Jul 2019
A. 3 sets of: KB Gorilla Row x 8-10/arm @ 2010 Rest 60 seconds Weighted Superman Hold x 15-25 seconds Rest 60 seconds Supine Toes to Bar x 8-12 @ 31X1 Rest 60 seconds B. 4 GIANT sets of: 3 Weighted Strict Chin-ups 50 Double-Unders 7 Strict Chin-ups 10 Squat Thrust 12 DB Push-ups Rest 90 seconds
Jul 2019
A. 3 sets of: Overhead Squat x 6-8 reps @ 31X1 Rest 45 seconds Strict Pull-up x 8-10 reps @ 20X1 Rest 90 seconds B. “Hells Bells” 800 Meter Run 21 Kb Swings 21 Kb Snatches (per arm) 21 Single Arm Overhead Squats (per arm) 400 Meter Run 15 Kb Swings 15 Kb Snatches (per arm) 15 Single Arm Overhead Squats (per arm) 200-meter run 9 Kb Swings 9 Kb
Jul 2019
A. CFM Test # 5 Overhead Squat 3-RM Rest as needed, then… Strict Pull-up – Max unbroken set to Failure B. “Hells Bells” 800 Meter Run 21 Kb Swings 21 Kb Snatches (per arm) 21 Single Arm Overhead Squats (per arm) 400 Meter Run 15 Kb Swings 15 Kb Snatches (per arm) 15 Single Arm Overhead Squats (per arm) 200-meter run 9 Kb Swings 9 Kb Snatches (per arm) 9
Jul 2019
A. 3 sets of: Bench Press x 4-6 reps @ 21X1 Rest 60 seconds Bent-over Row (supinated) x 4-6 reps @ 2010 Rest 90 seconds B. 2 sets of: Ring Push-up Plank Hold x 30-40 seconds Rest 45 seconds Band Pull-aparts x 12-15 @ 30X2 Rest 45 seconds C. 3-4 sets, not for time: 30 sec Good Morning Hold (65/45#) 30m KB Dual Rack Carry (HEAVY load for you) 30
Jul 2019
A. Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (3 total sets): 1 – Sumo Deadlift x 8-10 reps @ 3111 2 – KB Front Rack Front Foot Elevated Split Squat x 8-10 @ 30X1 (RFF) 3 – KB Front Rack Front Foot Elevated Split Squat x 8-10 @ 30X1 (LFF) 4 – Supine Reverse Plank Hold x 20-30 seconds B. 4 sets, increasing pace throughout, of: Row 250 Meters 9 DB
Jul 2019
A. Complete 5 sets, ascending in weight, to a max complex for the day. 5 Clean Deadlift 4 Power Clean 3 Hang Squat Clean 2 Front Squat 1 Jerk (any style) B. 4 rounds of: On a 4 minute clock… Ski 250 Meters 5 Clean & Jerk – for max combined load. Score is totals pounds accumulated in 4 rounds (20 C&J). Rest the remainder of every round. Add or
Jul 2019
With a partner… “Rebecca” Complete as many reps as possible, ascending the rep ladder 3-6-9-12-15-18-21…of: Row/Bike/Ski for Calories Pull-ups Wallballs *Only one athlete works at a time, partners switching after every movement.
Jul 2019
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. Every 75 seconds, for 15 minutes (3 total sets): 1 – Single-arm DB Overhead Carry x 100 feet/arm 2 – RNT Reverse Lunge w/ Dual KB Rack hold x 6-8 reps (right leg) 3 – RNT Reverse Lunge w/ Dual KB Rack hold x 6-8 reps (left leg) 4 – KB Half Rotation Switch x 20 reps B.
Jul 2019
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. Snatch – 20 minutes to a 1-RM for the day. B. 4 rounds of: On a 4 minute clock… Row 250m (95%) DB Thruster x 10 reps @ 50/35# DB Burpee x 10 reps @ 50/35#
Jul 2019
A. 3 sets of: Ring Dips x 8-10 reps @ 20X1 (add weight if you can) Rest 60 seconds Strict Pull-ups x 4-6 reps @ 2222 (add weight if you can) Rest 90 seconds B. 3 sets, not for time, of: 75 Double-Unders 5 Bar/Ring Muscle-ups KB Single-arm Farmers Carry x 100 meters (as heavy as possible, switch arms at 50m) Supine Ceiling Reaches with KB x 15 reps Rest
Jul 2019
A. 3 sets of: Stationary Dips x Max reps @20X1 Rest 60 seconds Strict Pull-ups (pronated grip) x 3-5 reps @ 2010 (add weight if you can) Rest 90 seconds B. 3 sets, not for time, of: 75 Double-Unders Ring Row Hold x 30 seconds KB Single-arm Farmers Carry x 100 meters (as heavy as possible, switch arms at 50m) Supine Ceiling Reaches with KB x 15 reps Rest 90
Jul 2019
CFM Test #4 Strict Handstand Push-up – Max reps unbroken Rest as needed before proceeding to… Toes to Bar – Max reps in 90 seconds Rest as needed before proceeding to.. Double-unders – Max reps in 3 minutes B. 3 sets: Front Squat to Box x 10-12 reps @ 3111 Rest 45 seconds Banded Skater Walk x 10 steps both forward & backwards Rest 45 seconds Weighted Superman Hold x
Jul 2019
A. Every 90 seconds, for 13:30 (3 sets): 1 – Handstand Hold x 30 seconds or Barbell Overhead Hold x 30 seconds (use a challenging load, increasing every round if you can) 2 – Abmat Sit-ups – Max reps in 45 seconds 3 – Double-Unders (or Practice) x 45 seconds B. 3 sets: Front Squat to Box x 10-12 reps @ 3111 Rest 45 seconds Half Kneeling Landmine Press x
