Dec 2017
Dec 2017
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. For time, complete the following: Sets of 10-9-8 of: Squat Clean Push Jerk Rx – 115/80# Rest 2 minutes Sets of 7-6-5 of: Squat Clean Push Jerk Rx – 135/95# Rest 2 minutes Sets of of 4-3-2: Squat Clean Push Jerk 155/110# Rest 2 minutes Set of 1 of: Squat Clean Push Jerk Rx – 185/130# B.
Dec 2017
A. Bench Press – 12 minutes to a 3RM Rest 2-3 minutes after all heavy sets B. EMOM 8 Odd – 10 Push-up + 12 Db Close grip Floor Press Even – Ring Row w/ hollow hold + push down C. 3 Giant sets of: 1 Legless Rope Climb (or 2 w/legs) Ring Static hold x15-20 sec SideElbow Plank w/dip x12
Dec 2017
A. Death By… Power Clean (135/95#) ***25 Double-under buy-in every round Rest 5 minutes B. Death By… Burpee C2B Pull-up *** 7 Box Jump-over buy-in every round (24/20″) Rest 5 minutes C. Row 500m for time
Dec 2017
A. Overhead Squat – 12 minutes to a 5RM B. 5 minutes to warm up to a starting weight, then: EMOM 8 1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance Work up to a fast, technically proficient complex C. 3 sets of: BB Good mornings x8 Abmat Sit-ups (hands clasped behind head) x12 Rest as needed Magnitude Scoop ***FINAL DAY to order sweatshirts, tees, tanks, & thermals. Pre-orders only. All
Dec 2017
AMRAP 13 55 Cal Row 55 Wallball (20/14#) 55 Kb Swing (53/36#) 55 Toes to Bar Score is total reps performed
Dec 2017
With a partner… For time: Row/Ride 100/80 Cal 50 Burpee to plate (alternate every rep) 50 Pull-ups (alternate every 5 reps) 50 Box Jump (24/20”) (alternate every 5 reps) 100 Partner Leg Throws (alternate every 10) 50 Box Jump (24/20”) (alternate every 5 reps) 50 Pull-ups (alternate every 5 reps) 50 Burpee to plate (alternate every rep) Row/Ride 100/80 Cal
Dec 2017
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. Clean Pull 3×5 (light, technique) B. In 12 minutes, descend the ladder 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 as far as possible of: Power Clean (135/95#) Front Squat (135/95#) *perform 30 Double Under after every round. Note: If you get to round 1 and finish, start over at 10. Score is total reps performed, not including double unders. C. BB Roll-out –
Dec 2017
A. Push Press – 12 minutes to a 5RM B. 3 Supersets of: Close grip Bench Press x8 Bent over Row x8 Rest 90 seconds C. 3 Giant sets of: Ring static hold w/negative x10-20 sec Wall walk with 20-30 sec hold Band pull aparts x25-30
Dec 2017
A. Max Double-unders in 3 minutes Everyone should be going for a PR attempt here! B. Tabata Row (cal) Rest 1 minute Tabata Toes to Bar Rest 1 minute Tabata Kb Swing (Rus) Note total reps achieved for each movement. C. Run 1 mile for time
Dec 2017
A. Wide stance Back Squat to Box (below parallel) – 12 minutes to a 5RM B. 4 Sets of: Romanian Deadlift x6 (heavy) Rest 45 sec Db/KB Bulgarian Split Squat – 3×8/Leg Rest 30 sec Banded X-Walk x15 steps each way Rest 15 sec Weighted Abmat Sit-up x15
Dec 2017
A. Head stand hold – accumulate 2 minutes B. Warm up to a heavy, but submax Power Snatch, then; For time: Row 50/35 Cal Then, 5 rounds for time of: 4 P. Snatch (reset after every rep) (Use a challenging load) 8 Chin-ups (strict) 12 Push-up Then, Run 800m
Dec 2017
