Jan 2018
A. Tabata A. Bike (8×20/10) Switch from hands only to feet only every other round Note calories completed B. Row 3x500m Rest as needed Note fastest and slowest rounds C. Ski 1000m for time D. 50 Knees to Elbows for time
Jan 2018
A. Overhead Squat – 7 minutes to a 5RM B. Snatch Balance – 7 minutes to a 3RM C. For time: Deadlift (touch & go) x40 reps in as few sets as possible Use body weight Note time and drops D. Hollow hold – accumulate 90 seconds Every break perform 20 Russian twists
Jan 2018
A. 200m Ski erg – 5 rounds, each for time Rest 1:1 ratio B. Open WOD 16.2 Beginning on a 4-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of: 25 toes-to-bars 50 double-unders 15 squat cleans 135 / 85 lb. If completed before 4 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to: 25 toes-to-bars 50 double-unders 13 squat cleans, 185 / 115 lb. If completed before 8
Jan 2018
With a partner… With one person working at a time, switching off every round, complete 30 rounds for time of: 4 Box Jump (30/24”) 8 Push-up 12 Rus KB Swing (70/53#) Magnitude Scoop Last call to get some cool new Magnitude threads! Our Online store closes this Sunday at midnight. Click HERE to go directly to our online store.
Jan 2018
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. EMOM 12 1 Snatch (squat) – Use 70-80% of 1RM B. “Pixy Dust” For time, sets of 21-15-9 of: Thruster (95/65#) Pull-Up *Perform 51 Double-under after every round (WOD courtesy of Challenge of the month winner – Tracey P.)
Jan 2018
A. Press – 6 minutes to a max 5RM B. Push Press – 6 minutes to a 3RM C. Push Jerk – 6 minutes to a 1RM D. 3 Giant sets of: Pendlay Row 3×8 Ring Dip x8-12 Band Pull apart x20-25 Side Plank w/ Dip x12-15/side
On a 20 minute clock… At each of the following stations, perform 40 seconds of work, followed by 20 seconds of rest… Station 1 – Row 21/15 Cal Station 2 – KB Swing (53/36) Station 3 -Ride 15/11 Cal Station 4 – Abmat Sit-up (arms crossed) Score is total reps performed
Jan 2018
A. Back Squat 10-8-6-10-8-6 Add 5-10# to all sets from last week B. EMOM 10 Odd – 5 Burpee Lateral Bar hop + 7 T&G Power Clean (heaviest possible) Even – 15 Wallball (20/14”) C. Hanging L-sit – Accumulate 2 minutes Every drop from rig perform 8 Pistols (alternating legs)
Jan 2018
AMRAP 20 50 Double Unders 20 One arm DB Power Snatch -alt. hands (50/35#) 10 HSPU 15 Knees to Elbows
Jan 2018
With a partner Row 4,000m While one athlete is on rowing, the other is performing max rounds of Cindy. Switch every 250m. The athlete coming off the ski erg will pick up on Cindy wherever it was left off by partner. Cindy = 5 pullup, 10 pushup, 15 airsquat
Jan 2018
AMRAP 5 Row 200m 8 Burpee Lateral-hop over Rower Rest 2:30 AMRAP 5 Deadlift x5 (275/195#) Wallball x15 (20/14#) Rest 2:30 AMRAP 5 Double Under x40 Abmat Sit-up (arms crossed over chest) x12 Score is total reps performed, scored separately
Jan 2018
A. Paused Bench Press (tempo 32×1) – 12 minutes to a 5RM B. 3 Supersets of: KB Bent Over Row x10-12 Shoot Throughs w/Push-up + Dip x8 C. 3 Giant Sets of: 1 Legless Rope Climb or 2 Rope Climbs Muscle-up (max reps unbroken) or Jumping Muscle Up x3 or Ring Jump to support w/negative x5 Headstand hold x30-60 sec
Jan 2018
5 rounds, each for time of: 12/9 Cal Row 15 Push Jerk (115/80#) 18 Toes to Bar 21 Box Jump (24/20”) Rest as needed after every round Score is slowest and fastest rounds
Jan 2018
