Upon popular demand, two 4:15 CrossFit classes have been added to the schedule on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting next week.  Also, a new Olympic lifting specialty class has been added on Thursday nights starting at 6:45.

Also, we will be putting the WLC to rest (for now) this upcoming Saturday.  We will kick things off at 10:45 with measurements, followed up by the Final WOD, and finally ending with the crowning of our top contestants.  If you are still in the challenge, you do not want miss out!

Enjoy the weekend!




April 6, 2013 WOD


Establish a 1rm turkish getup


Team WOD

In teams of two, for time:

10x50m shuttle run (25m increments) Overhead plate carry

100 kb swing

50 burpee

10x50m shuttle run (25m increments)

Notes: Each athlete must run each of the ten relays.  Partition reps evenly between athletes for kb swing and burpees.


Rx – 53/36

Lv2 – 44/25

Lv1 – 36/20