Apr 2014

140404 WOD


April 4, 2014 WOD

Today we will be performing a Hero WOD in honor of Lieutenant Edward Walsh 43, and Firefighter Michael “Dork” Kennedy 33, who died battling a ferocious wind-whipped blaze last week.   R.I.P.

Donations for the two families can be given at: www.bosfirecu.com 

There are two Hero WOD’s  to honor the Fallen. 
Michael “Dork” Kennedy
33 Back Squats 225/155#
15 Burpees
33 Deadlifts 225/155#
15 Burpees
33 KB swings (american) 32/24kg.
15 Burpees
AMRAP 20.14
33 Calories
15 Deadlifts  225/155
4 Rope Climbs
L2   185/135,  7 Pull ups + 7 Jump Squats x4
L3   135/95,  7 Ring Rows + 7 Jump Squats x4