A. Back Squat – 1×20 – Add 5-10# to weight used last week. B. EMOM 15 Min 1 – Box Jump Over x15 (24/20″) Min 2 – Med Ball Sit-Up x15 (20/14#) Min 3 – Pull-Up x15/10 Repeat C. Roll out quads & hammies with p-knot. Butterfly stretch – 1 minute.

A. Complete 5 rounds, resting 1 minute between each, for time of: 10 KB Dead Lift 10 KB Swing 10 KB Goblet Squat 100m KB One Handed Farmers Walk 70/53# Note: A 10 burpee (on the spot) penalty will be assessed if the KB touches the ground anytime after the last KB Dead Lift or before your round is completed. B. Accumulate 60 seconds on Parellettes in L-Sit or variation.

  A. Bench Press 3×6-8 – Add 5-10# to last weeks weight. Rest 60 sec KB One Arm Row w/pause at top  3×10-12 Rest 60 sec B. For time, complete the following: Run 800m Cindy – 3 rounds Run 400m Cindy – 2 rounds Run 200m Cindy – 1 round Note: Cindy 1 round = 5 pull-up, 10 push-up, 15 air squat        

  A. Romanian Deadlift 4×5 – Heavy, ascending throughout. Rest at least 2 minutes between sets. B. AMRAP 4 10 Dead lift (225/155#) 15 Box Jump (30/24″) Rest 3 minutes AMRAP 4 10 Power Clean (135/95#) 15 Abmat Sit-Up Rest 3 minutes AMREP 2 Max Rope Climbs        

A. Bar Dips – 30 reps in as few sets as possible. Rest at least 60 seconds after each set. B. For time, complete the following: Row 1,000m 40 Wall Ball (20/14#) Run 800m 30 Wall Ball 100 Double-Under 20 Wall Ball

  A. Snatch Deadlift w/pause @ mid thigh  5×3 – Start at 80% of max snatch and increase weight across all sets. Rest at least 2 minutes. B. EMOM 12 Odd – Power Snatch x5 (135/95#) Even – Toes 2 Bar x10 C. Roll out posterior delt – 2  min/side. Banded prone internal rotation stretch – 90 sec/side.

  A. Back Squat – In 6 minutes, warm up to a perceived heavy 10rm (or 5-10# heavier than last week), then  perform 1 set of 20 reps. B. For time, complete sets of 24-16-8 of: KB Dead Clean & Jerk – Alternating (70/53#) Pull-Ups C. P-Knot quads, hammies, & glutes.  Banded lat/shoulder stretch – 90 sec/side.

Happy Halloween “Michael Myers” In teams of two, complete the following as fast as possible, with only one athlete working at a time… 100 Cal Row 100 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20″) 100 KB Swing (70/53#) 100 Wallball (20/14#) 10 Rope Climb 200 Double-Under    

  A. “Nancy” Complete 5 rounds for time of: 15 Overhead Squat (95/65#) 400m Run *Last performed April 29, 2015* B. Side Plank w/ Dip 3×12 C. T-Spine Roll mobility with p-knot & Empty BB – 2 minutes.

  A. Bench Press 3×6-8 Rest 60 sec Bent Over Row 3×6-8 Rest 60 sec Note: Add 5-10# to last weeks weight used. B. For time. complete the following: 5 Deadlift (275/195#) 10 Push-Up 25 Double-Under 10 Deadlift 20 Push-Up 50 Double-Under 15 Deadlift 30 Push-Up 75 Double-Under C. 90/90 Stretch – 2min/side.

  A. Jerk Balance + BN Press in Spilt 5×3+3 (heavier than last week) B. Skill – Double KB swing to front rack C. AMRAP 12 10 Lunge steps with KB’s in front rack (53/36#) 100m Run w/ Medball (20/14#) 10 Medball Sit-Ups (20/14#)  

  A. Clean 1st Pull + Clean Pull 4×2+2 Use 90-100% of 1RM Clean & Jerk Rest 2 minutes B. Complete 7 rounds of 90 seconds of work, followed by 45 seconds of rest of the following: 3 Clean & Jerk (80-85%) 6 Box Jump Overs (24/20″) Max Pull-Ups in time remaining C. Toes to Bar (strict) 3xME Rest as needed

A. Back Squat – 6 minutes to warm up to a perceived heavy 10rm, then  perform 20 reps. B. Complete sets of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of: KB S2O (53/36#) Pistols/side *Perform 30 Du’s after rounds 10-8-6-4-2. C. 75 Abmat sit-ups in as few sets as possible.

