Jan 2017
For time: Ride 40/28 Cal Run 1 mile 50 Weighted Abmat Sit-Up 45/25# 400m Farmers Walk 53/36# Magnitude Scoop Winter Detox – Starts today, last chance to sign up now! To sign up click HERE! Also, this upcoming Saturday, the company Bear Grips will be coming to our 8:00am class to let you guys demo their products during the WOD. The workout will have all the movements necessary to put
Jan 2017
For total time, complete 4 sprint rounds of: Row 30 Cal 20 P. Snatch 75/55# 10 Burpee Rest 3 min after every round. Magnitude Scoop Winter Detox – Starts January 20th There will not be an open gym period today. Open gym will resume on Friday. Coach Caitlin will be heading up a 30 day nutritional detox program that is based on eating clean, real food. You’ll learn how
Jan 2017
Weightlifting Wednesday A. Power Clean (T&G) – In 8 minutes, work up to a heavy 5 reps. Note: The goal here is to work on cycling reps, re-engaging the hook grip between reps, and maintaining good balance and positioning throughout. B. Dip Clean 3×3@45-60% of 1RM Clean C. Push Jerk + Split Jerk 4×2+2 – Heaviest possible Magnitude Scoop Winter Detox – Starts January 20th Coach Caitlin will be
Jan 2017
CrossFit Open WOD 12.3 AMRAP 18 15 Box Jump 24/20″ 12 Push Press 115/75# 9 Toes To Bar Magnitude Scoop Winter Detox – Starts January 20th Coach Caitlin will be heading up a 30 day nutritional detox program that is based on eating clean, real food. You’ll learn how to give your body the right type of nutrition based on your goals, as well as your level of health, fitness
Jan 2017
A. Tempo Box Squat 3-3-3-3-3 Start at 50% of 1RM back squat and increase every set. Tempo 31X1 B. 3 RFT 100 Double Under 20 KB Swing 70/53# 30 Lunge Jump (alternating) Magnitude Scoop Once again, a big thanks to everyone who participated this past weekend in our Rowling for Ca$h tournament. We received lots of goods to donate, and had one hell of a time in the process. Can’t
Jan 2017
Jan 2017
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. “A Nightmare on Oak Street” AMRAP 13 Run 200m 3 Dead Lift 225/155# 3 Weighted Abmat Sit-Up 45/25# *Add 3 reps to both movements every round.
Jan 2017
“Chelsea” Set up before a clock, and every minute on the minute perform 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats. Can you continue for thirty minutes? Twenty minutes? How about 10? If you fall behind the clock keep going for thirty minutes and see how many rounds you can complete. If you’ve finished the workout before this time add +1 to each exercise, i.e., 6 pull-ups, 11 push-ups, and 16
Jan 2017
Weightlifting Wednesday A. Muscle Snatch 3×5@30-45% B. Dip Snatch 3×3@45-60% C. Snatch Segment Dead Lift + 6 sec Negative 3×5+1 (Stop at 2″, Knee, Mid Thigh, Finish to Top) D. Snatch Press 3×5 – Heaviest possible Magnitude Scoop This Saturday at 8:00am, we will be holding our first annual Rowling tournament. Cash prizes for top finishers, along with a donation of non-perishable goods being made to local charity organization. Check
Jan 2017
3 RFT 30 KB Swing (RUS) 70/53# 15 Toes through Rings Rest 5 minutes For time, sets of 21-15-9 of: Row (Cal) Burpee Lateral Hop Over Rower Rest 5 minutes AMRAP 7 7 Ring Dip 49 Double-Under Magnitude Scoop This Saturday at 8:00am, we will be holding our first annual Rowling tournament. Cash prizes for top finishers, along with a donation of non-perishable goods being made to local charity organization.
Jan 2017
A. Paused Front Squat (Tempo 3211) 3-3-3-3-3 Rest at least 2 minutes B. For time, complete sets of 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of: Thruster 95/65# Chin-Up (strict) 13 Minute Cap Magnitude Scoop This Saturday at 8:00am, we will be holding our first annual Rowling tournament. Cash prizes for top finishers, along with a donation of non-perishable goods being made to local charity organization. Check out our upcoming events page for full details. This
Jan 2017
In teams of 3… For time, complete the following: Row 4,500m 150 P. Snatch 115/75# 150 Toes to Bar Note: All athletes may work at the same time. Partition reps as necessary.
