A. 4 – 3 minute rounds, each for time, of: Row 500m HSPU – Max reps in time remaining Rest 3 minutes Int: HSPU off Box Beg: Wall walks B. 4 rounds of August monthly challenge: 5 Strict CTB Pull-ups 5 Ring Jump to support w/3 second hold 5 Ring Dip

  A. Clean – 7 minutes to a working weight, then: EMOM 5 3 Squat Clean Working weight should be around 70-80% of max Clean. B. For time, 600m Ski 50 Wall Balls 40 Kb Swing 30 Box Jump 10 min time cap Rx: 20/14, 53/36, 24/20 Int: 14/10, 44/26, 20/16 Beg: 12/8, 36/18, 16/12  

  A. Push Press w/3 sec pause at top 3-3-3-3-3 Start at a moderate weight and increase throughout. B. As many reps as possible in 6 minutes of: 10 Db One-arm Snatch (alternating) 30 Double-unders Rx: 50/35 Int: 40/25 Beg: 30/15

  In teams of 3… AMRAP 20 30 Toes to Bar 20 Cal Bike 10 Rope Climb Athletes may switch out whenever.  One athlete must be holding a 45/25# plate overhead at all times for any work to be counted.

  Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. Deadlift 3×4 @10-20# heavier than last weight used Rest at least 2 minutes between sets. No touch and go reps, or dropping from the top. B. “Fluster Cluck” 8 rounds for time of: 200m Run 8 Clusters (BB Squat-Clean Thruster) 16 minute time cap Rx: 95/65 Int: 80/55 Beg: 65/45 WOD Courtesy of Challenge of the Month

  A. 4 – 4 minute rounds of: Row/Bike 20/15 Cal 25 KB Swing 30 Double-unders Max Burpees to 6” target  in time remaining Rest 4 minutes Switch from Bike to Row every other round. Score is total burpees. Rx: 53/36 Int: 44/26 Beg: 36/18 B. Parallette L-sit single leg hold – 3 attempts for max time

  A. Spend 10 minutes warming up both the Snatch and Clean.   B. Bi-couplet #1 21-15-9 reps for time of: Snatches (any style) Chest-to-bar Pull-ups Rx: 85/55 Int: 70/40, Pull-ups Beg: 55/25, Jumping Pull-ups 6 minute time cap Rest 3 minutes, then: AMRAP 6 3 Power Clean 6 Box Jump-over Rx: 185/125, 30/24” Int: 135/95, 24/20” Beg: 95/65, 20/12” Score is total reps completed.

  “The Triple Wide” For time: Row 2,000m Run 1,600m Single-pole ski 1,200m *After each individual piece, perform 20 Toes to Bar & 30 Abmat sit-ups (arms crossed across chest) 30 minute time cap

  A. Split Jerk – 10 minutes to a heavy, but technically sound single. B. “Trident” For time, sets of 10-1 of: Db Bent-over Row Db Squat Db Push Press 15 minute time cap Rx: 50/35 Int: 40/25 Beg: 30/15

  With a partner… For time: Row 2,000m 50 Pull-ups 50 Box Jumps 50 KB Swings Ski 2000m 40 Pull-ups 40 Box Jumps 40 KB Swings 200 Double-unders 30 Pull-ups 30 Box Jump 30 KB Swing Rx: 24/20”, 53/36 Int: 20/16”, 44/26 Beg: 16/12”, 36/18

    Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. Deadlift 3×5 @10-20# heavier than last week Rest at least 2 minutes between sets. No touch and go reps, or dropping from the top. B. Bench Press – 40 reps at body weight in as few sets as possible. Note weight and attempts. If it took you over 5 sets last attempt to hit 40, keep

In honor or USMC Major Ray Mendoza and Major Doug Zembiec.  Both gave the ultimate sacrifice. “Semper Fidelis” For time: Run 400 meters 20 L-sit Pull-ups (strict) 50 Push-ups 20 Power Cleans Run 400 meters Rest exactly 60 seconds, then: Wallballs – One MAX unbroken set Score is time (not counting minute rest or wallballs) and number of wallballs. Rx: 135/95, 20/14 Int: 115/80, 14/10 Beg: 95/65, 12/8 WOD courtesy

  A. EMOM 3 3 Hi-hang Snatch (hip crease) EMOM 4 2 Hang Snatch (above knee) EMOM 5 1 Snatch Start at a moderate weight for the hi-hang snatch and continually increase throughout all 12 sets. Note Starting and finishing weights. B. For time: Ski 500m 30 Power Snatch 30 Toes to bar 9 minute time cap Rx: 115/80 Int: 95/65 Beg: 75/45

  A. “Kristin” For time: 100 Double-unders 21 HSPU 75 Double-unders 15 HSPU 50 Double-unders 9 HSPU 1 Mile Run Int: HS Push-ups off box Beg: Seated DB Press (heavy) + HS Hold (change reps to seconds) Workout courtesy of Kristin Holte – Challenge of the month winner! B. Parallette Tuck Hold – 3 attempts for a max time Knees must remain above hip crease.

