“Kelly’s Half Sister” 5 Rounds for time of: Run 200m 15 Box Jump 24/20″ 15 Wall Ball 20/14# Magnitude Scoop Just a reminder, there will be no 5:30pm CrossFit class this Friday.  We will be closed on Christmas Day and will have one 9:00am class on Monday. Sweatshirt Pre-orders – We will be placing another order for sweatshirts on Tuesday – December 27th.  If you missed the last deadline, be sure

  Weightlifting Wednesday A.  Snatch – 65%x2, 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x1, 90%x1 B. Clean & Jerk – 65%x2, 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x1, 90%x1 C. Romanian Dead Lift 4×5@55-70% of max back squat Magnitude Scoop Just a reminder, there will be no 5:30pm CrossFit class this Friday.  We will also be closed on Christmas Day and have one 9:00am class on Monday. Sweatshirt Pre-orders – We will be placing another order for sweatshirts

AMRAP 20 5 Chin-Up (strict) 10 Burpee 15 Abmat Sit-Up 30 Double-Under

Bear Complex Without stopping or dropping the bar, complete the following sequence, five times: Power Clean Front Squat Push Press Back Squat Push Press Once you’ve completed the sequence five times consecutively without stopping, drop the bar. Add weight, attempt another sequence of 5.  Repeat for a total of five rounds.  Score is your total combined weight from every completed round.

  In teams of two… A. 3 rounds for time: Row 50 Cal 25 HSPU 50 Box Jump 24/20″ Note: Only one athlete may move at a time. B. With the same partner… In 2 minutes Max Rope Ascents

A. Bench Press 3×6-8 Rest 45 seconds Bent Over Row 3×6-8 Rest 45 seconds B. In 13 minutes: Row 1000m – As fast as possible Rest exactly 2 minutes, then: 5 rounds of Cindy With time remaining, perform as many Power Snatch 115/75# as possible. Score is 1000m Row time and total P. Snatches. Intermediate: In 14:00 minutes Beginner: In 15:00 minutes

A. Spend 10 minutes working with the rings… Muscle Ups, Ring Dips, Jump to Support, Ring Negatives, Transitions, L-Sit, Ring Row (with false grip) B. AMRAP 8 12 KB Goblet Style Forward Lunge Steps (stationary, alternating legs) 53/36# 12 Single Arm KB Push Press (6/side) 53/36# 12 Knees to Elbows  Rest 2 minutes, then: Max Double Unders in 3 minutes

Weightlifting Wednesday A. Snatch Lift Off + Snatch Pull 3×2+2@65% Rest as needed B. Snatch 65%x2, 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x1, 85%x1 Rest as needed C. Clean Lift Off + Clean Pull 3×2+2@65% Rest as needed D. Clean & Jerk 65%x2+1, 70%x2+1, 75%x2+1, 80%x1, 85%x1 Rest as needed Note: The lift off and pull segment is to establish good balance and positioning within the lifts.  Weight should be kept to 65% OR

4 sprint rounds, each for time, of: 15/10 Cal  A. Bike 10 Box Jump 24/20″ 250m Row 12/8 Push-Up 50 Double-Under 12/8 Pull-Up Rest exactly as long as it takes you each round (1:1 work to rest ratio) Note your fastest and slowest rounds.

For time: Rounds of 15-12-9… Power Clean Front Squat Push Jerk Rx 95/65# Rest 3 minutes Rounds of 12-9-6… Power Clean Front Squat Push Jerk Rx 115/80# Rest 3 minutes Rounds of 9-6-3… Power Clean Front Squat Push Jerk Rx 135/95#

With 4 teams racing head to head, complete the following as fast as possible… 2 RFT Row 500m 30 KB See-Saw Press (alternating arms) 36/22# Demo Video 30 Walking Lunge Steps 30 Ring Row 20/14 Cal A. Bike Note: Only one athlete may start at a time.  All movements must be performed in succession.  Athletes may not pass each other.

  Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. Open WOD 12.5 Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below: 100 pound Thruster, 3 reps 3 Chest to bar Pull-ups 100 pound Thruster, 6 reps 6 Chest to bar Pull-ups 100 pound Thruster, 9 reps 9 Chest to bar Pull-ups 100 pound Thruster, 12 reps 12 Chest to bar Pull-ups 100

A. 10 RFT 30 Double-Under 20 Kb Swing (Rus) 53/36# 10 Push-Up

Weightlifting Wednesday A. Snatch – 3@60%, 3@65%, 3@70%, 3×3@75% B. Clean & Jerk – 3+1@60%, 3+1@65%, 3+1@70%, 3×3+1@75%  C. Snatch Grip Push Press + Overhead Squat 3×5+5

For time: 50 Cal Row 50 Toes 2 Bar 50 Arch-Ups – Demo Video 50 C2B Pull-Up 50 Abmat Sit-Up

A.  For time, complete sets of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of: Hang Power Clean 115/70# Front Squat 115/70# Burpee Lateral Bar Hop

A. In teams of two… AMRAP 10 100m Farmers Walk 70/53# Wallball 20/14# – Max reps Score is total Wallballs. Note: While partner A completes the farmers walk, partner B is performing max wallballs.  Switch after every 100m walk. B. NFT Broad Jump – Establish a 1RM.  3 attempts only! C. In teams of two… For time: 100 Elbow-Plank Facing Claps (opposite hands) 75 Medicine Ball Side Toss (8 feet)

  Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. A. Close Grip Bench Press – In 12 minutes, work up to a 5RM for the day. B. 3 RFT 400m Run 15 Power Snatch  115/70# 10 One Legged Squat (alternating) 5 HSPU

Complete 5 rounds of: In 3 minutes… 15 Box Jump 24/20″ 15/10 Push-Up 15/10 Pull-Up Row – Max Calories in time remaining. Rest 3 minutes Score is total calories.

Weightlifting Wednesday A. Snatch 1×3@60%, 1×3@65%, 3×3@70% B. Clean & Jerk 1×3+1@60%, 1×3+1@65%, 3×3+1@70% C. Front Squat 4×5@70% of 1RM C&J

A. For total time: 150 KB Swing 70/44# * Perform 7 Burpees every time you break from swinging. Rest 2 minutes, then: 3 RFT 15 Toes to Bar 75 Double-Under

“CrossFit Total” Back Squat, 1 rep Shoulder Press, 1 rep Dead Lift, 1 rep Compare to 8/13/16 Read Coach Mark Rippetoe’s article “The CrossFit Total“, originally posted on Dec 3, 2006 at CrossFit.com, to learn more about the rationale, approach, and rules for this workout.

The    A. Power Clean & Jerk – In 5 minutes, warm up to a heavy 5 (touch and go), then: 3 rounds In 3 minutes Run 400m Power Clean & Jerk – max reps with time remaining Rest 90 seconds. Score is total reps. B. In 7 minutes, accumulate as many reps as possible with the following movements.  Switch off movements as often as you like. HSPU Rope Climb

  In 4 teams… 2 rounds for time: 40 Cal Row 40 Wallball 20/14# 40 Abmat Sit-up 40 KB Swing (Rus) 70/53# 40 Cal A. Bike Note: At start of clock, the first athlete in each team starts the first movement. Upon completion, athlete moves to next movement and second athlete begins with the first.  Athletes may only move onto the next exercise when the athlete in front of them

In teams of two… One athlete working at a time, switching off after every completed round. The athlete not working must maintain an elbow plank position in order for partners reps to count. AMRAP 20 4 Pull-up 8 Box jump 24/20″ 12 Push-up