Sep 2017
A. 4 rounds of 40 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds of rest at each of the following stations: Station 1: Row (meters) Station 2: Burpee Box Jump 24/20” Station 3: Double Unders Score is total meters, burpee box jumps, and double unders, scored separately. Note: Perform all 4 rounds of work at station one before moving on to the next station. B. 3 Giant sets of: Double
Sep 2017
A. Sumo Dead lift – 12 minutes to a heavy 5 Rest 2-3 minutes after all heavy sets. B. For time, complete rounds of 15-12-9 of: Power Clean 135/95# Toes to Bar *Run 200m after every round. Rest 2 minutes after each round.
Sep 2017
In teams of two… For time: 3 rounds of… 16 Double KB Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps 44/26# 100m KB Farmers Carry 53/36# Run 800m 2 rounds of… 24 Double KB Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps 44/26# 200m KB Farmers Carry 53/36# Run 400m 1 round of… 32 Double KB Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps 44/26# 400m KB Farmers Carry 53/36# Run 200m *The run is performed as a
Sep 2017
A. Push Press – 12 min to a heavy triple. Rest at least 2 minutes after heavy sets. B. 4 Giant sets of: Kneeling One Arm DB Press x8-10 Double Under x45 seconds Weighted Abmat Sit-Up x12-15
Sep 2017
EMOM 6 Odd – Rope Climb x2 Even – Wall Facing Handstand Hold x30 sec Rest 3 minutes AMRAP 6 Bike x12/9 cal One Arm DB P. Snatch x10 (alternating) (50/35#) Rest 3 minutes EMOM 6 Odd – Row 15/12 cal Burpee Box Jump x7 (24/20″)
Sep 2017
Weightlifting Wednesday A. Paused Front Squat (tempo 32×1) – 10 minutes to a heavy, but sub-max double. B. 1 Hi-Hang Clean + 1 Clean & Jerk – 10 minutes to work towards a heavy complex. *Technique dictates load on the Bar. C. 3 Giant-Sets of: Press in split x6-8 Clean grip Romanian Deadlift x6-8 Leg drops x15-20 Rest 90 seconds
Sep 2017
A. Bench Press – 4×5 (tempo 31×1) Rest 45 sec Banded Seated Row – 4×12-15 Rest 90 sec B. “God-Smack” For time: 100 Double Unders 75 KB Swing (Rus) 70/53# 50 2-count Mountain Climbers 25 Goblet Squat 70/53# C. Accessory movements: (time permitting) Banded Push Down 3×25 Band Pull Aparts 3×25 Side Plank w/Dip 3×10 per side
Sep 2017
9/11 Tribute WOD For Time: 2001m Row or 2001m Run (1.25 miles) 11 Box Jumps 30/24″ 11 Thrusters 125/85# 11 Burpee Chest to Bar Pull-ups 11 Power Cleans 170/120# 11 HSPUs 11 KB Swings 70/53# 11 Toes to Bar 11 Deadlifts 170/120# 11 Push Jerks 110/75# 2001m Row or 2001m Run (1.25 miles) ***If athletes begin the WOD with a Row, they finish with a Run and vice versa. The workout
Sep 2017
In teams of 2 AMRAP 8 10 Dead Lift 185/125 10 Box Jump 24/20” Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 8 2 Rope Climb 30 Double Under Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 8 10 Cal Row 15/10 Push-Up Score is total reps performed. Note: only one athlete may move at a time and may only switch out after completing all reps of both movements.
Sep 2017
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. A. Back Squat 10@63%, 8@68%, 6@73% B. For time, complete sets of 21-15-9 of: Front Squat 115/70# Push Press 115/70# Rest exactly 60 seconds then… Wallball shots – Max reps unbroken Score is time and total wallball shots.
Sep 2017
A. 3 Giant Sets of: 10 Ring Rows 7 DB Single arm Cross-body Romanian Dead Lift – Demo Video 15 Hollow Rocks 50 Double under (or 30 sec of DU practice) Rest 60 seconds B. EMOM 16 Min 1 – Row/Bike for Cals x15/10 Min 2 – Burpee to plate x10 Min 3 – KB Swing x15 53/36# Min 4 – Rest
Sep 2017
Weightlifting Wednesday A. Overhead Squat – 5 minutes to warm up to a heavy, but sub-max single. B. EMOM 4 ¼ Drop Snatch – x5 reps @ 30-50% of max snatch C. Snatch Balance – 5 minutes to warm up to a heavy & fast double. D. EMOM 10 Snatch Min 1-2 2@60% Min 3-4 2@67% Min 5-6 2@74% Min 7-8 1@81% Min 9-10 1@88%
Sep 2017
A. Power Clean – 8 minutes to work towards a heavy single. B. As fast as possible, complete the following: Run 800m 21 Power Clean 21 Toes to Bar Run 400m 15 Power Clean 15 Toes to Bar Run 200m 9 Power Clean 9 Toes to Bar Note: Use 60% of weight established in part A. Note final time and load used.
