For time, complete sets of 27-21-15 of: Overhead Squat 95/65# C2B Pull-Up *Run 400m before every round. Magnitude Scoop LAST CHANCE FOR EVENT TEE-SHIRT – We place our order today (Monday) at 12:00pm.  Just make sure when you register, you click on your tee-shirt size.  If you are not joining in on the fun, and still would like to make a donation and get a tee-shirt, you can do so

A. Skill – Turkish Get-Up B. In 4 teams… As fast as possible: Row 3,000m Burpee to Plate x150 Wall Ball x200  20/14 Assault Bike 200 Cal Partition reps as necessary.  All athletes may work at once.  Movements do not need to be done in any particular order.

Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J. “DT“ 5 RFT 12 Dead Lift 155/105# 9 Hang Power Clean 155/105# 6 Push Jerk 155/105# Compare to 11/11/15

A. Bent Arm Chin Hold 1×75 sec (palms facing in, straight line body position, chin clearly over bar) Pull-Up Negative 6×10 sec (lower as slow as possible, palms facing away) Dead Hang 1×75 sec (stay relaxed, feel stretch through lats and shoulders) B. AMRAP 20 Run 200m Rope Climb x1 Double Under x30 BB (back rack) Box Step-Up x12 steps (alternating legs) 95/65# (use box that puts your upper leg

Weightlifting Wednesday A. Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Start at 80% of 1RM and increase in weight only if you make the previous attempt. B. Clean & Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Start at 80% of 1RM and increase in weight only if you make the previous attempt. Magnitude Scoop ***Reminder***  We will be placing our event tee-shirt order for the Magnitude Open on Monday, October 24th.  Just make sure when you register, you click on

A. Skill – Hand Stand Hold/Walk – Spend 10 minutes working on getting inverted.  This could be handstand holds, shoulder taps, wall walks, free-style walking, etc… B. For total time: Run 400m 50 KB Swing (RUS) 53/36# 25/17 Push-Up Rest 60 seconds A. Bike 30 Cal 50 KB Swing (RUS) 53/36# 25/17 Push-Up Rest 60 seconds Row 500m 50 KB Swing (RUS) 53/36# 25/17 Push-Up Magnitude Scoop ***Reminder***  We will

  A. Back Squat – In 5 minutes, warm up to a heavy single (80-90% of 1RM), then AMRAP 7 Back Squat x1 Rep at weight est. above. B. “Free Style Fran” 45 reps of each for time: Thruster 95/65# Pull-Up Partition as needed to complete 45 reps of each exercise as quickly as possible. Read “Fooling Around With Fran” to help strategize. Magnitude Scoop Mobility homework of the week

  In Teams of Three… Complete 3 rounds for time of: A. Bike 100 Cals 50 Box Jumps 30/24″ 10 Rope Climb 50 Power Snatch 95/65# Only one athlete may move at a time.  All reps must be completed for any movement before moving on to the next.  Switch between athletes as often as you like.

Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. 4 – 4 minute rounds, followed by 2 minutes of rest,  of: 400m Run 10 Dead Lift 185/125# Wall Ball 20/14# – Max reps with time remaining Score is total Wall Ball.  Magnitude Scoop The wait is over, the CFM Pot Luck is here!  The fun starts at 6:00pm.  If you are bringing a recipe to share, please bring

AMRAP 7 Pull-Up x10/6 Ring Dip x10/6 Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 7 Row x10/6 Push-Up x10/6 Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 7 Weighted Sit-Up x10  25/15# KB Swing x10  53/36# Magnitude Scoop Get those recipes in order, our Magnitude Potluck is happening this Friday night at 6:00pm! We will only be holding a 4:15pm CrossFit class Friday afternoon.

Weightlifting Wednesday A. EMOM 7 Snatch x1 @85-93% B. 1  Clean + 2 Front Squat + 1 Jerk – In 10 minutes, work to a heavy complex. C. Snatch Lift Off 3×3 – 90-110% of 1RM Snatch Magnitude Scoop Looking for a great way to get warm this morning!!!  Magnitude Sweat starts today at 10:15am, see you there! Get those recipes in order, our Magnitude Potluck is happening this Friday night

For time, complete the following sets.  Add weight to every set, never performing the same weight twice, nor taking any weight off the bar.  Sets can broken up if all reps cannot be performed in one set. Press 5-5-5-5-5 Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 *Perform 25 Double Under, and 3 Strict Toes to Bar after every set. Note: Shoot for heaviest start and finish weights as well as fastest

Nineteen members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team tragically lost their lives on June 30, 2013, while fighting a fire in Yarnell, Arizona. “Hot Shots” 6 rounds 30 air squats 19 power cleans 135/95 7 strict pull ups 400 meter run *40:00 time cap **please scale accordingly if necessary.

