Aug 2016
Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. A. EMOM 8 Box Squat (to parallel) x3 @50-60% of 1RM Back Squat B. 4 Rounds for time of: 50 Double Under 15/10 Pull-Up Magnitude Scoop Bring a friend day was awesome, all the visitors were great! Thanks for checking us out!
Aug 2016
Two teams – head to head… 2 RFT 20 Cal Assault Bike 20 Burpee 20 KB Swing 70/44# 20 Box Jump 24/20″ 20 Push-Up 20 Cal Row 20 Abmat Sit-Up 200m Run Notes: Athletes start out single file behind the first movement. Once the first athlete finishes and moves onto the second movement, the next athlete may begin. Athletes are not allowed to pass ANYONE, at any time. All athletes
Aug 2016
With a running clock… 0:00 – 6:00 Work up to a max single – P. Snatch 6:00 – 12:00 Work up to a max single – OH Squat 12:00 – 18:00 Work up to a max single – P. Clean 18:00 – 24:00 Work up to a max single – Front Squat 24:00 – 30:00 Work up to a max single – Push Press Magnitude Scoop Bring a friend
Aug 2016
A. Close Grip Bench Press 4×5 – Ascending, ending at a 5RM Super Set with… Band Pull Aparts 4×12 B. 3 rounds of Max Reps at each of the following stations: Min 1 – Row (cals) Min 2 – Muscle Ups/Dips/Push-Ups (athletes choice) Min 3 – Chin-Ups (strict) Min 4 – Double-Unders Min 5 – Rest 1 min Magnitude Scoop Bring a friend to class this Thursday!
Aug 2016
A. 3-Stop Segment Dead Lift 4×3 – Work in between 90-100% of 1RM Clean. Notes: Pause for 3 seconds @ 2″ from floor, knees, and pockets before fully extending at the top. Rest as needed. B. For time: 80 BB Front Rack Stationary Forward Lunge (alternating legs) 115/75# * Every time barbell is dropped, perform the following: 15 Toes to Bar 200m Run Magnitude Scoop Bring a friend Thursday
Aug 2016
In teams of two… For time: 400m Farmers Walk 70/44# 75 Push Press 115/75# 75 Cal Row 400m Overhead Plate Carry 45/25# 75 MedBall Side Toss (8′ distance) 20/14# 75 Knees to Elbows Partners may switch off at anytime throughout, but may not work at the same time.
Aug 2016
Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. For time: Dead Lift x30 @225/135# Burpee Lateral Bar Hops x15 Double-Under x75 Rest 1 minute Thruster x30 @ 115/75# Burpee Lateral Bar Hops x15 Double-Under x75 Rest 1 minute Pull-Ups x30 Burpee Lateral Bar Hops x15 Double-Under x75 Magnitude Scoop Missed the Weightlifting Total? Come to open gym this Saturday or Sunday to make it up!
Aug 2016
A. Perform 8 rounds of 30 seconds of work, followed by 15 seconds of rest. Alternate between the following two movements: Hand-Stand Hold Hang from Rig B. 3 RFT Run 400m 20 KB One Arm Snatch (from floor, alternating hands) 53/36# C. 50 KB Russian Twist 26/18# Magnitude Scoop The Weightlifting Total was a huge success for those in attendance. Hat’s off to everyone who pushed their limits and
Aug 2016
“Weightlifting Total” Snatch – 1 Rep Max Clean & Jerk – 1 Rep Max Only 3 missed lifts allowed for each movement. Combine the two for your weightlifting total. Compare to June 22, 2016 Magnitude Scoop Join the community this September as we embark on the “Whole Life Challenge”. Participating in the WLC is a great opportunity to learn new lifestyle practices, and experience their many benefits. You can
Aug 2016
A. AMRAP 10 Row (cal) 20/14 Push-Up x15 Pull-Up x10 Rest 2 minutes, then right into… AMRAP 10 Run 200m 15 Box Jump 24/20″ 10 Toes to Bar B. NFT – Super Sets of: BB Curl 3×8 Banded Push Down 3×12 Magnitude Scoop This Wednesday we will be performing the Weightlifting Total, which will benchmark your current 1RM Snatch & 1RM Clean & Jerk. The next time we total
Aug 2016
