A. Front Rack BB Forward Lunge 3×8/side – Ascending Super-set with… Half  Turkish Get-Up 3×6/side – Ascending Rest 2 minutes B. Complete 3 rounds for time of: 15 Over Head Squat (95/65#) 20 Box Jump Over (24/20″) 100m Farmers Walk (70/53#)        

  A. Complete the following 3x through: Dead Lift – Max reps in 30 seconds (225/155#) Rest 30 seconds Push Press – Max reps in 30 seconds (115/80#) Rest 30 seconds B. Complete the following 3x through: Power Clean – Max reps in 30 seconds (185/150#) Rest 30 seconds Push Jerk  – Max reps in 30 seconds (135/95#) Rest 30 seconds C. Complete the following 3x through: Clean  – Max

  A. “Helen” 3 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 21 KB Swings (53/36#) 12 Pull-Ups *Last performed on April 6, 2015 B. Side Plank with Dip 3×10/side Super-set with… 90/90 stretch 3×30 sec/side  

  A. Power Snatch – 6 minutes to work up to a heavy, but sub max single, then: Perform 1 P.Snatch every minute for 7 minutes. B. 3 Snatch 1st Pull (w/pause @ knee) + 3 Snatch Pull  4×1 – Use 80-90% of your 1RM snatch. Rest 2 minutes C. For time, complete the following: Row 500m Then… 3 rounds of: 10 Burpee Box Jump 10 Knee to Elbow Then…

  A. Back Squat – In 6 minutes, warm up to a heavy 3 reps. Note: If this is your second week,  add 5-10# to last weeks weight and warm up to that. then… Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes, complete 3 reps. B. Complete 2x through of the following… In 2 minutes – Run 200m + Max reps of – Thruster (95/65#) Rest 1 minute In 2 minutes –

A. Complete 4 rounds for time of: 15 Single Arm KB Thruster -Right (53/36#) 15 Chest 2 Bar Pull-Up 15 Single Arm KB Thruster -Left (53/36#) 2 Rope Ascent B. Find an area in need and give it some love – 5-10 minutes.

A. For time, complete the following: 50 KB Swing -Russian (70/53#) 40 Push-Up 30 V-Up 40 KB Swing 30 Push-Up 20 V-Up 30 KB Swing 20 Push-Up 10 V-Up * Perform 75 DU’s after each round. B. Gut smash with ball or kb – 2-4 minutes.

A. Barbell Complex Hang Power Snatch x1 + Sn. Push Press x2 + OH Squat x3 – In 7 minutes, warm up to a heavy complex. B. Barbell Conditioning Using 85% of weight established in complex, perform the following on a running clock… Min 0:00-3:00 – 5 Reps Min 3:00-4:00 – Rest Min 4:00-7:00 4 Reps Min 7:00-8:00 Rest Min 8:00-11:00 3 Reps C. Row (sprint) 5x250m – This is

  A. Seated Box Jump 4×5 Superset with… Partner KB Spikes 4×7 B. Complete 5 rounds of AMRAP 3, Resting 1 minute in between each round. 4 Power Clean (155/110#) 8 Toes to Bar 24 Double Under C. Roll out calves with double lax ball – 2 min/side

  A. Back Squat – In 6 minutes, warm up to a heavy 3.  Then, every 2 minutes for 10 minutes, perform a set of 3. B. 2 minute max effort tests of: Wall Ball (20/14#) Rest 1 minute Abmat Sit-Up Rest 1 minute KB Swing (53/36#) Rest 1 minute Burpee C. Banded Couch Stretch – 90 sec/side

A. Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 Note: Start at 80% of your 1RM and ascend in weight across all sets. Rest at least 2 minutes between sets. B. In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of: 8 Shoulder to Overhead (115/80#) 12 Pull-Up 200m Run C. Roll out posterior shoulder/lat – 90 seconds per side.

  A. With a running clock… 0:00-3:00 400m Run + Max Power Snatch, 135/95 in remaining time Rest 1 minute 4:00-7:00 400m Run + Max Clean and Jerk, 135/95 in remaining time Rest 1 minute 8:00-11:00 400m Run + Max Thruster, 135/95 in remaining time Score is total reps achieved. B. Max Double-Under in 3 minutes. C. Calf stretch – 2 min/side.

  A. Bench Press 8-8-6-6 – Using last weeks numbers, add 5-10# to every set. Superset every work set with… Ring Row xME UB Rest 2 minutes B. Alternating movements every 2 minutes for 12 minutes, perform the following: Min 0-2, 4-6, 8-10 – Row 400m Min 2-4, 6-8, 10-12 – 15 Ring Push-Up + 15 Abmat Sit-Up C. Banded backpack chest/shoulder stretch – 90 sec/side.    

