Apr 2015
Monday 150427 WOD Fitness & Performance A. Dead lift 3×7@65% of 2RM from 150330 Rest at least 2 minute between sets. Note: This is de-load week. Next Monday we will be finding our new 2RM Dead lift. B. For time, complete the following: Row (cal) Toes to bar Box jump over 24/20″ Goblet squat 53/36 Fitness – perform 35 reps of each Performance – perform 50 reps of each Tuesday
Apr 2015
Monday 150420 WOD Fitness & Performance A. Dead lift – 5×5@80% of 2RM from 150330 Rest at least 2 minutes between sets. B. Complete 5 rounds, not for time of: 10 burpee 10 box jump 24/20 200m row – ALL OUT! Rest as needed. Note: These are sprint rounds. Give 110% on every round! Tuesday 150421 WOD Fitness & Performance A. Using light enough weight to maintain solid form… EMOM
Apr 2015
Monday 150413 WOD Fitness & Performance A. Dead lift 4×6@70% of 2RM est on 150330 Rest at least 2 minutes between sets. B. Skill – Kb snatch Spend 10 minutes working on – One hand swing, one hand high pull, one hand snatch. C. In 9 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps of: 5 Burpee box jump over 24/20″ 10 V-up 15 KB swing 70/44 Tuesday 150414 WOD Fitness
Apr 2015
Monday 150406 WOD Fitness & Performance A. Dead lift – 3×7@65% of 2RM from 150330 Note: Every rep should be lowered under complete control. No touch and go reps. Rest a minimum of 2 minutes between sets. B. “Helen” As fast as possible, complete 3 rounds of: 400m run 21 Kb swing 53/36 12 Pull up Tuesday 150407 WOD Fitness A. Press (strict) – In 15 minutes, establish a 2RM
Mar 2015
Monday 150330 WOD Fitness & Performance A. Dead lift – In 20 minutes, establish a 2RM. – these are NOT touch and go reps. Rest as needed throughout. B. “Annie” For time, complete sets of 50-40-30-20-10 of: Double-unders Sit-ups Scaled rep scheme – 35-25-15-5 Tuesday 150331 WOD Fitness A. Box squat – 8×2 – use 50-60% of your max squat and work on speed off of the box, always maintaining
Mar 2015
Monday 150323 WOD Fitness A. Alternating every minute for 12 minutes (12 sets) 5 Thruster 95/65 8-10 Pull up (any kind) B. Every 4 minutes for 16 minutes (4 sets) 15 Kb swing 53/36 10 Burpee box jump 24/20” Performance A. Alternating every minute for 12 minutes (12 sets) 7 Clean thruster – touch and go (use 50-60% of 1rm clean & jerk) 10 C2B pull up B. Every 4
Mar 2015
Monday 150316 WOD Fitness A. Every minute x 5 3 Hang power snatch Use a moderate weight. Focus on speed through the middle and catching weight with locked elbows. B. Every 90 seconds x 4 3 Overhead squat – heaviest possible across all sets. C. Amrap 11 9 burpee 6 box jump 24/20″ 1 hang p. snatch + 2 overhead squat Performance A. Every minute x 5 1 – 3
Mar 2015
Monday 150309 WOD Fitness: A) Back Squat x5 – Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes (5 sets) *Use a heavier weight than last week. B) For time, complete sets of 21-18-15-12 of: Medicine ball clean Kb swing (Russian) Performance: A) Back squat – Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes (5 sets) 6@60%, 6@65%, 5@70%, 4@75%, 3@80% B) Complete 4 rounds for time of: 7 Clean (squat) 135/95 21 Kb swing
Mar 2015
Monday 150302 WOD Fitness A. Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes (5 sets) Back squat x5 (use same weight across all sets) B. In 8 minutes, perform as many rounds and reps as possible of: 7 Goblet squat 53/36 14 Box jump 24/20″ 21 Double unders Performance A. Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes (5 sets) Back squat – 5@60%, 5@65%, 4@70%, 3@75%, 2@80% B. In 8 minutes, perform as
Feb 2015
Monday 150223 WOD Fitness Strength Front squat 5×5 – use same weight across all sets. Rest at least 2 minutes in between sets. Conditioning CrossFit Games Open WOD 11.6/12.5 In 7 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of: 3 thruster 75/45 3 jumping C2B pull up 6 thruster 6 jumping C2B pull up, 9+9, 12+12, etc… Performance Strength 5×1 – 1 hi-hang clean + 2 front squat (ascend in
Feb 2015
Monday 150216 WOD Fitness Strength Overhead squat 5×5 (across all sets) Rest at least 2 minutes in between sets. Conditioning For time, complete the following: 35 kb swing 53/36 9 V ups 25 kb swing 15 V ups 15 kb swing 21 V ups Performance Strength 1 snatch balance + 2 overhead squats – 5×1 (across all sets) Rest at least 2 minutes between sets. Conditioning For time, complete the
Feb 2015
Monday 150209 WOD Home WOD Warm up: 4×15 seconds of – hollow hold & arch hold (alternate between the two) Starting from the top (neck) and working your way to the bottom (ankles) perform 20 rotations, both forward and backward, at every major joint along the way. WOD For time, complete sets of 25-20-15-10-5 of: Burpee Sit up Air squat Bonus *If you have a jump rope, perform 200 double
Feb 2015
