A. EMOM 3 Clean & Jerk x2 @60% Rest 2 minutes EMOM 3 Clean & Jerk x2 @70% Rest 2 minutes EMOM 3 Clean & Jerk x2 @75% B. EMOM 3 Snatch x2 @60% Rest 2 minutes EMOM 3 Snatch x2 @70% Rest 2 minutes EMOM 3 Snatch x2 @75% C. 3 rounds for time: Overhead Squat x15 Unbroken reps @ 55% of 1RM Snatch Note: All sets must

“Stryker” AMRAP 30 100 Cal Row 25 Toes to Bar 1 Mile Run 50 Pull-Up 200 Double Under 25 Toes to Bar

A. Wave 2 Back Squat Warm up sets: 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x3 Work sets: 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+ Rest a minimum of 2 minutes   Press (strict) Warm up sets: 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x3 Work sets: 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+ Rest a minimum of 2 minutes B. Complete sets 0f 21-15-9 for time of: Front Squat 115/70# Push Press 115/70#  

  In teams of 3 AMRAP 10 10 Cal Row 10 DB Box Step Up 35/20# 2 Rope climb Rest 3 minutes AMRAP 10 10  Pistols 30 Double Under 10 Knee to Elbow Rest 3 minutes Note: Teammates start at different stations, all moving at same time rotating through the movements.  Score is total combined rounds and reps from both AMRAPs.    

A. Bench Press 3×5 – Heaviest possible Rest 2 minutes B. Wave 1 Dead Lift Warm Up Sets: 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x3 Work Sets: 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+ Rest a minimum of 2 minutes. Notes: The last set (85%+) should be performed as a max reps attempt, don’t stop at 5 if you can keep going. C. Complete 4 – 2 minute rounds of: Run 200m Hang Power Clean (135/85#) Max reps

  “.50 Cal” For time, complete the following: Row 50 Calories 50 Wall Ball (20/14#) 50 Burpee 50 Box Jump (24/20″) 50 Arch Up 50 Double Under  

“Weightlifting Total” Snatch – 1 Rep Max Clean & Jerk – 1 Rep Max Only 3 missed lifts allowed for each movement.   Combine the two for your weightlifting total. Compare to April 27, 2016

  A. Wave #1 Press Warm Up Sets: 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x3 Rest 60-90 seconds. Work Sets: 65%x5, 75%,x5, 85%x5+ Rest a minimum of 2 minutes. Notes: The last set (85%+) should be performed as a max reps attempt, don’t stop at 5 if you can keep going. B. AMRAP 12 Run 200m 7 Push Press (135/85#) 7 Pull-Up Notes: Increase reps by 1 every round. Score is total reps performed.

Today is Day #1 of our Strength Cycle.  We will be performing 3 lifts in this cycle (Squat on Monday, Press on Tuesday, Dead Lift on Friday).  Every 4 weeks equals one meso-cycle, where the percentages will increase over the first 3 weeks and will be followed by a De-load week.  At this time we will adjust numbers and start over. A. Wave 1 Back Squat Warm Up Sets: 40%x5,

For time: 250 Double Under 30 Power Snatch (115/70#) Run 800m 30 Power Clean & Jerk (115/70#)    

A. Close Grip Bench Press 4×6-8 Super-set with… Band Face Pulls w/Pause 4×10 Rest 2 minutes B. EMOM 12 Min 1 – 10 Burpee Box Jump (24/20″) Min 2 – 10 Abmat Sit-Up w/Med Ball (20/14#) Min 3 – 10 C2B Pull-Ups Repeat

For time: Row 1,000m 100 Wall Ball (20/14#) 100 KB Swing – RUS (70/53#) Run 1 mile    

    A. Halting Snatch 6×2 (Start at 50% and increase weight up to 80%) Notes: Pause 2 sec at knee, and again for 2 sec at power position, then triple extend and pull under bar. B. Halting Clean 6×2 (Start at 50% and increase weight up to 80%) Notes: Pause 2 sec at knee, and again for 2 sec at power position, then triple extend and pull under bar.

  A. Complete 9 – 2 minute rounds of: 30 Double Under + R 1 – Max Pull-Up R 2 – Max Push-Up R 3 – Max Toes to Bar Repeat Notes: First round starts with 30 Doubles + max pull ups.  At the 2 minute mark, round 2 begins with a 30 Doubles + max push ups.  Continue to alternate through the 3 movements until 9 rounds (or 3

Read Coach Mark Rippetoe’s article “The CrossFit Total“, originally posted on Dec 3, 2006 at CrossFit.com, to learn more about the rationale, approach, and rules for this workout. We will be using these lifts as a starting point for our next strength cycle starting on 6/20/13. “CrossFit Total” Back Squat, 1 rep Shoulder Press, 1 rep Dead Lift, 1 rep Compare to 4/22/16  

  Complete 10 – 3 minute rounds of: Run 200m Overhead Squat x3 Rest remainder of time… Notes: Add 10# to the bar every round.  Note start and finish weights.

And Honoring Those Who Do Not…  

AMRAP 4 15 Pull-Up 18 Push-Up 21 Sit-Up 24 Air Squat Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 4 12 Pull-Up 15 Push-Up 18 Sit-Up 21 Air Squat Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 4 9 Pull-Up 12 Push-Up 15 Sit-Up 18 Air Squat Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 4 6 Pull-Up 9 Push-Up 12 Sit-Up 15 Air Squat

  A. 1 Power Snatch +1 Hang Snatch (squat) + 1 Snatch (squat) – 50x3x1, 65×1, 75×1, 85x3x1 Rest 90 seconds B. 1 Power Clean & 1 Power Jerk + 1 Clean (squat)+ 1 Split Jerk – 50x3x1, 65×1, 75×1, 85x3x1 Rest 90 seconds C. Front Squat 3×3 – Heavy Rest 2-3 minutes

  A. L-Sit/Tuck Hold On Rings – 5x10seconds, resting 20 seconds between every round. B. Complete 3 rounds, rotating stations every 3 minutes, of: Double Under x100 Run 400m Row 500m

A. For time, complete sets of 21-18-15 of: Dead Lift (225/155#) Burpee Box Jump (24/20″) B. NFT 50 Russian Twist (with 26/18# KB) 30 Strict Knees to Elbows Note: Partition reps anyhow.

Event 1 – Tire Flip Sprint 200m + Max Tire Flips in 90 seconds.  Rest 2minutes, repeat. Event 2 – Yoke Carry 3 attempts to a max load carry – 50′ Event 3 – Hand over Hand Sled Pull For time, from a stationary position, pull sled to you from 30′ using bodyweight (including sled weight of 75#). Rest 2 minutes and repeat for 3 total rounds.  

In teams of two, for time, complete the following: 75 Push Press (95/55#) 30 C2B Pull-Up 75 Hang Power Clean (95/55#) 30 C2B Pull-Up 75 P. Snatch (95/55#) 30 C2B Pull-Up Notes: Only one team member may work at a time.  Partition reps anyhow.  

  A. Box Squat 5-5-5-5 (starting @ 55% of your 1RM, ascending) Rest 2 minutes B. Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (4 sets of each) alternate between the following movements: Row (Cal) x20/15 Ring Push-Up x20/15 Double-Under x50  

A. Complete 16 rounds of 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest, alternating rounds with the following movements: Crab Hold Hand Stand Hold Elbow Side Plank (L) Elbow Side Plank (R) B. Complete 5 – 3 minute rounds of the following, resting 1 minute after each: Run 400m 6 Box Jump Over (24/20″) Max HSPU in time remaining Score is total HSPU.