Jan 2017
Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. A. BB Reverse Lunge 3×8/leg B. For time, complete sets of 21-15-9 of: Back Squat (from floor) 135/85# Push Jerk 135/85# Pull-Up
Jan 2017
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of: 30 Double Under 10 Box Jump 24/20″ 10 Burpee If 100 reps (2 rounds) are completed in under 4 minutes, time extends to 8 minutes. If 200 reps (4 rounds) are completed in under 8 minutes, time extends to 12 minutes. If 300 reps (6 rounds) are completed in under 12 minutes, time extends to 16 minutes. Etc…
Jan 2017
Weightlifting Wednesday “Weightlifting Total” Snatch – 3 attempts to a max Clean & Jerk – 3 attempts to a max Combine your best lift from each movement to make your weightlifting total.
Jan 2017
A. NFT 25 Strict Pull-up 25 Ring Dip Partition reps anyhow. If using a band, use one that will not allow any more reps than 5 at a time. B. 7 sprint rounds of: Row (cal) 15/10 (all out) Rest 3 minutes * while resting, perform 7 weighted Abmat situps 45/25# Magnitude Scoop Wednesday we will be performing the weightlifting total.
Jan 2017
Happy New Year! In teams of 3… For time: 400m Run 180 KB Swing 53/36# 400m Run 150 MedBall Clean 20/14# 400m Run 120 Push-up 400m Run Note: Only one athlete may work at a time. All runs are performed as a team. Magnitude Scoop Don’t forget, Saturday – January 14th at 8:00am – we will be holding our first ever ROWLING FOR CASH tournament. A sign up sheet will
Dec 2016
In teams of 4… 150 Pull-Up 150 Cal A. Bike 30 Rope Climbs 1,000 Double-Under Note: Only two athletes may work at a time, switching out as often as necessary. Athletes may work on movements in any order they see fit.
Dec 2016
Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. A. Press + Push Press 3xME UB + ME UB – Using 70% of your Strict Press 1rm, perform a max set of Press immediately into a max set of Push Press B. “Diane” For time, sets of 21-15-9 of: Dead Lift 225/155# HSPU Magnitude Scoop The New Years weekend schedule will reflect the Christmas weekend schedule. One Friday
Dec 2016
A. BB Reverse Lunge 4×6 (each leg) Rest as needed B. “Leftovers” 4 RFT 15 Box Jump 24/20″ 15 KB Swing 53/36# 15 Wallball 20/14# 15 Burpee *Wod Courtesy of CFNE Magnitude Scoop The New Years weekend schedule will reflect the Christmas weekend schedule. One Friday afternoon class at 4:15pm, Closed Sunday, and one 9:00am class on Monday.
Dec 2016
Weightlifting Wednesday A. Hang Snatch – 7×1@65-75% of 1RM Focus on getting tall, and speed getting under the bar. B. Paused Snatch Pull (stop above knees) 3×5@70-80% of 1RM Focus on staying over the bar, and speed through the middle. C. Hang Clean – 7×1@65-75% of 1RM Focus on getting tall, and speed getting under the bar. D. Jerk Balance + Jerk 4×3+1@50-60% of max Jerk. Magnitude Scoop The New
Dec 2016
5 Rounds for total time Row (Cal) 21/18 Toes to Bar 18/15 Push-Up 15/12 C2B Pull-Up 12/9 Rest 2 minute after every round. Note: The objective is to sprint through each round as fast as possible. As prescribed, the athlete should be able to move through the first few rounds unbroken. If this is not possible, scale reps accordingly. Magnitude Scoop The New Years weekend schedule will reflect the Christmas
Dec 2016
A. Overhead Squat – In 12 minutes, work up to a heavy triple (from the ground) B. With a partner… AMRAP 10 100m Farmer Walk 53/36# Ground to Overhead – Max reps @ 95/65# Note: While one athlete walks the other accumulates as many reps as possible, switching after every 100m walk. Score is total reps. Magnitude Scoop The New Years weekend schedule will reflect the Christmas weekend schedule. One
Dec 2016
Dec 2016
Danny Vasselian. He was KIA in Afghanistan on December 23, 2013 on his third tour. He was a marine and serving his country was all he wanted to do. He was posthumously awarded both Purple Heart Medal and Bronze Star Medal with valor. Check out Danny’s memorial fund page here – DannVfund.org Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. 12 Days of Christmas (In honor of Sgt. Danny Vasselian)