Oct 2019
A. Every 3 minutes, for 4 sets: Back Squat x 2.2.1 @ 20X1, resting 15 seconds between clusters, (heavier than last week). B. 3 sets of: Bench Press x 10-12 reps @ 20X1 Rest 2-3 minutes C. DB Box Step-up* (alternating legs) – as many reps as possible in 3 minutes *Use a single Challenging DB, held anyhow. Rest 60 seconds Hand-release Push-ups – as many reps as possible in
Oct 2019
A. Every 3 minutes, for 4 sets: Back Squat x 2.2.1 @ 20X1, 80-85% of 1-RM, resting 15 seconds between clusters. B. 3 sets of: Bench Press (bodyweight) x max effort set Rest 2-3 minutes C. Pistols – as many reps as possible in 3 minutes Rest 90 seconds Ring Push-ups – as many reps as possible in 3 minutes Rest 90 seconds Renegade Row (without push-up) (50/35) – as
“Old Jackson” For time: 1000 Meter Row/Ski/Bike* 25 Knees to Elbows 50 Wall Balls 25 Knees to Elbows 500 Meter Row/Ski/Bike* 25 KB Sit-ups 50 Wall Balls 25 KB Sit-ups 1000 Meter Row/Ski/Bike* *Change monostructural element throughout.
Sep 2019
A. 3 sets: Single-arm DB Push Press x 5 rep @ 41X2 Rest 60 seconds after each arm B. 3 sets of: DB Seated Press x 8-10 reps @ 2111 Rest 45 seconds Chin over bar hold (supinated) x 25-40 sec Rest 90 seconds C. In 10 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: Double-Under x 25 Single-arm DB Swing to press x 12 (switch arms at 6) Strict
Sep 2019
A. Split Jerk – in 12 minutes, work up to a 3-RM for the day. B. 3 sets of: Tall Kneeling Dual KB Press x 6 reps (heavier than last week) Rest 30 seconds Weighted Strict Chin-up x 5 reps @ 2110 Rest 90 seconds C. 3 rounds, for a total time, of: 50 Double-Unders 10 KB S.A. Snatch (left arm) 10 KB S.A. Push Press (left arm) 15 Pull-ups
Sep 2019
A. In 12 minutes, work up to a max – 3-position Power Clean (pockets, below knee, ground) Rest 90-120 seconds B. 3 rounds for time: 15 Hang Power Snatch (95/65) 20/17 Calories Row 15 Dumbbell Front Squat (50/35) 20 KB Single-arm Sit Ups (switch arms after 10) (26/18)
Sep 2019
A. Every 90 seconds, for 3 sets: 1- Row 18/12 Calories 2- DB Front Squat x 10 reps @ 20X1 3- Half kneeling Landmine twist x 6-8 reps/side @ 2020 B. 3 giant sets: Dual KB Deadlift x 10 reps Dual KB Rack Curtsy Squat x 10 reps/alternating Wall Squat hold (parallel) w/ KB goblet hold x 30 seconds Rest 90 seconds
In teams of 4… In 20 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: AMRAP 20 2 Rope Climb or 10 Pull-ups 12 DB Bench Press (50/35) 12/8 Calorie Bike 12 Toes to Bar Athletes will each start at a different station, and rotate together.
Sep 2019
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. Every 75 seconds, for 3 sets: 1 – DB Split-stance Romanian Deadlift x 4-6 reps/leg @ 2121, rest 30 seconds between legs (heavier than last week) 2 – Dual DB Overhead Walk x 100 feet (slow & deliberate) 3 – Ring Support Hold x 25-40 seconds B. 7 rounds for time of: Run 200 Meters 7 Deadlift @
Sep 2019
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. Snatch Complex 5 ascending sets: 1 Snatch Lift-off (pause at knee) 1 Snatch Pull 1 Power Snatch Rest 90-120 seconds B. 7 rounds for time of: Run 200 Meters 3 Power Snatch @ 70% of 1-RM Snatch
Sep 2019
A. Every 3 minutes, for 4 sets: Back Squat x 2.2.2 @ 20X1, 75-80% of 1-RM, resting 15 seconds between clusters. B. 4 rounds of: On a 4 minute clock… 6 Dual KB Clean 53/36 6 Dual KB Thruster 53/36 6 Dual KB Reverse Lunge Steps/alternating 53/36 100 Foot Dual KB Rack Carry 53/36
Sep 2019
A. Every 3 minutes, for 4 sets: Back Squat x 2.2.2 @ 20X1, 75-80% of 1-RM, resting 15 seconds between clusters. B. Complete 3-4 giant sets, ascending in weight, of: 8 DB Single-arm Swing to Press 8 DB Single-arm Thruster 8 DB Single-arm Overhead Reverse Lunge Step 100 Meter DB Farmers Carry Rest 90 seconds * Complete 8 reps of each movement with your left arm, followed by 8 reps
“Sawyer” In 30 minutes, at 70-75% effort, complete as many rounds & reps as possible of: Run 200 Meters 5 Burpee 10 Box Jump (24/20”) 15 KB Swing (53/36#) Run 400 Meters 10 Burpee 15 Box Jump 20 KB Swing Run 800 Meters 15 Burpee 20 Box Jump 25 KB Swing Run 1 Mile 20 Burpee 25 Box Jump 30 KB Swing
Sep 2019
