A. Back Squat – In 20 minutes, establish a 5RM We will be using this number to establish a predictive 1RM for use with our next back squat cycle. B. Ski 500m for time This is a benchmark (point of reference) and should be approached with your best effort! C. Toes to Bar – 3 max unbroken sets  Perform as many reps as possible each set, only stopping when

  A. EMOM 8 Even – 10 Push-up + ME UB DB Close Grip Floor Press Odd – 1 Legless Rope Climb + 1 Rope Climb Int: 2 rope climb Beg: 10 second rope hold + 10 rope rows B. Handstand hold – 2×1:00/1:00 C. 3 rounds for time of: 15 Burpee Run 400m 15 Pull-up 13 minute time cap Beg: Jumping Pull-up

  A. Clean Lift-off + Clean Pull 4×1+3 Start with a clean lift off (pausing right above knee for 2 seconds), followed by 3 straight arm clean pulls.  Focus on a good back angle through the first pull, followed by an aggressive 2 pull with an emphasis on creating weightlessness with the bar. B. 4 rounds of: On a 3 minute clock… Row 250m 15 Double KB Swing KB Front

  A. On a 90 second clock… Push Press 3-3-3 Push Jerk 2-2-2 Split Jerk 1-1-1 Starting with a challenging 3, and aim to increase in weight across all sets for all movements. So, your starting set of push jerk should be heavier than your last set of push press, and your first set of split jerk should be heavier than your last set of push jerk… Note your starting

  With a partner… AMRAP 25 10 Wallball 8 DB Power Snatch 6 Pull-up Only on athlete may move at a time, completing one full round before switching out. Score is total reps completed as a team Rx+: 30/20#, 55/40#, 3 Bar muscle-ups Rx: 20/14#, 50/35# Int: 14/12#, 40/25# Beg: 12/8#, 25/15#, Ring rows  

  Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed “P.K. Shuffle” For time: 200m Run Followed by… Rounds of 4-8-12 of: Burpee Box Jump-Over KB Swing Weighted Abmat Sit-up Then… 400m Run Followed by… Rounds of 16-20-24 of:  Burpee Box Jump-Over  KB Swing  Weighted Abmat Sit-up Then… 800m Run 20 minute time cap Rx: 53/36#, 24/20”, 25/15# Int: 44/26#, 20/16”, 15/10# Beg: 36/22#, 16/12”, Non-weighted sit-up WOD

  A. 3-position Snatch (squat) – In 12 minutes, work towards a heavy complex for the day. The complex will start with a snatch from the hi-hang position, then right above the knee, finishing the final snatch from the floor.  These are all from a static start (no movement), pausing a full 1-2 seconds in each start position. B. Handstand hold 3×45 seconds of work, followed by 45 seconds of

  In 4 minutes… Bike 35/25 Cal 15 Burpee Deadlift 185/125# – Max reps in time remaining Rest 4 minutes In 4 minutes… Bike 30/20 Cal 12 Burpee Deadlift 225/155# – Max reps in time remaining Rest 4 minutes In 4 minutes… Bike 25/15 Cal 9 Burpee Deadlift 275/185# – Max reps in time remaining Note how many reps achieved at each weight. Int: 155/110#, 185/125#, 225/155# Beg: 115/80#, 135/95#,

  A. Push Jerk 5-5-5-5 Ascend across all sets Rest at least 2 minutes B. EMOM 8 Odd – 10 Standing DB Shoulder Press  (single arm, alternating) + 10 DB Renegade Rows  (alternating) Even – 50 Double Under Choose a challenge weight to work with.  Use same DB’s for both movements. C. Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes 5 second chin over bar hang 5 second negative 5 second hang

  A. Back Squat to box @ parallel (Tempo 32X1) 6-6-6-6 Ascend across all sets Rest at least 2 minutes B. For time: Row 1,000m 21 Squat Clean 21 Toes to Bar 15 Squat Clean 15 Toes to Bar 9 Squat Clean 9 Toes to Bar Ski 500m 12 minute time cap Rx: 115/80# Int: 95/65# Beg: 55/35#

  With a partner… For time: 100 Deadlift *While one athlete is performing Deadlifts, the other is holding a BB locked out over head in Press position. Only count reps while bar is actively locked out overhead. Then… 100 Shoulder to Overhead *While one athlete is performing Shoulder to Overhead, the other is holding a BB locked out in the top of a Deadlift. Only count reps while bar is

  Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed “Aunt Angie” With a running clock… 0:00-5:00 Max Pull-ups 5:00-10:00 Max Push-ups 10:00-15:00 Max Sit-ups 15:00-20:00 Max Squats Scaled option: Jumping Pull-ups * If you complete 100 reps before the first 5 minute window is up, you may move on to the next movement and get started.  If you continuously hit 100 reps on all movements until the

