Nov 2016
For time: Run 400m 15 Power Snatch 15 Overhead Squat 15 Hang Power Clean Run 800m 12 Power Snatch 12 Overhead Squat 12 Hang Power Clean Run 1 mile 9 Power Snatch 9 Overhead Squat 9 Hang Power Clean Rx 115/70#
Nov 2016
A. In 4 minutes, perform max reps of: Double-Under Rest exactly 1 minute, then: B. Complete 16 rounds of 40 seconds of work, followed by 20 seconds of rest, alternating through the following movements: Row (Cal) Toes to Bar KB Swing 53/36# Ring Dip Score is total double-unders and total combined reps performed, scored separately.
Nov 2016
A. Front Squat – In 12 minutes, work up to a heavy triple B. For time, complete sets of 15-12-9 of: Hang Clean (squat) 135/95# Shoulder to Overhead 135/95#
Nov 2016
In teams of two… With a running clock… Min 0:00-2:00 Max reps of: Double-Unders Min 2:00-18:00 AMRAP 3 HSPU 6 Toes to Bar 9 Overhead Squat 96/65# Min 18:00-20:00 Max reps of: Double-Unders Note: During the double-under portion, athletes may switch out at anytime. During the AMRAP, athletes work one at a time, switching after each movement is completed (ex…athlete A performs 3 HSPU, athlete B performs 3 HSPU, athlete
Nov 2016
Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. 4 RFT Dead Lift x15 @BW Run 400m Magnitude Scoop Looking for some Saturday morning inspiration??? Come cheer on your fellow community members with us at the Granite City Gauntlet , a partner competition at Quincy City CrossFit. The fun starts at 9:30am!
Nov 2016
“Angie” For time: 100 Pull-Ups 100 Push-Ups 100 Sit-Ups 100 Air Squats Note: Complete all reps of each exercise before moving on to the next.
Nov 2016
Weightlifting Wednesday A. Segment Power Snatch (pause 1″ from floor & mid high) – In 12 minutes, work to a heavy triple B. Power Clean – In 12 minutes, work to a heavy triple C. Behind the Neck Power Jerk – In 12 minutes, work to a heavy triple
Nov 2016
Complete 4 rounds for max reps of: Min 1 – Row (Cals) Min 2 – Box Jump 24/20″ Min 3 – Toes to Bar Min 4 – Double Under Min 5 – Rest Note: There is no rest between movements, the clock is continuous. Score is total reps combined across all rounds.
Nov 2016
A. Thruster (from rack) 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Work to a max single. Rest as needed. B. AMRAP 9 10 Thruster 95/65# 10 Burpee over Bar 200m Run
Nov 2016
In teams of two… Complete 3 RFT 80 KB Swing (RUS) 70/53# 60 Burpee to 45# Plate 40 Medicine Ball Sit-Up Pass (4 feet) 20/14# Run 200m w/ Medicine Ball 20/14# Note: Only one athlete may work at a time, except when performing the run (both athletes will carry their own ball). Partition reps anyhow.
Nov 2016
Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. Thank you to all of our Veterans out there! U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Joshua Hager, 29, of Broomfield, Colorado, was killed Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007, when an improvised explosive device detonated near his Humvee during combat operations in Ramadi, Iraq. Prior to his death, Hager was serving in the 1st Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd
Nov 2016
Complete 3 rounds, each as fast as possible, for a total time: Double-Under x100 Ride x30/21 Cal Row 500m Run 400m Note: Rest a 2:1 work to recovery ratio, meaning if it takes you 5 minutes to complete a round, rest exactly 2:30 before continuing to the next round. On your last two rounds, try to stay within 7-10 seconds of your first round. Score is total time.
Nov 2016
8 rounds for total time of: Row 20/14 Cal Atlas Stone Lunge x8 95/65# Rope Climb x2 Rest 1 minute after every round.
