip press 5×5 – heavier than last week.   Conditioning Complete 3 rounds for total reps  1 minute max effort – shoulder to overhead  115/85, 95/65, 75/45 rest 1 minute 1 minute max effort – sumo-deadlift highpull  115/85, 95/65, 75/45 rest 1 minute 1 minute max effort – wall ball  20/14, 14/12, 10/8 rest 1  minute 1 minute max effort – row (calories)  


Apr 2014

140409 WOD

April 9, 2014 WOD Weightlifting Power clean & jerk – In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy single for the day.     Conditioning   Every minute for 7 minutes perform the following:   3 power clean & 1 jerk @ 80% of weight from above.   Rest 3  minutes, then   Complete the following for time:   400m Overhead plate carry  45/25 50 Abmat situps   Note: There


Apr 2014

140408 WOD

April 8, 2014 WOD Strength 1) Back squat – 1 attempt to est a 20RM Note: Add 5-10# more than last week, but do not go heavy enough to fail.   Rest 1:00 minute, then immediately perform:   2) Front squat – Max reps at 100% of #1   Conditioning For time, complete the following:   Row 500m, then 3 rounds of 7/10 HSPU 15 Box jump 20 Burpee


Apr 2014

140407 WOD

April 7, 2014 WOD Weightlifting 1 Power snatch + 1 hang power snatch – In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy complex for the day. Conditioning In one continuous piece, complete the following 1 minute max effort KB swing 8 minute AMRAP of; 30 double under 12/8 pull up 1 minute max effort KB swing Note: This should be a 10 minute piece in total.  Score equals total KB


Apr 2014

140405 WOD

April 5, 2014 WOD Weightlifting Tall snatch 7×3  DEMO VIDEO– Work up to a heavy (but  perfect) triple for the day.   Conditioning 4 rounds for time of: 25 wall ball 20/14, 14/12, 10/8 400m run  


Apr 2014

140404 WOD

April 4, 2014 WOD Today we will be performing a Hero WOD in honor of Lieutenant Edward Walsh 43, and Firefighter Michael “Dork” Kennedy 33, who died battling a ferocious wind-whipped blaze last week.   R.I.P. Donations for the two families can be given at:  There are two Hero WOD’s  to honor the Fallen.    Michael “Dork” Kennedy   33 Back Squats 225/155# 15 Burpees 33 Deadlifts 225/155# 15 Burpees 33 KB


Apr 2014

140403 WOD

April 3, 2014 WOD Strength Snatch press 5×5 – Heaviest possible across all sets. Conditioning For time, complete the following:   100 double under 5  toe 2 bar 80 double under 10 toe 2 bar 60 double under 15  toe 2 bar 40 double under 20 toe 2 bar 20 double under 25 toe 2 bar      


Apr 2014

140402 WOD

April 2, 2014 WOD Weightlifting 7×1 Hang clean and jerk – work up to a heavy (but perfect) single for the day. Conditioning For time:   Row 1,000m   Note: This is an all out max effort


Mar 2014

Happy Birthday CrossFit Magnitude!   Today marks the completion of our second full year in business changing lives.  We would like to thank everyone for being a part of this amazing community as it wouldn’t be half as awesome without you! We are continually making strides toward giving you the best experience possible and are doing everything possible to make year three the best one yet!   April 1, 2014