  A. 3-position Power Snatch – In 12 minutes, work towards a heavy complex for the day. The complex will start with a power snatch from the hi-hang position, then one from right above the knees, finishing the final power snatch from the floor.  All 3 positions start from a static start (no movement), pausing a full 1-2 seconds in each start position. B. Handstand hold 4×30 seconds of work,

  A. Front Squat 10-8-8-6 Ascend in weight across all sets. Rest at least 2 minutes between work sets. B. For time: 60 Wall Ball 50 KB Swing 40 Box Jump-over 30 Toes to Bar 8 minute time cap Use a ball, kb, and box that allows for a constant motion with limited breaks. Rx: 20/14#, 53/36#, 24/20” Int: 14/12#, 44/26#, 20/16” Beg: 12/8#, 36/22#, 16/12”

  AMRAP 5 Ski 100m (single pole) 8 One arm DB Snatch (alternating) 50/35# Rest 2:30 AMRAP 5 Row 200m 10 Hand-release Push-ups Rest 2:30 AMRAP 5 30 Double-Under 3 Bar Muscle up Rx: 50/35# Int: 35/20#, 6 Pull-up Beg: 25/15#, 6 Ring row Score is total reps accumulated, minus the first movement in each group.

  A. Press + Push Press 4×6+ME Start at a moderate to heavy weight with the strict press, ascending throughout all sets. After every heavy set of 6 strict press, go right into a max effort set of push press before racking the bar. B. “Darla B” AMRAP 7 7 DB Deadlift 7 DB Hang Power Clean 7 DB Squat 7 DB Push Press Rx: 50/35# Int: 40/25# Beg: 30/15#

    With a partner… AMRAP 20 150 Double Unders 30 Sumo deadlift high-pull 30 Burpee lateral bar hop 30 Pull-up or 6 Rope Climb Rx: 75/55# Int: 65/45# Beg: 55/35# Only one athlete moves at a time, partitioning reps anyhow.  Score is total rounds and reps.

    Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. Back Squat 8-8-8-8 Start at a moderate load and ascend across all sets. Rest at least 2 minutes B. “Great Dane” For time: 100 KB Front rack reverse lunge steps *every time you stop (pausing before next rep over 3 seconds), drop kb’s and perform 3 Turkish get-ups (consecutively) per arm with one of your kb’s.

  A. Muscle Snatch 3×8-10 Maintain identical positioning to regular snatch until end of 2nd pull, where the knees will remain locked in extension as the bar is pulled up and overhead. B. Handstand hold 4×20 seconds of work, followed by 20 seconds of rest Attempt to get your hands as close to the wall as possible. C. 3 rounds for time of: 400m Run 12 Power snatch Int: 95/65#

    Perform 4 rounds of 40 seconds of work, followed by 20 seconds of rest, at each of the following stations: Min 1 – Ski (cals) Min 2 – Burpee box jumps (24/20”) Min 3 – Chin-ups (strict) Min 4 – Row (cals) Min 5 – Rest Score is total reps performed throughout. Magnitude Scoop CrossFit Magnitude will be closed Sunday, April 1st in observance of Easter Sunday.

  A. Clean Deadlift 5-5-5-5 Start at a moderate load and ascend across all sets. *Focus on solid back extension throughout. Perform a 5 second negative on the last rep of every work set. Rest at least 2 minutes B. AMRAP 7 6 Hang power clean 9 Front squat 12 Toes to bar Rx:135/95# Int: 115/80# Beg: 75/55#

  A. Strict Press 10-10-8-8-6 Start at a moderate load and ascend across all sets. Rest at least 2 minutes Record ALL sets in your journal! B. “Bouncing Betty” For time: Double Unders 100-75-50-25 DB Push Press 15-12-9-6  Rx: 50/35# Int: 40/30# Beg: 30/20# C. Elbow plank – accumulate 2 minutes

  With a partner… For time: 100/75 Cal Row 100/75 Hand release Push-up 100 DB Deadlift 50/35# 100 Toes to Bar 25 minute time cap Only one athlete may work at a time, switching as needed.

  Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed Open Workout 18.5 Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of: 3 thrusters 3 chest-to-bar pull-ups 6 thrusters 6 chest-to-bar pull-ups 9 thrusters 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups 12 thrusters 12 chest-to-bar pull-ups 15 thrusters 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups 18 thrusters 18 chest-to-bar pull-ups This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to

  Goat Day Odd – Goat #1 Even – Goat #2 Pick any two movements that are you are not technically proficient at, and work them in an alternating fashion using a rep/load scheme that allows you to make improvements to them.