Nov 2016
A. Strict Press – In 10 minutes, work up to a heavy triple. B. AMRAP 20 Push Press x10 – use weight est. in A. Weighted Abmat Sit-Up x10 45/25# Run 400m
Nov 2016
A. 30 sec of work, followed by 15 sec rest, for 8 rounds, alternating between the following movements: Wall facing Handstand Hold Hang from Rig B. Dead lift – 3×5 heavy, across C. For time: 25 Pull-Up 50 KB Goblet Squat 70/44# 100 Double Under 50 KB Goblet Squat 70/44# 25 Pull-Up
Nov 2016
In teams of 4… 3 rounds for time: Sled Push Shuttle Sprint (25m increments) x300m Tire Jump x60 KB Single Arm Push Press 44/26# x60 Run 800m w/medball 20/14# (together – 2 balls, switching off) Note: Teammates must complete all reps of each movement before moving on to the next. Partition reps anyhow.
Nov 2016
Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. A. In 10 minutes, work up to a heavy complex of: 3 Power Clean (T&G) 2 Front Squat 1 Jerk (any style) B. AMRAP 10 Hang Power Clean x10 Wall Ball x20 DU’s x30
Nov 2016
Complete the following 2x through… With a 3 minute clock: Row 500m Toes to Bar – Max reps in time remaining Rest 1 minute With a 3 minute clock: Ride 40/28 Cal Burpee to plate – Max reps in time remaining Rest 1 minute With a 3 minute clock: Run 400m KB Swing 70/44# – Max reps in time remaining Score is total reps combined from all movements across both
Nov 2016
Weightlifting Wednesday A. BN Split Jerk + BN Press in Split 5×1+5 B. Box Jump – Est. a 1 RM C. Heaving Snatch Balance 3-3-3-3 Magnitude Scoop Congrats to our winners of the October challenge, Conor C. and Hilary N.! The assault bike lived up to its name and then some! November Challenge: Max L-Sit hold for time. Athlete must put a 12″ box in front of parallettes and maintain
Oct 2016
“Annie meets Buck” For time, complete sets of 50-40-30-20-10 of: Double-Under Abmat Sit-Up *Perform 5 Dead Lift @ 1.5x bw after every round.
Oct 2016
Happy Halloween A. Back Squat 10-10-10-10 Start at 60% of 1RM squat and ascend to a 10RM. B. 3 Rounds for time and max reps of: Run 400m Push Press – Max reps unbroken 115/75# Chin-Up (strict) – Max reps unbroken Score is time and total reps combined. Magnitude Scoop Many thanks to everyone who helped support our Barbells for Boobs event this past weekend! Everyone did an outstanding job,
Oct 2016
Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. A. L-Sit on Parallettes – Accumulate 90 seconds B. Tabata Pull-Up Rest 1 minute Tabata A. Bike Rest 1 minute Tabata Push-Up Rest 1 minute Tabata Double-Under Rest 1 minute Tabata Box Jump Score each Tabata movement separately, counting total reps completed. Magnitude Scoop We hope you are ready for the Magnitude Open – A Barbell for Boobs Charity
Oct 2016
For total time, complete the following: Row 1,000m 21 Dead Lift 225/155# 21 Knees to Elbows Rest 3 minutes Row 750m 15 Dead Lift 15 Knees to Elbows Rest 2 minutes Row 500m 9 Dead Lift 9 Knees to Elbow Magnitude Scoop We’ve got some cool new CFM Tee’s on the way this Friday, check them out in the pro-shop! Also, Magnitude Open Tees will be available on Friday (all
Oct 2016
Weightlifting Wednesday A. Dip Snatch + Snatch 4×2+1 Use 65-75% of 1RM Snatch B. Dip Clean + Clean 4×2+1 Use 65-75% of 1RM Clean C. Behind the Neck Jerk 4×2 Use 70-80% of 1RM Jerk Magnitude Scoop If you are looking to sharpen your skill set with the two weightlifting movements in prep for the Magnitude Open this Saturday, be sure to get in today, lot’s of good stuff
Oct 2016
A. Bench Press 3×6-8 Superset with Band Pull Apart 3×12-15 Rest 2 minutes B. AMRAP 12 Weighted Abmat Sit-Up x5 25/15# Burpee x10 KB Swing x15 70/44# Double Under x30