
3 sets of:

Bench Press x 6-8 reps @ 20X1 

Rest 30 seconds

Single-arm Ring Row x 8-10 reps/arm @ 20X1

Rest 30 seconds

Bike (Hands Only) x 9/6 Calories

Rest 90 seconds


Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:

1 – Ring Dips x 10-12 reps

2 – Kipping HSPU x 10-12 reps

3 –  Dead hang to inversion x 4 reps @ 3231

*Add weight and/or a deficit to your movements to keep you within the prescribed rep range.

We have an awesome weekend lined up for you!  This Saturday we will be holding our annual Barbells for boobs event at 9:00am.  Bring your favorite app to share if you’d like, and we will be supplying  post-WOD beverages from Stellwagen Brewery.  And…Get ready for the Barbell!

Also, this Sunday, we will be holding our first of many Weightlifting Camps, from 8-11am.  This is going to be a fun & educational experience for all involved – promise!   Click HERE if you still need to sign-up.

*We will not be holding our regularly scheduled 7:45am CrossFit class on Saturday, or our Strongman class & Open Gym on Sunday.