Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. Vertical Jump – 7 minutes to establish a max height. B. EMOM 12 Min 1 – Squat Clean x5 (50-60%) (No touch and go, reset after every rep) Min 2 – Double Under x50 Min 3 – Toes to bar x15 C. KB Front Rack/Farmer Carry 400m *Walk the first 100m using a front rack carry,

  For time: 50 Cal Row/Bike 50 DB P. Snatch – alternating hands (50/35#) 50 Box Jump Over (24/20″) 50 Burpee 50 Wallball (20/14#)

    A. Push Jerk – 12 minutes to a 3RM B. 3 Supersets of: Kneeling One Arm KB Press – 3×8/arm Ring Row (with Hollow and Lat activation) x8 C. 3 Giant Sets of: Chin over Bar Hang in Hollow + Negative (pushing down against bar) x3 BB Upright Rows x10 Headstand tuck hold x15-20 sec

  EMOM 8 Odd – Double Under x50 Even – KB Swing x15 (70/44#) Rest 2 minutes EMOM 8 Odd – Row 200m Even – Knees to Elbows x15 Rest 2 minutes EMOM 8 Odd – Burpee x12 Even – Rope Climb x2

  A. Front Squat to Low Box – 12 minutes to a 3RM B. Lateral Box Step Up – 3×8/side  *focus on a challenging box height, unweighted C. 3 Giant Sets of: Straddle Single Leg Raise x10-12/Leg  Supine Glute Bridge off Box x15-20 Hollow Tuck Hold x20 sec 

  Marine Corps Sgt. Michael C. Roy, 25, of North Fort Myers, Fla., assigned to the 3rd Marine Special Operations Battalion, Marine Special Operations Advisor Group, Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command at Camp Lejeune, was killed in action on July 8th, 2009 in Nimroz Province, Afghanistan, while supporting combat operations. He is survived by his wife Amy and three children, Michael, Landon and Olivia. Roy 5 rounds for time of: 15

    Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. Every 45 seconds x7 Seated Box Jump x3 (use a higher box than last week) B. Every 2 minutes x 7 sets 1 Hang Snatch +1 Snatch balance + 1 Overhead Squat Work up to a heavy complex over 7 sets. C. Complete 3 sets of: Wall Walk + 10 shoulder taps  Banded KB Swing x15-20 

  4 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 10 Power Clean (135/95#) 20 Abmat Sit-up 30 Air Squat  

  A. BB Floor Press – 12 minutes to a 5RM B. EMOM 8 Odd – Ring Jump to Support w/ 5 sec hold + Negative x3-5 Even – C2B Pull-Up x3-5 Or Strict Muscle Ups x1-3 C. 3 Giant sets of: Db Rolling Tricep Extension x12-15 Kb Hammer Curl x10-12 Banded Ab Pulldowns x15-20

  2 Rounds of: AMRAP 3 Row 500m Push Press (60-70% of 1RM) – max reps in time remaining Rest 90 seconds AMRAP 3 Bike x30/21 Cal Power Clean (60-70% of 1RM) – max reps in time remaining Rest 90 seconds AMRAP 3 Run 400m Toes to Bar – max reps in time remaining Rest 90 seconds

    A. Wide Stance Back Squat to Box (parallel) – 12 minutes to a 3RM B. BB Good mornings 3×6-8 C. 3 Giant Sets of: Pistols (alternating) x8-10/leg Banded Leg Curl x20-25 Banded Rotation x15-20/side Rest 60-90 seconds

  In teams of 2… AMRAP 20 Hand to hand Kb Swing  Lateral box hops overs (20/16″) Medicine ball Lateral toss (20/14#) Double Under x30 As a team, switching back and forth between every movement, ascend the rep ladder 2-4-6-8-10…as high as possible in 20 minutes. Score is total reps performed.

  Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. Every 45 seconds for 7 sets Seated Box Jump x3 B. Every 90 seconds for 7 sets 3 Power Clean + 2 Front Squat + 1 Jerk (any style) Reset between reps (no touch & go) C. “The Devils Kiss” AMRAP 6 Thruster x6 (95/65#) C2B Pull-Ups x6 Toes to Bar x6  

  A. KB Turkish Get-up – In 10 minutes, work to a heavy, but manageable single with both arms. B. For time: Run 1 mile Followed immediately by sets of 10-1 of: Sumo Deadlift High-pull Burpee Lateral Bar Hop Run 1 mile (30 minute time cap)

    A. BN Push Press – In 12 minutes , work to a 5RM Rest 2-3 minutes after heavy sets. B. EMOM 8 Odd – Rope Climb x2-3 Even – HSPU (strict) x7-10 Scaling options: Rope Climb – – Rope Pull-ups – Rope hangs HSPU – – Piked off box – Add a deficit if able to perform over 10 C. 3 Giant Sets of: DB Hammer Curl x10-12 Supine

  “The Walking Dead” Complete 3 rounds of: Station 1 – Wall Ball (20/14#) Station 2 – Burpee to 6” target Station 3 – KB Swing (53/36#) Station 4 – Toes to Bar Station 5 – Row (Cals) Station 6 – Rest Perform 1 minute of work at each of the 5 stations, resting at station 6.  Move immediately to the next station after 1 minute. The clock does not

  A. Sumo Dead Lift  – In 12 minutes, work to a 3RM B. Front Rack BB Reverse Lunge 3×6 Rest 1-2 minutes C. 3 Sets of: KB Single Leg Romanian Dead Lift- x8/leg  Banded X-Walk x12/side Seated L-Sit Double Leg Tap x12 

  In teams of 2… 3 rounds for time of: 50 Pull-ups 50 Double Kb Push Press (36/26#) 50 Medball Overhead Sit-up Pass (12/8#) Row 1000m Partition reps anyhow. Only one athlete may work at a time.

  Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. EMOM 8 BB Squat Jumps x3 reps @45-55% of 1RM back squat or 5-10# heavier than last week. B. Every 45 seconds for 7 sets Hang Power Snatch x3 @60-70% *Use a static start from the hang.  Focus on an explosive triple extension. C. AMRAP 9 Box Jump x5 (30/24”) Medball Clean x10 (20/14#)  Double Under x30

  For time: Run 800m or Row/Ride 50 Cal 1 round of DT Run 400m or Row/Ride 40 Cal 2 rounds of DT Run 200m or Row/Ride 30 Cal 3 rounds of DT 1 round of DT= 12 Deadlift, 9 Hang Power Clean, 6 Push Jerk RX: 155/105# Int: 135/95# Beg: 115/75#

  A. Bench Press – In 12 minutes, work up to a 3RM B. Ring/Bar Dips – accumulate 30 reps Strict Chin-ups – accumulate 30 reps Rest as needed C. 3 Supersets of: Deficit Push-Up x8-10 KB Bent-over Row x8-10 Russian Twist x12-15  

  Tabata Row Rest 1 min Tabata Push Press  Rest 1 min Tabata Assault Bike Rest 1min Tabata KB Swing  Rest 1 min Tabata Double Under Rest 1 min Tabata Elbow Plank *Perform 6 Tabata rounds of 20/10 with each exercise. Score is total reps achieved.

  A. Paused Front Squat – 12 minutes to a 2RM (Tempo 32×3) Rest 2-3 minutes before heavy sets. B. 3 sets of: BB Goodmorning x6-8 Rest 1-2 minutes C. 3 Giant sets of: Bulgarian Split Squat (off box) x8/leg Banded Leg Curl x15-20 Weighted Abmat Sit-ups x12-15

  In teams of two… AMRAP 20 20 Pull-Up 30 Push-Up 40 Wallball (20/14#) After every round completed, as a team, perform: One- arm Farmer Carry x200m (53/36#) – switching arms after 100m. Both athletes carry a kb. Score is total reps performed.  

  Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed EMOM 6 BB Squat Jumps x4 reps @40-50%% of 1RM back squat  B. Every 45 seconds for 7 sets Hang Power Clean x3 @55-65% of 1RM Clean C. 3 Giant Sets of: KB Walking Lunge x16 steps Banded Good Mornings x10-12 Banded Ab Pulldowns x15-20