A. 2 Snatch Pull + 1 P. Snatch – 12 minutes to a max complex B. Back Squat 10-8-6-10-8-6 On a 2 minute clock, use the heaviest weight possible for each set, increasing loads the second time through. C. 3 rounds of: Banded Side Steps x15/each direction Banded Ab Pulldowns x20-25
Dec 2017
Rowling for Ca$h Tournament Athletes will go head to head in a bracket style tournament, rowing there way to a chance at the CA$H prize and title of “CFM Rowling Champion” (current title holder – Mike Kandravy). Entry fee is $20 cash and a donation for the ASPCA – Scituate Animal Rescue (can be anything pet related – cleaning supply, food, crates, clothing, leashes, toys, etc…) Fun begins at 8:30am
Dec 2017
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed For time: Row 500m, then… 5 rounds of: T&G Deadlift x10@BW Wall Ball x20 (20/14#) *Every time you break up a movement, perform a 10 Burpee penalty on the spot. Magnitude Scoop Join us this Saturday for our 2nd annual Rowling for Ca$h tournament! There will be a $20 cash buy-in as well as a pet essential
Dec 2017
A. Snatch Grip Behind Neck Press (strict) – 12 min to a 5RM B. Muscle Snatch 3×7 C. 3 Giant Sets of: Conans x1 rotation in each direction Band Pull Aparts x25 Banded Ab Rotation x15/side
Dec 2017
Perform 10 rounds of the following, completing as many reps of each exercise as possible: 30 seconds of Chin-ups (strict) Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of Double-unders Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of Toes to Bar Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of Close Grip Hand-release Push-Up Rest 30 seconds
Dec 2017
A. 2 Flat-footed Clean Pull + 1 Power Clean – In 12 minutes, work to a heavy complex. B. Front Rack BB Reverse Lunge – 3×12 (alternating legs) C. 3 Giant Sets of: BB Romanian Deadlift x8 Supine Glute Bridge (off 20″ box) x20 Banded Ab Pulldowns x20-25
Dec 2017
With a super-friend, complete the following for time… “12 Days of Christmas” 1 Squat Clean Thruster (135 pounds/95 pounds) 2 Handstand Push-Ups 3 Box Jump-Overs (24”/20”) 4 Burpee Lateral Bar-Hop 5 Strict Pull-ups 6 Push Presses (135/95#) 7 Front Squats (135/95#) 8 Kettlebell Swings (70/44#) 9 Toes-to-Bar 10 Kb Goblet style Reverse Lunges (70/44#) 11 Cal Row/Bike 12 Squat Snatches (135/95#)
Dec 2017
“Chloe 17” In 17 minutes Row 2000m Then, max rounds of: 12 Power Clean (155/110#) 22 C2B Pull-ups Rx+: Bar Muscle Ups/185/130# Int: Pull-up/135/95# Nov: Ring Row/95/65#
Dec 2017
A. Seated Strict BB Press – 12 minutes to a 5RM B. BB Bent Row (sup grip) 3×6-8 (as heavy as possible) Rest 2 minutes C. 3 Giant Sets of: Deficit Close Grip Push-ups x12-15 Db Hammer Curl x10-12 ½ Turkish Get-Up x5/Arm Elbow Side Plank x30 sec/side
Dec 2017
1 round of: In 6 minutes… Run 800m Power Snatch (95/65#) – max reps in time remaining Rest 3 minutes 2 rounds of: In 3 minutes… Run 400m Power Snatch (115/80#) – max reps in time remaining Rest 90 seconds 3 rounds of: In 90 seconds… Run 200m Power Snatch (135/95#) – max reps in time remaining Rest 45 seconds
Dec 2017
A. Back Squat – 20 minutes to a 1RM B. 3 Giant sets of: 10 Double Kb Single Leg RDL (per leg) 16 Kb Front-rack Walking Lunge Steps 20-25 Banded Ab pull down
Dec 2017
A. Accumulate 1 minute in each of the following: Headstand (may be freestanding or against wall) Handstand Hollow B. “Buddy’ 5 rounds for time of: 21 Kb Swing (53/36#) 15 Burpee Box Jump (24/20”) 9 Knees to Elbows