A. Bench Press – 10 Minutes to a max set of 6 B. 4 Giant Sets of:   3 Weighted Strict Pull-Up + 4 Kip C2b Pull-Up + 5 Kip Pull-Up or 5 Jumping Pull-Up with 3 sec hold + 3 sec negative + 3 sec hang 30 sec Max Double Under 15 Weighted Sit-Up 10/5# 30 sec max Double-Under 25 Band Pull-Aparts Rest 1 minute after each set

  Weightlifting Wednesday Paused Snatch Balance – 5×3  (50-60% of 1rm) with 3 sec pause at bottom Paused Power Snatch – 3-3-3-3-3  Start at 50% and build to a max 3, focusing on positioning, balance, and speed. Snatch Push Press – 3×5 – heavy, across Magnitude Macros – Green

  4 rounds for total time of: Row 500m Run 400m 15 Toes to Bar Rest 3 minutes after every round. Magnitude Macros – Blue

  Burpee + front-squat ladder 135/95# Rest 3 minutes Burpee + shoulder-press ladder 115/70# Rest 3 minutes Burpee + deadlift ladder 275/175# For the ladder pattern, perform 1 rep of each exercise the first minute, 2 reps of each the second minute, 3 reps of each the third minute, continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed. Score is number of minutes completed

In teams of two… 2 rounds for time: 400m Farmers walk 53/36# 80 Overhead Walking Lunge steps with plate 45/25# 60 Db/Kb Seated See-Saw Press 35/20# 40 Box Jump 24/20” Athletes may partition reps however. Magnitude Macros – Green

  Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. A. Dead Lift 5-5-5-5 B. Tabata Protocol Assault Bike Score is total calories C. For time: 100 Abmat Sit-Up Magnitude Macros – Green

  A. Row 500m as fast as possible We are establishing a baseline today with the row.  Let’s hit this with everything we got! B. AMRAP 15 10 Pull-Up 15 Push-Up 20 Air Squat Score is total reps performed. Magnitude Macros – Blue

  Weightlifting Wednesday  3-Position Snatch (pockets,above knee, floor) – 10 minutes to a heavy complex 3-Position Clean (pockets, above knee, floor) – 10 minutes to a heavy complex Behind Neck Split Jerk – 10 minutes to a heavy double Magnitude Macros – Green Magnitude Scoop In observance of Easter, CFM will be closed on Sunday.

  A. 4 rounds, not for time: 10 BB Bent Over Row – Heavy as possible Max UB Ring Dips  10 Strict Knees to Elbows Note: This portion is not for time, however try not to take long breaks between movements.  If a longer rest is needed, take one after each round. B. In 5 minutes – Max Double Under Magnitude Macros – Green

  4 rounds of: In 4 minutes… Run 400m Then, As many rounds and reps as possible of: 20 KB Swing 53/36# 10 Overhead Squat 95/65# Rest 2 minutes after every round. Score is total reps performed. Magnitude Macros – Blue

In teams of 4… 4 rounds of: In 5 minutes, perform: Power Clean x75 Rope Climb x16 Then, A. Bike – Max Calories in time remaining Rest 2 minutes between rounds Athletes may partition reps anyhow.   Score is total calories. Magnitude Macros – Blue

  Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. 3 Rounds, as fast as possible, of: 21 Burpee 15 Thruster 95/65# 800m run Magnitude Macros – Blue 

  In 15 minutes: Row 1,000m Then, AMRAP 10 P. Snatch 115/75# 20 Toes to Bar Score is 1,000m time and total reps. Magnitude Macros – Green

  Weightlifting Wednesday A. Mid-Hang Clean – 8 minutes to a heavy triple. 3×3@85% B.  Push Press + Split Jerk – 4×4+1 C. Back Squat – 3×10   Magnitude Macros – Blue

  4 rounds of: Min 1 – Chin-Up (strict) Min 2 – Push-Up Min 3 – Weighted Abmat Sit-up (small 10/5# plate across chest) Min 4 – Double Under Min 5 – Rest Perform max reps at each station, switching movements every minute.  Score each movement separately with total reps achieved. Magnitude Macros – Green

  4 RFT 21 Deadlift 185/125# 400m Run Magnitude Macros – Green

  4 teams, head to head, as fast as possible… Complete 5 rounds for time of: A. Bike (cals) x13/9 KB Swing x15   53/36# Box Jump Over x12  24/20″ Burpee x9 All athletes may move simultaneously, however, they may never pass one another.

Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. In 15 minutes, ascend the rep ladder 3-6-9-12-15-18-21, etc… Med-Ball Clean 20/14# Pull-Up Shoulder to Overhead 115/75# Score is total reps performed  Magnitude Macros – Green

  Make 3 attempts at each of the following: Max set toes-to-bars Max set ring dips Broad jump for distance Then, Row 2,000 meters for time Rest as needed between exercises. Post reps, distance and time for each. Magnitude Macros – Green

  Weightlifting Wednesday A. Paused Overhead Squat – 10 minutes to work towards a heavy 5 Use a controlled decent followed by a 3 second pause at the bottom of each rep. B. Mid-Hang Muscle Snatch – 8 minutes to work towards a heavy 5 Hang should be dynamic, focusing on straight arms through the pull. C. Snatch-Grip RDL – 3×5 heavy Keep weight balanced across the entire foot, with

  EMOM 16 Min 1 – 50 Double Under Min 2 – 15 Box Jump 24/20” Min 3 – 20 Abmat Sit-up Min 4 – Row 14/10 Cal

  Tabata Barbell Tabata deadlift, 185/125 lb. Tabata hang power clean, 135/85 lb. Tabata front squat, 85/55 lb. Tabata push press, 65/45 lb. The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Rest one minute between exercises. Score is total reps from all 32 intervals.  

  In teams of 3… For time: 75 Cal Row 75 Power Clean 115/75# 75 Pull-Up 50 Cal Row 50 Power Clean 50 Pull-Up 25 Cal Row 25 Power Clean 25 Pull-Up Note: Only one athlete may work at a time.

  CrossFit Open WOD 17.5 10 rounds for time of: 9 Thrusters 95/65# 35 Double-Unders Magnitude Scoop Come join us tonight for our last installment of Friday Night Lights and Open WOD 17.5! The afterparty will commence after the last double-under is performed.  See you all there!

  “Goat Slayer” Pick two goats and work on them every other minute. EMOM 20 Min 1 – Goat #1 Min 2 – Goat #2 Your “Goats” are movements that are most in need of improvement.   Sets should be relatively low in volume and light in weight, placing an emphasis on technique. Magnitude Scoop Don’t forget to tune in to the live streaming CrossFit Open WOD 17.5 announcement tonight (Thursday)