A. 2 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk – In 12 minutes, work up to a heavy complex. B. AMRAP 9 KB Swing x30 53/36# Wallball x40 20/14# Double-Under x50 KB Swing x20 Wallball x30 Double-Under x40 KB Swing x10 Wallball x20 Double-Under x30 Score is total reps. Magnitude Scoop This Wednesday we will be performing the Weightlifting Total, which will benchmark your current 1RM Snatch & 1RM Clean
Aug 2016
In teams of two… AMRAP 20 1 Cal Row, 1 Push-Up, 1 Pull-Up 2 Cal Row, 2 Push-Up, 2 Pull-Up 3 Cal Row, 3 Push-Up, 3 Pull-Up Notes: Partner 1 completes 1 full round, followed by partner 2 completing the same round and reps. Every round add 1 rep to each movement accumulating as many rounds and reps as possible in the 20 minutes. Only one partner may move at a
Aug 2016
Today is R.E.D Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. Read Coach Mark Rippetoe’s article “The CrossFit Total“, originally posted on Dec 3, 2006 at, to learn more about the rationale, approach, and rules for this workout. “CrossFit Total” Back Squat, 1 rep Shoulder Press, 1 rep Dead Lift, 1 rep Compare to 6/13/16 Magnitude Scoop Sunday – Meet us down at Coast Guard Hill for some
Aug 2016
A. Hollow Hold – Max hold for time B. 3 rounds for time: Double-Under x50 KB Swing (RUS) x40 70/53# Abmat Sit-Up x30 Burpee x20 Magnitude Scoop Friday – We will be performing the CrossFit Total. This is a CrossFit benchmark WOD and our bi-monthly test of strength. Sunday – Meet us down at Coast Guard Hill for some Hoover Ball action! Start time is 8:30 sharp! Open Gym on
Aug 2016
A. 2 Hi-Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch – 12 minutes to work to a heavy complex B. 2 Hi-Hang Clean + 1 Clean + 1 Jerk – 12 minutes to work to a heavy complex C. Isabelle or Grace
Aug 2016
Alternating couplets every 2 minutes, complete 4 rounds (couplets 1-3 = 1 round) of the following: Couplet 1 – Run 200m + Max Toes to Bar Couplet 2 – Row 20 Cal + Max Ring Dip Couplet 3 – Double-Under x50 + Max Ring Row After couplet #3, rest 2 minutes, then start again at couplet #1 Score is total combined reps performed.
Aug 2016
“Incredible Hulk” As many Reps as possible in 20 minutes of: 5 Dead Lift (115/75#) 5 Hang Power Clean (115/75#) 5 Front Squat (115/75#) 5 Push Press (115/75#) 5 Back Squat (115/75#) Compare score to 5/9/16
Aug 2016
In teams of two… “Karabel” 10 rounds for time of: 3 Power Snatch 135/85# 10 WallBall 20/14″ Note: Each athlete completed all reps of both movements every round. Only one athlete may move at a time.
Aug 2016
Cycle 2 – Wave 3 A. Dead Lift Warm up sets: 5@40%, 5@50%, 3@60% Work sets: 5@75%, 3@85%, 1+@95% Rest at least 2 minutes B. Bench Press 4×6@85% Rest at least 2 minutes C. Complete 3 rounds for time of: 15 Burpee Lateral Bar Hop 12 Toes to Bar 9 P. Clean 135/85#
Aug 2016
“Deuces Wild” AMRAP 25 2000m Row 2 Mile Run 200 Double-Under
Aug 2016
A. Snatch 8×1 @85% OTM B. Clean & Jerk 8×1 @85% OTM C. Snatch Balance 5×1 – Work to a max single.
Aug 2016
A. Skill: Kipping Pull-Up B. For time, complete the following: 400m Run 20 C2B Pull-Up 20 Push-Up 20 Sit-Up Run 800m 40 C2B Pull-Up 40 Push-Up 40 Sit-Up Run 400m 20 C2B Pull-Up 20 Push-Up 20 Sit-Up
Jul 2016
Cycle 2 – Wave 3 A. Back Squat Warm Up Sets: 5@45%, 5@55%, 3@65% Work Sets: 5@75%, 3@85%, 1+@95% Rest at least 2 minutes in between work sets. B. Press Warm Up Sets: 5@45%, 5@55%, 3@65% Work Sets: 5@75%, 3@85%, 1+@95% Rest at least 2 minutes in between work sets. C. AMRAP 7 5 Hang Squat Clean 135/85# 5 HSPU
Jul 2016
In teams of 2… 100 Cal Row 100 Push Up 100 Med Ball Clean 20/14# 1 Mile Run w/Med Ball
Jul 2016
A. Cycle 2 – Wave 2 Dead Lift Warm Up Sets: 5@45%, 5@55%, 3@65% Work Sets: 3@70%, 3@80%, 3+@90% B. Bench Press 5×5@85% – On the 2 minutes. C. Not for time: Rope Climb 4×2 ascents Elbow Side Plank w/Dip 4×10/side Ring Dips 4xMax Reps UB Note: Perform 1-3 consecutively, resting as needed in between efforts. Repeat for a total of 4x through.