  In in team of two… AMRAP 8 Row (Cals) 80 Bench Press (25% of combined body weight) Switching every 10 bench press, accumulate as many calories as possible rowing. Rest 2 minutes For time: Overhead Plate Carry 45/25# Farmers Walk 53/44# As a team, traverse 400m, switching off every time plate is lowered from above head.  Forward progress can only be made if plate is overhead. Rest 2 minutes

Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. AMRAP 9:  30 Double-Under 7/4 Pull-Up (strict) Rest 3 minutes, then: AMRAP 9: 200m Run 10 Dead Lift 185/125# Magnitude Scoop Mobility focus of the week – Spend 5 minutes per leg, every day this week, restoring dysfunction to your hamstrings.  To learn about technique and watch a demo, check out MWODs Kelly Starret in this short video  HERE!

For time: Run 1 mile Then… 50 Wallball 20/14# 40 Burpee 30 Abmat Sit-Up w/Plate Overhead 25/15# Run 800m Then… 40 Wallball 20/14# 30 Burpee 20 Abmat Sit-Up w/Plate Overhead 25/15# Run 400m Then… 30 Wallball 20/14# 20 Burpee 10 Abmat Sit-Up w/Plate Overhead 25/15# 40 Minute Time Cap

Weightlifting Wednesday A. EMOM 10 1 Snatch @ 75% of 1rm B. Clean Hi-Pull 4×3 @90-120% of 1rm clean C.  3 Front Squat +  1 Jerk  – In 10 minutes, work up to a heavy complex. Magnitude Scoop Mobility focus of the week – Spend 5 minutes per leg, every day this week, restoring dysfunction to your hamstrings.  To learn about technique and watch a demo, check out MWODs Kelly

  A. Bent Arm Chin Hold 1×60 sec (palms facing in, straight line body position, chin clearly over bar) Pull-Up Negative 5×10 sec (lower as slow as possible, palms facing away) Dead Hang 1×60 sec (stay relaxed, feel stretch through lats and shoulders) B. Open WOD 12.3 AMRAP 18 15 Box Jump 24/20″ 12 Push Press 115/75# 9 Toes to Bar Score equals total reps. Magnitude Scoop Mobility focus of

“The Other Total” Clean – Find a 1 rm (from the ground, squat or power) Bench Press – Find a 1 rm Overhead Squat – Find a 1 rm Magnitude Scoop Mobility focus of the week – Spend 5 minutes per leg, every day this week, restoring dysfunction to your hamstrings.  To learn about technique and watch a demo, check out MWODs Kelly Starret in this short video  HERE! The

In teams of two… In 20 minutes: Athlete A – Performs 3 rounds of: 10 KB Swing 53/36# 10 Goblet Style Stationary Forward Lunges (alternating legs) 53/36# Athlete B – Performs Max Effort Row for Distance (meters) Note: Athletes switch after every 3 rounds performed by athlete A.  Score is total accumulated meters on the Rowing erg. Magnitude Scoop This upcoming Monday we be performing “The Other Total” aka “The

Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. Officer David S. Moore, 29, of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, died on January 26, 2011 from gunshot wounds suffered on January 23, 2011 when he stopped a stolen vehicle and the driver opened fire at him. He is survived by his mother Jo Ann, father Spencer, and sister Carol Bongfeldt. “Moore“ Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes

AMRAP 15 Toes to Bar Box Jump 24/20″ Burpee Start by performing  3 reps at each movement.  Every round thereafter,  add 3 reps to all movements. Perform 40 Double-Under after every round. Score is total reps performed. Magnitude Scoop Mobility focus of the week – Spend 5 minutes per leg every day in the “Couch Stretch”.  This does not have to be all at one time, so break it up as

  Weightlifting Wednesday A. Muscle Snatch – In 6 minutes, work up to a heavy triple. B. Hi-Hang Snatch – In 8 minutes, work up to a heavy triple. C. Hi-Hang Clean – In 8 minutes, work up to a heavy double. D. Clean Lift Off – In 8 minutes, work up to a heavy triple. E. Jerk Balance 4×3 @ 40-70% of 1RM Jerk Magnitude Scoop Mobility focus of

A. Bench Press 3×6-8 Rest 1 min Bent-Over Row 3×6-8 Rest 1 min Note: Use a weight(s) that allow you to get at least 6 reps, but no more than 8. B. 4 Rounds for total time of: Row (cal) 30/21 Then: 3 rounds of Cindy (5 pull-up, 10 push-up, 15 air squat) Rest 1 minute before starting the next round. Magnitude Scoop Mobility focus of the week – Spend

  In 8 minutes… Run 800m, then: OH Squat – establish a heavy double (from floor) in time remaining. Rest 3 minutes In 8 minutes… Run 800m, then: Dead Lift – establish a heavy triple in time remaining. Rest 3 minutes In 8 minutes… Run 800m, then: Push Press – establish a heavy single (from floor) in time remaining.