Nov 2014
Monday 141103 WOD Strength Box squat – 8×2@50-60% of 1rm back squat. Rest 30 seconds between each set. Note: Focus on lowering to box under complete control reaching as far back with glutes as possible, obtaining a vertical shin position. Use explosiveness to reach top position. Conditioning Tabata pull up Rest 60 seconds Tabata burpee Rest 60 seconds Tabata V-ups Rest 60 seconds Tabata wallball 20/14 Tuesday 141104 WOD Weightlifting
Oct 2014
Monday 141027 WOD Strength Front squat (tempo 32×1) 5×3 – heaviest possible across all working sets. Rest at least 2 minutes in between sets. Conditioning For time, complete the following: 50 wall ball 20/14 25 pull up 800m run 25 pull up 50 wall ball Int: 14/12, Nov: 10/8 Tuesday 141028 WOD Weightlifting Hang power snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -ascending weight on every set. Start first working set around 80% of 1rm.
Oct 2014
Monday 141020 WOD Strength 1) Push press 4-4-4-4 rest 60 -90 seconds between each set 2) Behind the neck split jerk 3-3-3-3 rest 60-90 seconds between each set PreCon 3 rounds of: 10 swing throughs (on rig) 3 push press (warm up to slightly more than wod #) 10 power jumps (DU without rope) Conditioning Complete 5 – 3 minute rounds of:
Oct 2014
Monday 141013 Strength 1a) Good Morning 5×5 (heaviest possible) 1b) L-Sit 5xME ** rest 60 sec. ** Conditioning 5 rounds for time: 20 pushups 20 lunge jumps (split) 200m run Tuesday 141014 Weightlifting In 15 minutes establish a heavy clean and jerk for the day Conditioning In 8 minutes: 5 minute ME doubleunders remaining 3 minutes perform ME power clean & jerk (135/85) int 95/60 nov 75/45
Oct 2014
Monday 141006 WOD Weightlifting 1) In 12 minutes, work up to a 1RM hang power snatch for the day 2) EMOM x 5, perform 1 hang power snatch @ 90% of weight established from above. Conditioning In 13 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 12 overhead squat 95/65 50 double under Int: 80/50, Nov: 65/35 Tuesday 141007 WOD Strength Pendlay row 5×5 – heaviest possible across all sets.
Sep 2014
Monday 140929 WOD Strength Overhead squat – In 12 minutes, establish a heavy (not max) double for the day. Conditioning “Cindy” In 20 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 5 pull up 10 push up 15 air squat Tuesday 140930 WOD Strength In 15 minutes, establish a heavy complex for the day of: Power clean x2 + Front squat x 2 + 1 Split jerk Conditioning For time,
Sep 2014
Monday 140922 WOD Strength-endurance 4 rounds :30 sec max reps / :30 sec rest Pull up (strict) Rest 3 minutes, then: Bar dip – est a 5rm Tabata – 8×20/10 Hollow hold Arch hold * switch odd/even Conditioning For time… 25 burpee Run 1 mile 100 double unders Tuesday 140923 WOD Strength Snatch balance 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (ascending) Note: Make sure you have developed quick speed to the bottom with a good
Sep 2014
Monday 140915 WOD Strength Sumo dead lift – 5×5 (heaviest possible) Rest as needed in between sets. Conditioning (part 1 is the baseline for the whole life challenge) 1) AMRAP in 7 minutes: 15 cal row 15 hand release push up Rest 3 minutes 2) AMRAP in 7 minutes: 30 double under 15 kb swing Adv: 70/44, Int: 53/36, Nov: 44/25 Tuesday 140916 WOD Strength Overhead squat 3-3-3-3-3 (increase weight
Sep 2014
Monday 140908 WOD Strength Thruster – 7×1 Rest as needed in between sets. Notes: Warm up to about 85% of what you could do for 1RM, then perform 7 singles with that weight focusing on solid technique – A good rack position down and up, with a strong hip opening allowing for an easier press to the top. Adv: Perform a cluster – Clean from floor right into a thruster.