A. For time: 800m Run 3 rounds of… 20 Wall Ball 15 KB Swing -Russian (70/53#) 10 MedBall Sit-Up (20/14#) 400m Run 2 rounds of… 20 Wall Ball 15 KB Swing -Russian (70/53#) 10 MedBall Sit-Up (20/14#) 200m Run 1 rounds of… 20 Wall Ball 15 KB Swing -Russian (70/53#) 10 MedBall Sit-Up (20/14#) B. P-Knot your glutes, calves & quads – 5 minutes.

A. Bench Press 3×6-8 Rest 60 sec Bent Over Row 3×6-8 Rest 60 sec Note: Add 5-10# to last weeks weight used. B. Complete max reps in 2 minutes of the following: Box Jump Overs (24/20″) Rest 1 minute Burpees Rest 1 minute Row for Calories Rest 1 minute Power Snatch (115/80#) Rest 1 minute Rope Climb

  A. Cluster 1-1-1-1-1 (start at 70% of max clean & jerk and ascend in weight throughout) B. Death by –  Power Cleans ( Use 85% of max cluster weight from above) *10 round hard cap C. Tabata Thrusters (45/33#) D. Side plank with dip 3×12/side E. P-knot – butt, low back, hammies, IT band – 5 minutes.  

A. Jerk Balance + Press in Split 5×3+3 B. “Back to the future” For time, complete the following: Jog a half mile, then… 3 rounds of: 12 BB Curls 12 BN Press (strict) 12 BB Box Step-Ups/side 24 Jumping Jacks 36 Mountain Climbers 48 Single leg Jump Rope (alternating sides)            

“Sweat Junkie” With a running clock, perform the following: 0:00-3:00 75 Double Under 5 Pull-Up 10 Push-Up 15 KB Swing (53/36#) 3:00-4:00 – Rest 4:00-8:00 40 Wall Ball (20/14#) 10 Pull-Up  15 Push-Up 20 KB Swing 8:00-9:00 – Rest 9:00-14:00 400m Run 15 Pull-Up 20 Push-Up 25 KB Swing 14:00-15:00 – Rest 15:00-21:00 Row 500m 20 Pull-Up 25 Push-Up 30 KB Swing Note: Regardless of where you end up at each

A. Back Squat – In 6 minutes, warm up to a heavy 3 reps or add 5-10# to last weeks weight and warm up to that. then… Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes, complete 3 reps. B. EMOM x16 Min 1 – 17 Cal Row Min 2 – 15 Overhead Squat (45/33#) Min 3 – 12 Toes to Bar Min 4 – Rest Repeat C. P-knot butt, back, and shoulders

For time, complete the following: Row 1,000m Then, 2 rounds of: 50m Bear Crawl 50m Crab Walk 50 Goblet Squat 50 KB Swing 25 Push Up 25 Ring Row

A. Complete the following 3x through: Snatch – Max reps in 1 minute (135/95#) Rest 30 seconds Double Unders – Max reps in 1 minute Rest 30 seconds B. Complete the following 3x through: Power Snatch – Max reps in 1 minute (115/80#) Rest 30 seconds Snatch grip Push Press – Max reps in 1 minute (115/80#) Rest 30 seconds C. Complete the following 3x through: Overhead Squat – Max

A. AMRAP 5 12 Box Jump (30/24″) 14 Toes through Rings 16 Wall Ball (20/14#) Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 4 10 Box Jump (30/24″) 12 Toes through Rings 14 Wall Ball (20/14#) Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 3 8 Box Jump (30/24″) 10 Toes through Rings 12 Wall Ball (20/14#) Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 2 6 Box Jump (30/24″) 8 Toes through Rings 10 Wall Ball (20/14#) B. Roll out IT

  “Dirty Diane” For time, complete sets of 21-15-9 of: Dead Lift (225/155#) HSPU *Run 400m after every round.

  A. Back Squat – In 6 minutes, warm up to a heavy 3 reps. Note:  If this is not your first week with this protocol, add 5-10# to last weeks weight and warm up to that. then… Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes, complete 3 reps. B. Tabata – Jumping Lunges Rest 2 minutes Tabata – BB Roll Out (135/95#) Rest 2 minutes Tabata – Double-Unders C. Roll out

A. Bench Press 3×6-8 Rest 60 sec Bent Over Row 3×6-8 Rest 60 sec Note: Use a load that will allow you to get at least 6 reps but no more than 8. B. Jumping Pull-Up to Negative (lowering 3-5 sec) 3×5 Super-Set with… HSPU Negative (lowering 3-5 sec) 3×5 C. For time: 100 Banded KB Swing (36/26#) Perform 10 Burpee for every drop of the KB. D. Pec/Shoulder stretch