Sep 2017
In 5 teams… 10 minutes to establish a team total of Bench Press x3 reps *add all teammates 3 rep maxes together Rest 3 minutes 5 minutes to establish max reps of Rope climbs Rest 3 minutes 5 minutes to perform max reps of Shuttle Sprint 50m (25m down and back) *all teamates must perform 5 burpees before they can be tagged back in…
Aug 2017
AMRAP 5 Row (Cals) 10/7 Push-Up x15/9 Rest 5 minutes AMRAP 5 Assault Bike 10/7 Chin-Ups (strict) x7/4 Rest 5 minutes AMRAP 5 Double Under x30 Double KB Swing x15 44/25# Magnitude Scoop The Labor Day week(end) schedule is as follows: Friday – All classes, except 5:30pm Saturday – All regularly scheduled classes and open gym Sunday – Closed Monday (Labor Day) – Closed We hope you have an
Aug 2017
Weightlifting Wednesday A. Front Squat (Tempo 3211) 3@50%, 3@55%, 3@60% B. Hang (Squat) Clean 3×3@60% Paused (Squat) Clean (4” above knee) 3×3@65% (Squat) Clean 1×3@70%,1×3@75%,1×3@80% C. Push Press 5-5-5 Push Jerk 3-3-3 Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 Note: Start at moderate load and ascend in weight throughout all movements and sets. Magnitude Scoop The Labor Day week(end) schedule is as follows: Friday – All classes, except 5:30pm Saturday – All regularly
Aug 2017
For time: Run 1 mile Then, 4 rounds of: 10 Box Jump 24/20” 10 Burpee 10 Toes to Bar Then, Run 1 mile Magnitude Scoop The Labor Day week(end) schedule is as follows: Friday – All classes, except 5:30pm Saturday – All regularly scheduled classes and open gym Sunday – Closed Monday (Labor Day) – Closed We hope you have an awesome rest of the summer, and look forward
Aug 2017
A. 3 rounds Dips (Bar or Rings) Max reps unbroken (or 5-7 slow negatives) Rest 45 sec Double Kb Bent-Over Row x10-12 Rest 45 sec B. For time, rounds of 21-15-9 of: DB or KB One Arm Power Snatch 50/35# (1 rep = both arms) Pull-Up
Aug 2017
A. Sled Push (50 feet) – Work to a max load in 12 minutes B. 3 rounds for time of: 10 KB Clean (alternating hands) 20 Hand to hand KB Swing 30 KB Single Arm Push Press (alternate arms after 15 reps) 10 Shuttle Sprint (30m increments – down and back = 1 rep Rx=53/36#
Aug 2017
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed. A. Pull-Up Complex Every 45 sec for 7 rounds… 5 second Chin over bar hold 5 second negative 5 second hang at bottom B. Every 7 minutes, for 28 minutes (4 sets) for times: 500 Meter Row 25 Wall Ball (30/20# to a 10′ target) 200m Run Note fastest and slowest times.
Aug 2017
A. Four sets of: Shoulder Press x 8-10 Rest 45 seconds Hip Bridge (feet on 20” box) x15 Rest 45 seconds Double-Under x Max reps in 45 sec Rest 45 seconds B. EMOM 12 Minutes 1-4 – Assault Bike x Max calories in 30 seconds Minutes 5-8 – Strict Handstand Push-Ups x Max reps in 30 seconds Minutes 9-12 – Burpees x Max reps in 30 seconds Magnitude Scoop
Aug 2017
Weightlifting Wednesday Snatch Complex Every 4 minutes, for 24 minutes (6 rounds), complete 1 round of the following complex: 5 Snatch Dead Lift 4 Hang Power Snatch 3 BN Snatch Push Press 2 Overhead Squat 1 Snatch Balance Note starting and finishing loads.
Aug 2017
“Marden-Up” For time: 8 H.P. Clean 115/70# 22 Box Jump-Over 24/20” 800m Run 8 H.P. Clean 22 Knees 2 Elbows 600m Run 8 H.P Clean 22 KB Swing 70/44# 400m Run 8 H.P. Clean 22 Toes 2 Bar 189m Run
Aug 2017
A. 4 Sets of: Barbell Bent Over Row x6-8 Rest 45 sec Bench Press x6-8 Rest 45 sec B. AMRAP 9 21/15 Push-Up 15/9 Pull-Up 9 Front Squat 135/85# Score is total reps completed.
Aug 2017
In teams of 2… For time: 200 Wallballs 20/14# 100 Sumodeadlift high pull 75/55# *while one athlete is working, the other is performing 100m Kb farmers carry 53/36#. Athletes switch every 100m walk.