  A. On a 2 minute clock… Squat Clean 5-5-5-5-5 Start heavy, end at a 5RM B. In 8 minutes, ascend the rep ladder 2-4-6-8-10-etc…of: Box Jump-over DB One-arm Power Snatch (both arms equals 1 rep) Rx: 24/20”, 50/35# Int: 20/16”, 40/25# Beg: 16/12”, 30/15#

  Event #1 Push-Pull For time: 100’ Sled Push 100’ Sled Pull Rx: 190/135, 260/180 Int: 145/100, 190/135 Beg: 100/70, 145/100 Event #2 Rolling Thunder Max One-arm deadlift – Last man/woman standing Event #3 In 60 seconds Max Stone over yoke Rx: 140/90 Int: 115/70 Beg: 90/40

  In teams of 3… 5 rounds for time of: 12/9 Bike for Cals 12 Push Press 12 KB Walking Lunge Steps (with kb’s hanging in hands by side) Rx: 95/65, 44/36 Int: 80/50, 36/26 Beg: 65/35, 26/18 Each teammate will start at a different movement.  At 321…go, athletes will complete each round rotating through the movements simultaneously (two athletes will never be working on the same movement)until finished with

  Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed A. Deadlift 3×6 @10-20# heavier than last time Rest at least 2 minutes between sets. No touch and go reps, or dropping from the top. B. Bench Press – 40 reps at body weight in as few sets as possible. Note weight and attempts. If it took you over 5 sets last attempt to hit 40, keep weight

  5 rounds for time of: 50 Double-unders 20/14 Cal Bike/Ski/Row 10 Toes to Bar 5 Bar Muscle-up Int: Chest to Bar Pull-ups Beg: Single-unders, Pull-ups – strict (Banded if necessary) 20 minute time cap

  A. Overhead Squat – 7 minutes to a heavy double B. Snatch Balance – 7 minutes to a heavy & fast single C. Snatch – 7 minutes to warm up to a heavy single, then: “Death by Snatches” Choose a weight that you feel comfortable with & challenged by and perform 1 rep the first minute, two the second minute, three the third, and so on…until you can no

  AMRAP 20 Run 200m 12-1 of: Burpee KB Swing Box Jump Rx: 70/53, 30/24” Int: 53/36, 24/20” Beg: 36/22, 16/12” Start with a 200m run, then a set of 12 burpees, kb swings, and box jumps.  Run another 200m, then perform a set of 11 of each movement.  Continue this pattern until time runs out.  If you perform all 12 rounds, start over with 12 reps.  Score is total

  A. 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Push Jerk – 8 minutes to a heavy, but sub-max complex. B. For time, sets of 15-12-9 of: Power Clean Front Squat Push Jerk Pull-up 7 minute time cap Rx: 135/95 Int: 115/80 Beg: 95/65, Deadlift, Push Press, ring row C. Hanging Tuck Hold from Rig – 2 attempts for total time Knees must remain above crease of hip.

  With a partner… 4 rounds – 2:00 minutes at each station – Perform max reps at each of the following stations, switching off whenever… Station 1 – Ski for cals Station 2 – DB Thrusters Stations 3 – Rope Climbs Station 4 – Rest Score is total reps. Rx: 40/25 Int: 35/20 Beg: 25/15

  Todays WOD is dedicated to Army combat veteran and Weymouth Police Officer Michael Chesna, who was killed earlier this week while on duty.  Sgt. Chesna leaves behind a loving wife and two children.   “Sierra 209” With a partner AMRAP 30 854 Meter Run (both partners) 7 Bench Press 209 Double Unders 6 Deadlift 209 Double Unders 15 Burpees (both partners) 2018 meter Row. Each athlete performs 7 bench press

  A. Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 Start at a moderate load and increase to a heavy, but submax triple. B. “Karen” For time: 150 Wallballs Rx: 20/14 Int: 14/10 Beg: 12/8