  A. Every minute for 6 minutes (alternating between movements), perform the following: Odd – Rope Climb x2 Even – Turkish Get-Up x1/side (heaviest possible) Rest 2 minutes B. Every minute for 6 minutes (alternating between movements), perform the following: Odd – Pistols x8/side Even – Box Jump x8 (30/24″) Rest 2 minutes C. Every minute for 6 minutes (alternating between movements), perform the following: Odd – Kb RDL x8/side

  A. P. Snatch + Hang Snatch – In 12 minutes, establish a heavy complex for the day. B. Snatch Balance + 2 Overhead Squat – In 12 minutes, establish a heavy complex for the day. C. Every minute for 8 minutes (alternating between minutes, resting 15 seconds between movements), perform the following: Odd – HSPU x Max reps Even – Double Under x Max reps D. Spend 2 minutes in

  A. For time, complete the following: Run 800m 30 Burpee Lateral Box Jump (20/16″) 30 KB Swing (70/53#) Rest 2 minutes Run 400m 20 Burpee Lateral Box Jump 20 KB Swing Rest 1  minute Run 200m 10 Burpee Lateral Box Jump 10 KB Swing B. Mobilize chest via lax ball against wall – 90 sec/side    

  A. Squat Clean & Press (Cluster) – In 12 minutes, work up to a heavy single for the day. Notes: Generate force from hip and leg power to thrust bar overhead. Rest as needed between attempts. Note your heavy single. B. “Fran” For time, complete sets of 21-15-9 of: Thruster (95/65#) Pull-Up *This is a Benchmark WOD – Note this in your journal! Last programmed June 24, 2015 C.

A. Complete 4 rounds for time of: 10 KB Shoulder to Overhead/side (44/36#) 100m Overhead Plate Carry (45/25#) 10 Dead Lift (225/155#) 100m Farmers Walk (70/53#) B. Chose an area of the body that made performing  today’s WOD more difficult due to poor mobility and work on it!

A. Bench Press 8-8-6-6 – Using last weeks numbers, add 5-10# to every set. B. Complete 3 rounds for time of: 20 Burpee 400m Run 20 Pull-Up C. Lat stretch w/ pvc pipe.  

A. Front Squat – In 15 minutes, work up to a 3RM for the day. B. Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets), perform the following (resting with time remaining each round): 20 Wall Ball (20/14#) 15 KB Swing (70/53) 10 Med-Ball Sit-Up (20/14#) C. Roll out psoas and perform wall V-sit for 90 seconds.  

A. Snatch Complex – In 12  minutes, work up to a heavy complex for the day. x1 Snatch 1st Pull (3 sec hold @ knee) x2 Snatch Pull x1 P.  Snatch Rest at least 2 minutes between attempts. B. Every minute for 10 minutes, perform the following: Odd – 5 T&G P. Snatch (70-75% 1RM P. Snatch) Even – 30 Double Under C. BB external rotation stretch – 20x/side

A. “Cindy XXX” Complete as much as possible in 20 minutes of: 10 Pull-ups 20 Push-ups 30 Squats 15 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 45 Squats 20 Pull-ups 40 Push-ups 60 Squats 25 Pull-ups 50 Push-ups 75 Squats 30 Pull-ups 60 Push-ups 90 Squats B. Roll out quads/IT band with double lax ball.  Banded back-pack stretch – 60 sec/side. Banded face pulls – perform 10 negatives.

A. Barbell Complex – Complete 5 sets, ascending in weight, of the following: 5 Power Clean 5 Push Press 5 Reverse Lunge/Side 5 Back Squat 5 Romanian Dead lift Rest 2 minutes after each set. B. Bar roll out 3×8 Super set with… BB Windshield Wiper 3×8/side C. Figure 4 stretch – 90 seconds/side.    

A. “CFM Baseline” In 8 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of: 10 Thruster (65/45#) 10 Sit-Up 10 Burpee B. “Death By” 10 meters  

A. Bench Press 8-8-6-6 – Using last weeks numbers, add 5-10# to every set. Super set every working set with… Ring row – max effort reps while maintaining perfect pike position. B. Every minute on the minute for 9 minutes: Min 1,4,7 – 10 Cal Row Min 2,5,8 – 150m Sprint Min 3,6,9 – 30 Double Under Then during minutes 9-11 perform Max Reps of… Burpee to 6″ target Score