In teams of 2… A. AMRAP 8 7 KB Swing (70/53#) 7 Burpee Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 8 30 Double Under 10 Pull-ups Complete as many rounds and reps as a team. Only one athlete may work at a time, completing a FULL round of both movements before switching. B. Team Elbow Plank With an 8 minute clock running, athletes will position themselves in an elbow plank, one at
Dec 2017
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed “Nancy” 5 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 15 Overhead Squat (95/65#)
Nov 2017
A. Press – 15 minutes to est. a 1RM B. Every 90 seconds for 4 rounds Close Bench Press x8-10 C. 3 Giant sets of: Banded Pushdown x20-25 10-15 sec Chin Over Bar Hold in Hollow w/ slow negative Conans x1 each direction
Nov 2017
Complete 3 rounds of 1 minute at each of the following stations: Station 1 – Row – Max Cals Rest 1 minute Station 2 – Shoot Through w/ Push-up and Dip – Max Reps Rest 1 minute Station 3 – Bike – Max Cals Rest 1 minute Station 4 – KB Clean – Max Reps Rest 1 minute Station 5 – Double Under – Max Reps Rest 1 minute
Nov 2017
A. Deadlift – 20 minutes to work up to a 1 RM B. 3 Giant Sets of: KB Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps x16 (alternating) Banded Leg Curl x25-30 Banded Ab Pulldown x20-25
Nov 2017
For time: 50/35 Pull-up Run 400m 50 Push Press (115/80#) Run 400m 50 Toes to Bar Run 400m 50 Wallball (20/14#) Run 400m
Nov 2017
In teams of 3… EMOM 20 Station 1 – One Arm DB Snatch Station 2 – Rope Climb Station 3 – Row Station 4 – Rest Starting out, all three athletes choose a station to begin at. On the call of 321…Go, athletes work for up to 1 minute accumulating max reps. Athletes switch stations every minute on the minute, however the clock does not stop. Every 4th minute,
Nov 2017
The Bear Complex 1 Power Clean 1 Front Squat 1 Push Press 1 Back Squat 1 Behind the Neck Push Press Complete all 5 movements for 1 repetition of the complex. Complete the complex 7 times, unbroken (without letting go of the bar or resting it on the ground) for 1 round. Complete 5 unbroken rounds, increasing the weight and resting as needed between each round. Score is max
Nov 2017
In teams of two… For time: 200m Run 50 Overhead Squat (95/65#) 400m Run 150 Double-unders 800m Run 150 Double-unders 400 m Run 50 Overhead Squat 200m Run Note: Both athletes run together. When performing everything else, while one athlete is working, the other is in an elbow plank. Happy Thanksgiving 🦃
Nov 2017
A. 12 minutes to work up to a max for both lifts. Alternate between movements throughout. Bench Press (tempo 32×1) x5 BB Bent over Row (supinated grip) x8 B. AMRAP 12 21 KB Swing (53/36#) 15 Abmat Sit-up with Medball (20/14#) 9 Burpee Box Jump (24/20”)
Nov 2017
A. Every 90 seconds until failure… Back Squat – 3 reps Starting at 50% of your 1RM, add 20 pounds to the bar every 90 seconds. B. For time: Row 1000m 50 KB Goblet Squat (53/36#) 30 Holow Hold Chin-ups (strict)
Nov 2017
A. “Diane” For time, sets of 21-15-9 of: Deadlift (225/155#) HSPU Scale: Int: HSPU Piked off of box Nov: Seated DB Press + HS Hold (reps for seconds) B. 3 Giant Sets of: Banded Leg Curl x20-25 DB Supine Elbow Extension + Close Grip Floor Press 10+10 Banded Ab Crunches x20-25
Nov 2017
In teams of 2… 3 Rounds for time of: Run 800m 50 Pull-Up 50 Push-Up 50 Shoot Throughs Only one athlete moves at a time, except on the run. Partition reps anyhow.