Monday 150202 WOD Strength-speed Box squat – 10×3@50-60% of your 1rm squat. Perform 5 box jump @ 75% of your 1rm box jump immediately upon completing your squats. Rest 30 seconds. Note: Use a 3-2-x-1 tempo on squats. Conditioning For time: 100 kb swing 53/44 ***EMOM perform 5 burpees*** Int: 44/36, 85 reps Nov: 36/25 , 70 reps (russian) Tuesday 150203 WOD Strength Press Warm up sets – 5@40%, 5@50%,
Jan 2015
Monday 150126 WOD Weightlifting EMOM x 12 Odd – 3 power clean & press Even – 20 du’s Note: Power clean & press (strict) is one continuous movement. Do not stop after clean portion, rather continue upward momentum standing and pressing over head. Start at a moderately heavy weight and try to increase weight every set. Touch and go reps preferred, dropping is acceptable at heavier loads. Conditioning For time, complete
Jan 2015
Monday 150119 WOD Strength Back squat – In 30 minutes, establish a 1 rep max. Conditioning “Jumping Angie” In teams of two, for time, complete the following: 100 pull up 50 double under 100 push up 50 double under 100 sit up 50 double under 100 air squat 50 double under Notes: Only one athlete may move at a time except during double unders. 20 minute time cap. Tuesday
Jan 2015
Monday 150112 WOD Strength Back squat – 5@40%, 5@50%, 5@60% Rest as needed Note: This is de-load week for the squat. Do not attempt max effort reps for the last set. Conditioning Every 2:30 x 7 complete: 8 burpee 10 kb swing 53/44 12 overhead squat 65/33 Rest with what ever time is left over after every 2:30. Tuesday 150113 WOD Strength Press Warm up sets: 5@40%, 5@50%, 3@60% Work
Jan 2015
Monday 150105 WOD Strength Back squat: Warm up sets – 5@40%, 5@50%, 3@60% Work sets – 5@75%, 3@85%, 1 or more @95% Rest at least 2 minutes in between work sets. Conditioning In 13 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) of: 7 burpee box jump 24/20″ 14 wall ball 20/14# 21 kb swing 53/44# Int: 20/16″ 44/36# Nov: 16/12″, 36/25# Tuesday 150106 WOD Strength Press (strict): Find your
Dec 2014
Monday 141229 WOD Strength Back squat Warm up sets – 5@40%, 5@50%, 3@60%, then right into… Work sets – 3@70%, 3@80%, 3 or more @90% Conditioning Front squat ladder (use 65% of your body weight) Note: For the ladder pattern, perform one rep the first minute, two reps the second minute, three reps the third minute, continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed.
Dec 2014
Monday 141222 WOD Strength Today is the start of our second cycle using the Wendler protocol. Add 10# to your base weight and use this new number for the next 4 weeks. Back squat – Warmup sets: 5@40%, 5@50%, 3@60% Work sets: 5@65%, 5@75%, 5 or more @ 85% Rest at least 2 minutes in between sets Conditioning In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 12 wall
Dec 2014
Monday 141215 WOD Strength Back squat – 5@40%, 5@50%, 5@60% Rest at least 2 minutes in between sets. Note: This is your de-load week. No max reps on last set! Conditioning Complete 4 – 2 minute AMRAP’s of: 10 goblet squat 70/53 10 C2B pull up 10 kb swing 70/53 Rest 1 minute after each round. Int: 53/44, Nov: 36/25 Tuesday 141216 WOD Strength Press – establish a 5rm Push
Dec 2014
Monday 141208 WOD Strength Back squat – warm up sets: 7@bar, 5@40%, 5@50%, 3@60% work sets: 5@75%, 3@85%, 1 or more @95% Rest at least 2 minutes in between sets Conditioning For time, complete sets of 21-15-9 of: Overhead squat 95/65 Pull ups *Run 400m in between rounds (after 21 and 15 only) Tuesday 141209 WOD Strength Bench press 3-3-3-3-3 (ascend in weight throughout) Rest at least 90 seconds in
Nov 2014
Monday 141201 WOD Strength Back squat Warm up sets – 7@empty bar, 5@40%, 5@50%, 3@60% Work sets – 3@70%, 3@80%, 3 or more @90% Note: For your last set (the most important set), try to get as many reps as you can. 3 reps is the MINIMUM. Conditioning Complete 5 rounds for time of: 7 front squat 135/85 10 lateral burpee bar hops Int: 115/70 Nov: 95/55, 4 rounds
Nov 2014
Monday 141124 WOD Today is the start of our next Squat cycle. We will be using the Wendler protocol again as this brought everyone impressive gains the last time we used it. Come prepared, know what your “Starting weight” is. To determine, take 90% of your 1RM (we found this # last Monday). EX…If my one RM was 235, my “Starting weight” will be 211.5. All percentages used for the first
Nov 2014
Monday 141117 WOD Strength Back squat – Establish a 1 rep max. Note: This will be used for our next squat cycle starting next Monday. Midline Accumulate 60 seconds holding an L-sit from the pull up rig Conditioning In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 8 front squat 135/95 8 burpee lateral bar hops 50 double unders Tuesday 141118 WOD Strength 1) Press – 5×5 –
Nov 2014
Monday 141110 WOD Strength Press (strict) 5×5 – heaviest possible across all sets. Rest at least 90 seconds between sets. Conditioning Complete 5 – 3 minute rounds of the following: 12 push press 115/75 12 chest to bar pull ups 200m run Note: Your rest is the remainder of each round, as these are sprint rounds. Tuesday 141111 WOD Strength BB reverse lunge 4×7/leg – heaviest possible. Rest at least