

Greetings Whole Life Challengers. Welcome to your first work week. And by work week I don’t mean your job. What I am referring to is the work you are going to have to take on during the next 8 weeks. You have a new job, didn’t you know. You just got hired by your body and you are about to embark on a two month training course that will change your life….or should I say “lifestyle”

You can think of me as your supervisor (minus the cellphone belt clip and M&M tie). I am here to help you get the most out of the next two months by spreading motivation and sharing some tips that I think will help you along the way.

So, this is the WHOLE Life Challenge after all. So I am going to be sharing a weekly post every Monday on how we can work on inching our way to greatness (or Wholeness)

Don’t try and tackle it all at once. Maybe pick one aspect to focus on a day and figure out how to make it flow into your schedule.






September 10, 2013 WOD


Bench Press (close grip):

a) In 12 minutes establish a 3rm

b) perform 3×3 @ 3rm


Run 400m then:

4 rounds for time:

24 push ups

12 toes to bar

then, 400m run