Sep 2014
Tuesday 140902 WOD Strength 1) Clean 1st pull (3 sec pause @ knee) – 3×3 (Heaviest possible) 2) Clean pull – 3×3 (Use 100-120% of 1rm clean) 3) Tall clean – 3×5 (Keep it light and fast. Work on pulling under the bar) Video DEMO 4) Split jerk – 4×1 (Heaviest you can maintain perfect technique) Wednesday 140903 WOD Strength Back squat – 10-7-5-3×3 (Add 5-10# to previous weeks weight across all
Aug 2014
Monday 140825 WOD Weightlifting 1) Power snatch – In 15 minutes, establish a 1rm. Then, 1@95%, 2@90% 2) Power clean and jerk – In 15 minutes, establish a 1rm. Then, 1@95%, 2@90% Conditioning Complete 3 rounds for time of: 20 pull ups 75 double unders Tuesday 140826 WOD Strength Press 8-8-6-6-4 Notes: Work up to a heavy set of 8 and then gradually increase weight over all sets. Conditioning In
Aug 2014
Monday 140818 WOD Weightlifting 1) 3 position power snatch (hip, knee, floor) – 4×1 (use 75 – 85% of 1rm power snatch) Rest 60-90 seconds between each set 2) 3 position power clean (hip, knee, floor) – 4×1 (use 75 – 85% of 1rm power clean) Rest 60-90 seconds between each set Conditioning “Isagrace jr.” For time, complete the following: 30 muscle snatch 30 muscle clean and push press Adv:
Aug 2014
Monday 140811 WOD Weightlifting 1) Power snatch – 3×2 from mid thigh, 3×2 from above knee, 3×2 from floor (use 80-90% of 1rm) Rest 60-90 seconds between every set. 2) Power clean – 3×2 from mid thigh, 3×2 from above knee, 3×2 from floor (use 80-90% of 1rm) Rest 60-90 seconds between every set. 3) Dip pause push press – 3×3 (heaviest possible) Notes: This is just like a push press,
Aug 2014
Monday 140804 WOD Weightlifting 1) Power snatch – 2×3 from mid thigh, 2×3 from above knee, 2×3 from shin (floor). Rest 60-90 seconds between each set. Use no more than 80% of 1RM 2) Power clean – 2×3 from mid thigh, 2×3 from above knee, 2×3 from shin (floor). Rest 60-90 seconds between each set. Use no more than 80% of 1RM 3) Push jerk – 3×3 (heaviest possible) Conditioning “Twinkle
Jul 2014
Monday 140728 WOD Strength Back squat – Establish a 1 rep max. Note: We will be starting a squat strength cycle next Monday using your 1RM established today. Conditioning In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 12 BB squat jump 45/35 24 Abmat sit up 36 Double under Tuesday 140729 WOD Strength Split jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1 Notes: Ascend in weight across all sets. Split with the same foot
Jul 2014
Monday 140721 WOD Weightlifting Power clean – In 15 minutes, warm up to a heavy single for the day. Conditioning Using 75% of weight established from above, complete the following: 30 Power clean 30 Knees to elbow Tuesday 140722 WOD Strength Press 5-5-5 Push press 3-3-3 Push jerk 1-1-1 Notes: Start first set of press with a moderately heavy load and increase weight through all
Jul 2014
Monday 140714 WOD Strength Clean pull – 5×5 (heaviest possible) Conditioning “Bear complex” – DEMO VIDEO Complete 7 sets of the following sequence for 5 rounds – Rest as needed in between. Post starting load and finishing load. Power clean Front squat Push press Back squat Push press Tuesday 140715 WOD Skill Inverted practice – For 15 minutes, practice your handstand holds, handstand push ups, handstand walk, or anything
Jul 2014
Monday 140707 WOD Strength Dead lift(olympic style) – In 15 minutes, establish a 3RM. Then, 1×3@95%, 1×3@90% Conditioning In 10 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 5 power clean 135/95 5 push press 135/95 10 pull up Tuesday 140708 WOD Strength Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 Midline Tabata V-Ups – 4 rnds (15work/10rest) Conditioning 10 rounds for time 30 DUs 3 snatches 135/85 Wednesday
Jun 2014
Monday 140630 WOD Weightlifting 3 – position clean (thigh, knee, floor) + 1 jerk – 5×1 – heavy, but smooth. Midline Accumulate 2 minutes in an elbow plank hold. Conditioning For time, complete the following: 100 double under 40 kb swing 53/36 75 double under 30 kb swing 50 double under 20 kb swing 25 double under 10 kb swing Tuesday 140701 WOD Strength Warm up to
Jun 2014
Monday 140623 WOD Weightlifting 1 clean + 2 front squat + 1 split jerk – In 15 minutes, warm up to a heavy complex for the day. Conditioning For time, complete sets of 12-10-8-6-4-2 of: Power clean 155/105 Hand stand push up (strict) Tuesday 140624 WOD Strength-endurance Complete 10 rounds of 15 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest, alternating between: Pull up – Max effort Ring dip
Jun 2014
Monday 140616 WOD Weightlifting Clean & jerk – In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy double for the day, then – 1×2@95%, 1×2@90% Conditioning For each movement, perform as many reps as possible in 2 minutes time. Rest 2 minutes between each movement. KB swing 70/53 Wall ball 20/14# Row (calories) Box jump 24/20″ Double under Tuesday 140617 WOD Gymnastic 1a) Pull up (strict) 4x max effort
Jun 2014
Monday 140609 WOD Weightlifting 1) In 10 minutes, warm up to a heavy Snatch (80-90%). 2) Using weight established from above, perform 1 every minute on the minute for 7 minutes. Conditioning For time, complete sets of 21-15-9 0f: Power snatch 115/75# Pull up Tuesday 140610 WOD Strength 1a) Good morning 4×5 (heaviest possible) Rest 60 seconds 1b) Toe 2 bar (strict) 4×8 Rest 60 seconds
Jun 2014
Monday 140602 WOD Strength Push press 4-4-4-4-4 Notes: Start with a heavy weight and increase across all sets. Midline Handstand hold 3x max effort. Conditioning In 10 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 1 legless rope climb (or 10 pull ups) 100m run Tuesday 140603 WOD Strength 1a) Box squat – 10×2 using 50-60% of 1RM No rest 1b) Box jump 10×3 @ approx. 75%
May 2014
Tuesday 140527 WOD Strength In 7 minutes, warm up to a moderately heavy press along with your pull up (strict). Then… Every minute for 16 minutes: Even – 5 strict press Odd – 5 pull up (strict) Rest remaining of each minute. Conditioning “Diane” For time, complete sets of 21-15-9 of: Dead lift 225/155 HSPU (hand stand push up) Wednesday 140528 WOD Weightlifting Snatch – In 15 minutes,
May 2014
Monday 140519 WOD Skill Rowing technique Touch and go dead lift technique Conditioning “Christine” 3 rounds for time of: 500m row 12 body weight dead lift 21 box jump Tuesday 140520 WOD Weightlifting Hang snatch – In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy single for the day. Midline Accumulate 60 seconds in an L-sit from pull up bars. Conditioning In 13 minutes,