A. 3 sets of: 3 Jerk Balance + 6 Press in Split Rest 90 seconds B. 3 sets of: Tall Kneeling Dual KB Press x 6 reps Rest 45 seconds Mixed Grip Pull-ups* x 3-4 reps/direction @ 21X1 *Add weight if you can Rest 90 seconds C. For time: Ski 500/400 Meters 30 KB Push Press (53/36) 30 Pull-up 30 Toes to Bar 10 minute time cap
Sep 2019
A. 3 sets: BB Push Press x 2.2.1 reps @ 2112 (heavier than last week) – rest 10-15 seconds between clusters Rest 2+ minutes B. 3 sets of: Ring Dips* x 4-6 reps @ 20X1 Rest 30 seconds Mixed Grip Pull-ups* x 3-4 reps/direction @ 21X1 *Add weight if you can, scale placing feet behind on box C. For time: Ski 500/400 Meters 30 KB Strict Press 20 Strict Chin-ups
Sep 2019
Every 60 seconds, for 3 total sets: 1 – BB Front Rack Drop Lunge x 8 reps (Left) 2 – BB Front Rack Drop Lunge x 8 reps (Right) 3 – Tall kneeling Landmine Twist x 16-20 reps/alternating sides B. CFM Test #2 Assault Bike – Max Cals in 10 minutes Compare to 1/23/19 & 5/22/19 Rest exactly 60 seconds, then directly into… For time: 30 DB Deadlifts 30 DB
Sep 2019
A. 4 sets of the following complex: 1 Segment Power Clean (pause below knee) 1 Hi-Hang Squat Clean 1 Squat Clean Rest 60-90 seconds B. 3 sets of: Clean Pull x 3 reps @ 95-115% of 1-RM Rest 90 seconds C.. CFM Test #2 Assault Bike – Max Cals in 10 minutes Compare to 1/23/19 & 5/22/19 Rest exactly 60 seconds, then directly into… For time: 15 Hang Power Clean
In teams of 3… On a 22 minute clock: Bike – Max reps 1 round of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats) Rest 60 seconds… AMRAP 3 Rope Climb – Max reps *Workout starts with one athlete on the bike, one athlete performing a round of Cindy, and the third athlete resting/waiting. The goal is to accrue as many calories as possible on the bike. Athletes may switch
Sep 2019
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. Every 75 seconds, for 3 sets:: 1 – DB Split-stance Romanian Deadlift x 6-8 reps/leg @ 2121, rest 30 seconds between legs (heavier than last week) 2 – Dual DB Overhead Walk x 100 feet (slow & deliberate) 3 – Ring Support Hold x 25-40 seconds B. In 10 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: Single-leg
Sep 2019
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. Snatch Complex 4 ascending sets: 2 Segment Snatch High Pull (pause below knee) 1 Segment Power Snatch (pause below knee) 1 Power Snatch Rest 90-120 seconds B. CrossFit Open WOD 11.1 In 10 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 30 Double-Unders 15 Power Snatches (75/55#)
Sep 2019
A. Every 3 minutes, for 4 sets: Back Squat x 3.3.3 @ 20X1, 70-75% of 1-RM, resting 15 seconds between clusters. B. In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 10 Burpee 15 KB Swing (USA) 10 Pistols/alternating legs 1 Turkish get-up/side (Make it TOUGH)
Sep 2019
A. Every 3 minutes, for 4 sets: Back Squat x 3.3.3 @ 20X1, 70-75% of 1-RM, resting 15 seconds between clusters. B. In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 10 Burpee 20 Single-arm KB Swing (switch hands after 10) 10 Box Step Downs with KB Goblet Hold (switch legs at 5 reps) @ 30X1 1 Turkish get-up/side (Make it TOUGH)
Command Sgt. Maj. Martin “Gunny” Barreras, 49, of Tucson, Arizona, died on May 13, 2014, of wounds he sustained during an attack on his unit on May 6, 2014. Barreras was well known for his contributions to the successful rescue of Jessica Lynch in 2003. He joined the Marine Corps in 1983 and the Army Rangers in 1988. He was the senior enlisted adviser in the 2nd Battalion, 5th Infantry,
Sep 2019
A. 4 sets of: Jerk Balance x 3 reps (light and fast today!) Rest 60 seconds B. 3 sets of: Press in Split x 6 reps Rest 45 seconds Mixed Grip Pull-ups x 4-5 reps/direction @ 21X1 *Add weight if you can Rest 90 seconds C. 3 rounds for time of: Ring Muscle-up x 5-4-3 DB Push Press x 15-12-9 Double-Unders x 100-75-50
Sep 2019
A. 3 sets: BB Push Press x 3-5 reps @ 2112 (heavier than last week) Rest 2+ minutes B. 3 sets of: Ring Dips* x 6-8 reps @ 20X1 Rest 30 seconds Mixed Grip Pull-ups* x 4-5 reps/direction @ 21X1 *Add weight if you can, scale placing feet behind on box C. 3 rounds at 85%: 3 rounds for time of: 20 sec Chin-Over-Bar Tuck Hold (supinated) DB Top Down