Jul 2019
A. 3 sets of: Close Grip Bench Press x 8-10 reps @ 21X1 Rest 45 seconds Bent-over Row (supinated) x 8-10 reps @ 2010 Rest 90 seconds B. 3 rounds, at a conversational pace: Run 800 Meters 1 Legless rope climb (2 with legs) 100 Meter Dual KB Farmers Carry 40 second Side Plank Hold /side
Jun 2019
A. Every 75 seconds, for (3 total sets): 1 – Spilt stance Romanian Deadlift x 4-6 reps @ 3011 (left leg) 2 – Spilt stance Romanian Deadlift x 4-6 reps @ 3011 (right leg) 3 – KB Front Rack Wall Sit x 30 seconds (heavier than last week) 4 – Prisoner Step-ups x 20 (alternating legs) B. Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) for times: 500 Meter Row
Jun 2019
A. Power Clean & Push Jerk On a 2 minute clock… 3@68, 3@73, 3@78 On a 2:30 minute clock… 3@81, 3@84, 3@87 On a 3 minute clock… 3@90, 3@93, 3@96 B. Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) for times: 500 Meter Ski 5 Deadlift (70-75% 1-RM Deadlift) 10 DB Thruster (50/35) Note fastest and slowest times. Focus on a pace that will allow for these two times to
Jun 2019
Three rounds, each consisting of 5 stations, where 90 seconds of work, followed by a 30 second transition to the next movement will be performed. Rest 90 seconds after each full round. Score is total reps & calories combined. 1 – Bike (Calories) 2 – Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps) 3 – Rope Climb (Reps) 4 – Push-ups (Reps) 5 – Row (Calories)
Jun 2019
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. 3 sets of: Half Kneeling Landmine Press x 8-10 reps/arm @ 30X1 Rest 45 seconds RNT Reverse Lunge w/ KB Rack hold x 10-12 reps/side Rest 45 seconds Glute Bridge off 20” Box x 20 reps @ 20X1 Rest 90 seconds B. Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes: 1 – KB Crossbody Step-up (RL, LA) x
Jun 2019
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. 3 ascending sets of: Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance x 5-7 reps Rest 60 seconds B. 1 Hi-Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch On a 60 second clock… Set 1 @ 65% Set 2 @ 68% Set 3 @ 71% On a 90 second clock… Set 4 @ 74% Set 5 @ 77% Set 6 @ 80% On a
Jun 2019
A. 3 sets of: Ring Dips x 10-12 @ 20X1 Rest 45 seconds Strict Pull-ups x 3-5 reps @ 2222 (add weight if needed) Rest 45 seconds B. Spend 10 minutes practicing all aspects of the Ring Muscle-up (kip swing, false grip hold/ring row/pull-up, support hold, transitions,etc…) C. In 6 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of: 3 Ring Muscle-ups or 6 C2B Pull-ups 30 Double-unders
Jun 2019
A. 3 sets of: Stationary Dips x 8-10 reps @ 20X1 Rest 45 seconds Chin-over Bar Hollow Hold (pronated grip) x 30-40 sec Rest 45 seconds B. 3 Giant sets of: 20/15 Calorie Ski DB Hammer Curl x 12-15 reps 30 seconds of Double-unders Banded Pulldowns x 25-30 reps 30 seconds of Double-unders
Jun 2019
For time: Run 1 mile – 800m – 400m Strict Hanging Straight leg raises 15-12-9 KB Goblet Squat 30-20-10 KB Swing (Rus) 30-20-10 Single-arm KB Farmers Carry* 200m-100m-50m *Switch arms at the turn around point 30 minute time cap
Jun 2019
For time: Run 1 mile – 800m – 400m Toes to Bar 30-20-10 KB Goblet Squat (53/36) 30-20-10 KB Swing (53/36) 30-20-10 Single-arm KB Farmers Carry* (53/36) 200m-100m-50m *Switch arms at the turn around point 30 minute time cap
Jun 2019
A. 3 sets of: Bench Press x 10-12 reps @ 21X1 Rest 45 seconds Bent-over Row (supinated) x 10-12 @ 2010 Rest 45 seconds B. 2 sets of: DB S.A. Incline Press x 7-8 reps @ 3011 Rest 30 seconds Ring Face Pull x 8-10 @ 2111 C. 3 rounds, at a moderate pace… “Hands Only” Bike 8/5 Calories 14 DB Renegade Row – alternating arms (without pushup) 14 Push-ups
Jun 2019
A. Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (3 total sets): 1 – Spilt stance Romanian Deadlift x 6-7 reps/side @ 3011 2 – KB Front Rack Wall Sit x 30 seconds 3 – Hanging Medicine Ball Leg Curl x 10-12 reps @ 2011 4- Barbell Roll-outs x 12-14 reps @ 3030 B. In 8 minutes, complete as many reps as possible off: 50 Double-Unders 12 DB Deadlift 10 DB Front